Why didn't Trump make his usual "handshake" with Obama? He kept his eyes down and wasn't "dominant"

Why didn't Trump make his usual "handshake" with Obama? He kept his eyes down and wasn't "dominant"


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maybe the picture is misleading



That's respect

I don't think Trump respect Obama one bit


That's you projecting man, you will never know what both were thinking

Also why does he look at him like that only when Obama is looking away?

Ahmed, you will be ethnically cleansed in a very near future.

Trump looks like Obama revealed some shit (likely secret pentagon proof of ayys) to him and he is not sure how to deal with it.

Hey Trump, my eyes are up here.

>no argument
>proceed to call me achmed
>heh that'll sure show him right! heh...

What's your point really? You're pathetic

>Also why does he look at him like that only when Obama is looking away?

It's a misunderstanding. Niggers and shitskins like to fight by running their mouths and playing the short game, Smart people like Trump play the long game, he won, Obama lost. Most normal people find staring at shitskins uncomfortable. It's like looking at a pile of shit for too long, fills you with disgust, ya know?

He learned on the gorilla channel that if you’re not careful around the apes they will try to hurt you. Trump, wise with his knowledge was trying to not make and sudden movements.

8D chess

never look a nigger in the eye; they’re apes and it triggers violence.

It looked like Trump was scared shitless, Obama told him too many red pills.

If you look carefully, Trump was portraying classic silverback move. Disinterest and generally oblivious to signal "you are no threat to me".

So you're saying Trump was afraid? Or a Pussy?
If i remember correctly he looked Ben Carson in the eyes and plenty other niggers

He'd just been told privately by Obama that presidents have no actual power, your simply given a script to read and if you try to expose that fact you will be assssinated

Japan and Trump were going at it on that one handshake imo. I bet Trump respected him after that.

Yeah that's surely what the pic shows right?Also how do you interpret the other handshakes? Why didn't Trump pat Obama hand to show who's the bitch now

I would've done this

Was it the same the other way around?

He does that to other bosses, Obama wasn't a boss anymore.

Probably not accustomed to it, because I would assume Trump is conditioned by his showmanship and mental tricks

C'est ton argument d'attardé? Parce qu'il suffit de regarder la video pour avoir un contre exemple parmi des centaines voir des milliers

Look at how Trump shakes Israeli PM Netanyahu hand compared to other leaders. Thats how you know who is really in charge.

Ah, j'ai pas regardé la vidéo.

That gest against Obama would have been seen as a provocation, he doesn't wanted that.

You never met a guy who insisted on showing how superior/stonger he is by shaking your hand very strongly?

If yes did you respect theses guys?


Pourquoi il voudrait pas provoquer Obama alors qu'il le fait constamment (par message mais jamais en face comme une petite pute)

Putain mais ou t'es con ou tu le fait exprès c'est pas possible

He wanted to win, but not to be president.

Sometimes I haven't necessarily been pulled by the handshaker, but sometimes they have gripped my hand really tightly. I did respect them.

Nice you respect them.

Now was it because of the handshake or because of who they were to you?

Would you respect them more or less if it was a "normal" handshake
(By normal i mean the type of handshake you usually do)


was meant for

the real question is why did he shake his hand in the first place and the secondary question is did he wash that hand after?

Probably not, I new them, but I think psychologically when someone does that I link it to them being well on top of things. I think this is a normal, cultural thing to assume.

So more or less

So probably more, I have not read any books on body language and the like. Don't really know the general etiquette in international politics though.

Do you think it's Trump is doing appropriate handshakes or do you like it for the fun of it

Because i like seeing this, but it's a bit cringy and not very diplomatic

Most people see this as insecure even if your country shouldn't really give a fuck what anyone think

I see it as a general trend in the United States turning towards mercantilism away from international cooperation. From my perspective it looks silly. But the zeitgeist is in motion and the world is nationalizing. So a bit of despotism-esque style in those movements.

Thanks for your answer and not calling me a shill/leftist like i know other would

I don't know really know what mercantilism/zeitgeist means so i'll take a look and go to bed less dumb

yea, no problem. Take care Pierre

Pretty sure they it wouldve kicked off if he did that. The tension must have been immense

Wh*Te men know their place around BLACK presidents.

That's dementia though

because he now respects the role as president
and realized how difficult it is and how the world
actually works
watch for this transition

"In like a lion out like a lamb"

dude finna be bob ross after this shits over

This is when Trump took office and Obama threatened that the CIA would murder him if he stepped out of line or slipped up. Understandable to be out of character imo tbqh

Found the gay antifa member.

Same thing he did when he called horse face bitch beautiful during the debates.

Obongo nigger was still in charge of government...had to play it cool until the nigger relinquished control.

Trump was smart......Now Trump is Prez and he has control to DRAIN THE SWAMP!

TRUMP IS PREZ!!!!!!!!!!

Obama would crush him for that