Voter ID laws

So looks like Trump wants to ask for an ID when voting?!?

Is he a racist or something? This means many Americans can't vote! The statue of liberty is on its knees, crying right now. Democracy is in danger.

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Lol, Americans.

>Two non Americans
Even this jewish guy knows better than you idiots.

It is every law abiding citizens duty to carry id at all times.
>less of a duty but more of common fucking sense

ID laws are common sense. How it's not a state measure, I don't know.

This is something we should've had in place for decades now. It's really not a co troversial statement to say that in order to vote, you need to prove who you claim to be. Literally every other country does this, so why is it racist when we want to do it too?
Go to the DMV once every 6 years and get a $20 ID card. If you can't do that, you simply don't deserve to vote

>boo hoo muh illegals, felons, and niggers can't vote multiple times now

We’re the only country where a major political faction requires illegal voters to win elections .

I literally can't comprehend how this absurd situation could manifest in the USA in the first place.

It really is the most basic of common sense to identify yourself as an eligible voter in order to cast your vote.

I can't even wrap my mind around this.

>Go to the DMV once every 6 years and get a $20 ID card. If you can't do that, you simply don't deserve to vote
You could probably also just go directly to the county court clerks and ask for paperwork to prove who you are in their systems if you're to poor to buy an actual ID. I know they have done this for people on many occasions (worked at DMV in early years).

Democrats have argued on the position of it being racist because some black people wouldn't know how to get an ID or not be able to get one which is total bullshit and racist in and of itself. What's even worse is the majority of blacks vote for these people.

>can’t be bothered to figure out how to get a voter ID
>be learned scholars of politics

We haven't got a national ID card and it's not compulsory to possess any sort of identification.
Consequently very lazy voters (read young people and blacks) often don't have proper identification. Or they forget to bring it to the polls and then don't feel like going to get it and waiting in line again because they'd rather go home and smoke a blunt instead. Ergo Democrats get hurt by such laws.

But you're right. It makes absolutely no sense to not require verified identification to vote.

same, this is the biggest american conundrum to us sane white europeans, even banana republics require voter ID...

A license was maybe $20 when you worked at the DMV but in a lot of states they’re about $100-150. Try again.

>I literally can't comprehend how this absurd situation could manifest in the USA in the first place.
Lots of political power in flooding the country will illegal immigrants who will unconditionally vote for you. Shame on the American public for allowing the situation though.

I see we're all ignoring a lot of context.

There is a negligible amount of fraud in the US, and given that voter ID's do in fact make voting harder, but aren't really going to solve any problems that actually exist, it stands to reason that there is an ulterior motive. Considering the Republican tendency to close voting locations that just so happen to usually be in minority and poor areas, it's not a jump of logic to think that this is the same motive behind voter ID's.

Now we wait for the demographic of pizza parlor child sex rings and fake birth certificates to try and lecture me about "conspiracy theories"

Wrong, if you do it online before it expires, it's completely free. I fucked up and let mine expire about a week ago, and it cost me $20 and less than an hour because I showed up before the DMV opened. If you can't do that, you're a fucking retard and shouldn't be voting anyway.

Who are voter id laws stopping?

lol no nigger it's $10-15 for an ID, everywhere

Driver's licenses cost more than a simple ID and are often taxed to pay a portion of road maintenance like vehicle registrations

They can almost automate voting with facial recognition and facebook idiots. Plenty of pics for Ai to learn, plenty of political bantz.

The racism argument is destroyed so easily because third world shitholes full of nothing but brown people have voter ID laws.
>Mexico has voter ID law
>India has voter ID law

Not to mention pretty much every European country has voter ID law, and Democrats want us to be just like Europe.

>Try again.
You can literally go and get paperwork at the courts for FREE, no need to try again. I shouldn't have even needed to type this fucking post out for you user. Did you even read the end of my post? County Clerks literally help people with this shit all of the time ( I know them).

People who can't vote.

I think you are looking at it in a simple way.

It's not so much the illegal voters as it is having a super unregulated voting system so various cities, counties, and states, and sadly the country as a whole can be manipulated with money and fake voting records.

Could you imagine if they required you to be a tax payer to vote and be at least 21?

The whole country would turn red, hard red.

Why do you believe that blacks and mestizos do not carry IDs?

Because he assumes they are broke, poor and stupid user. He is a closet racist.

Holy shit, you guys still fall for that "illegal voters bit" eh?

Curious what happened with that voter fraud commission in your version of reality

Can you believe it that DRUMF wants black people to need to get a license with ID to drive!? THAT MEANS SO MANY BLACKS WON'T BE ABLE TO DRIVE!



Most states that require one had a provision where it gave you the first for free.

You mean the one that fell apart because blue states refused to comply ?

every democratic country requires ID to vote including Canada, it's just common sense, anyone can easily get an ID, this is a no-brainer

Many Democrat-Americans are court averse.

Well faggot nigger, give us voter ID and you can be proven right won’t you? No you won’t. Because there is only ONE reason to oppose voter ID= because you rely on fraud. Period.

Nonstop Democrat obstruction. Trump was right to shut down the farce.

>poor and minorities
meaning illegals
is anyone falling for this? I refuse to believe it

If your nigger fucking ass is too poor or lazy to get an ID, you DO NOT DESERVE TO VOTE FOR ANYTHING.

Those so fucking stupid they don't know how to get a govt ID shouldn't be voting, they're too fucking moronic.

Even seasoned investigators and police called the birth certificate fake user, grow up. Go research the groups who investigated it, then come back and prove to us that you're more qualified then they are on the subject.


Because it is observable that minorities have a higher rate or poverty and less access to resources and transportation, meaning that what is normally an inconvenience for your random middle-class dude is going to be potentially affordable for them at some point int he process.

Also, it's really god damn cute how the next guy down tries to make it out like I'm racist for noticing reality. It could not be more clear that you don't actually understand the topics being discussed, and are just repeating words you heard based on the reactions they got without understanding why they got those reactions.

The constitution explicitly banned niggers from voting when originally written. That should have never been changed. The statue of liberty is a gift from France, not a guiding doctrine for the country.
Furthermore, I'd argue that the French didn't inscribe what they did on the statue with niggers in mind.

Not all american citizens have an ID cards ?

Honest question for dishonest mentally ill liberals:

Why do you oppose voter ID?
And exactly HOW would it prevent anyone from voting?
And who the FUCK lives in 2018 and is functional enough to want to vote and doesn’t have ID already? Because you literally need it to exist.

You can’t answer these. Because there is no answer that makes any sense whatsoever.

>Because it is observable that minorities have a higher rate or poverty and less access to resources and transportation,

Youd on't think they're smart enough to take a bus to the DMV once every 3 or 4 years?

Oh man you mean government programs odn't work when they're sabotaged? But I thought social programs couldn't work by default and it was literal communism to notice the GOP hamstringing them. It's almost liek you guys just train canned answers without actually thinking too hard about the concepts at play or something

>I can't afford a gun and I know nothing about thw purchasing process and therefore I can't practice my 2nd amendment right.

WAAAAAAH help me I'm being oppressed!!!!!

>like I'm racist for noticing reality.
What reality? Did you watch the video I posted above of people in he hood being asked about ID's, they laughed and called people like you racist. That's literally their opinion of people who share your beliefs on the matter.

Most liberals are extremely racist and think that non whites are retarded and need to be pampered.

There is no reason to talk to that biggot any further user.

Social programs are by in large a waste of money, the people who depend on them for more than 6 months out of their life aren't worth preserving

No and they don't have to show proof of identity when voting.

Realistically will Trump be able to push these voter ID laws through?

You guys won't listen to multiple experts in their fields and agencies telling you there's no credible voter fraud, I don't see why you'd listen to reality. Most likely you faggots would just yell twice as loud about "bussed in voters," or find some way to claim literally every democratic voter ID is fake. You don't get to get all uppity about "proving shit" when you're actively trained to resist evidence that hurts your fee-fees

don't worry, you'll get this shit in your countries in a few years

They've got 11 months to basically pass anything they want, though voter id laws won't go into affect until the 2020 election cycle they could totally do it.

Democrats will probably retie the house in 2018, but don't have a chance of getting the senate.

Deems wouldn't be able to repeal a fucking thing until the 2020s, and once the voter ID laws are there, and fit with the established SCOTUS ruling and thus fail the SCOTUS challenge, they'll never be able to get rid of them.

Expect a magic swing in voter turn out and demographics in 2020.

This will be the best thing ever, and genuinely move the US towards moderation instead of crazy extremes.

Oh wow a Youtube video as evidence. By far the most stringent and trust-able source, I've never seen a fake video on there before

Is Estonia 'rich'? Because it requires an ID for voting

They may not have the means. Which is what I meant by "access to resources" lol. If you faggots are going to try and act like everybody else is stupid, you should probably at least make sure your word games aren't obvious

So like I said you can’t answer it. Thanks for being a fucking retard. Nigger I have personally seen voter fraud with my own fucking EYES. I don’t need some left wing liberal democrat “experts” to fucking tell me what I know to be 100% factual. It’s a lie. There are 30 million illegal aliens in this country at least. And you’re a fucking IDIOT of the highest order of you don’t think millions voted.

So, you're calling those black people liars too? user, your true colors are showing. Are you sure you know which side you're on?

Back when this was a MSM issue, one of my lefty friends was loosing his fucking mind about this. I just asked him, "Do you want someone who doesn't have the capability to attain public documentation for at most 20$, to have a say in the way you conduct your life?"

He gave some resistance, but it was an easy W.

>HUR DUR I'm gonna dismiss your source because I can't dismiss the actual evidence..

Lol. Watching you guys try to shame me with snag word sis cute given your purported views on "political correctness."

Tell you what, when you have an argument that extends beyond just desperately trying to tag me with a word, I'm all ears. Until then, I've got pot and pizza way the fuck more important then you to get to

>Also, it's really god damn cute how the next guy down tries to make it out like I'm racist for noticing reality

So you are saying that the reality is that they are broke, poor and stupid?

I want everyone to take note of this man.
Niggers and spics vote for these people, they fight to the death in the streets opposing these peoples' enemies, they seriously consider these people allies,

If you are black and are reading this I want you to seriously consider your race's position right now, the next time a redneck in a MAGA hat calls you a dumb nigger, it might not be because he thinks you are inferior, its probably because of exactly this bullshit right here, and that redneck would be 100% justified.

>these same people would jump for fucking joy for retarded rednecks not voting because theyre uneducated

Fuck liberals

>they may not have the means
Of course they do, a bus costs $1-3 in most cities and an ID costs $20

You don't think that minorities posses $23 in disposable income over the course of 3-4 years per ID? How out of touch are you?

We have 80k non-citizens voting for local elections.

Just show up and show your gray passport and you're good to go. Liberal democracy!

Voter ID laws are the only way we can keep Russia and other foreign powers from interfering in our elections. We must demand them in every city, county and state in our great nation

That sound like third-world tiers ...


> Realistically will Trump be able to push these voter ID laws through?
Doubt it.

Someday we'll have a prescribed national ID card like most other countries and then they'll be able to require voter ID laws. The ACLU and leftists hate a national ID card (and some on the right don't like them either) but once you have a mandatory one then you can have sane voter ID laws without the kind of excuses that has been making in the thread.

We, did and you showed yourself to be a unintelligent racist. That's fine with me, I'm all for your freedoms. You beating around the bush is funny though, keep it up.

Because democrats are racist and can't come to terms with their racism, so they hide it under patronizing false empathy.

I think it's hilarious because they're too scared to admit their own thoughts to themselves.

Hey frenchy watch this.

How about we Create a national ID program that provides any citizen a national ID free of charge?

Every American would be required to provide said ID for voting and other essential services?


I wonder how minorities, poor and elderly can live without an ID. Is this the reason why niggers rob liquor stores?

>refuses ot listen to facts that hurt his agenda
>pretends people giving up on bringing facts to him means the facts are wrong.

It must be really easy being so fucking stupid, you never have to actually deal with being wrong.

Keep blaming brown people for everything you don't like snowflake. It's not going to make the your party's crash any lighter once the consequences of Turmp's presidency kick in too hard to blame on any liberals

This message brought to you by the party of "everything I don't like is Jewish propaganda"

>This means many Americans can't vote!
But what about Russian Meddling? How do we stop the russians unless we verify our voters to make sure they are not plants?

To stop Russia, we need Voter ID


The French didn't inscribe the statue at all.

It was added later, taken from a Jewess poet.

Black people think you're racist af..

Voter ID laws need to be in place for the mid-terms. Stop them bussing negros.

This has been making the rounds for a while. It's fucking brilliant.

> How about we Create a national ID program that provides any citizen a national ID free of charge?
That's what we'll have to do. And make it mandatory to obtain one. If they do that they'll remove the main objection against voter ID laws which is that a lot of people don't have IDs.

Oh look, it's another edition of "acknowledging problems is the cause of those problems."

By your logic calling the fire department makes one an arsonist, you fucking retard

Fucking this.

>Of course they do, a bus costs $1-3 in most cities and an ID costs $20
Most states offer FREE ID based on economic need. Basically if you are getting state assistance, you get free or reduced cost ID. Short of physically placing a brand new ID card directly into the hands of "the poor" it does not get any more simple.

>"Voter ID laws are racist!"
>Blacks are too dumb to know where the DMV is!
>Blacks are too poor to buy a bus pass!

>By the way, Republicans are the racist ones!

Educate yourself

Yes. Yes it is.

The fact that people who call themselves "progressives" still defend this broken system is beyond me.

So, I never got this at all, when I vote I need to show my I.D and they look through the registry for me. Is this a cuckifornia issue due to the illegal there?

t. Pa fag

The voter ID stuff is a long-standing Jewish deflection tactic. Don't notice that when you amnesty or let in shitskins by the millions, they eventually outvote you even if you attain 100% voter ID security, goy.

Nigger child I have more intelligence and knowledge in the head of my cock than you will ever dream of having. You still can’t answer the question: if there’s no fraud, why not give us the peace of mind of having voter iD? You CAN NOT ANSWER THE QUESTION. Because the only reason you oppose it is because you require fraud to win. Period. Now go fuck your mom before I get to her first.

>Show your passport
That's an ID, retard.

it's not a metaphor if you literally believe that minorities are incapable of acquiring $20 and spending an hour at the DMV to pick up a piece of plastic

I want you to think of every minority friend you know, how many of them do not possess as ID to your knowledge?

This is a powerful meme, senpai.

I think he means foreign-issued passport

That's literally what YOU are saying here xD
Keep BTFO'ing yourself.. This is fun.

SCOTUS already pointed out, that if the IDs are free, its no gore of a burden than just going to a polling place to vote.

Saying its unconstitutionally difficult to get a free ID is akin to saying leaving the house and waiting in line is unconstitutionally difficult, and demanding the poor be chauffeured to vote.

The United States of America doens't ask for an ID to vote.
Did you hear that? Let me rephrase it for you
The United States of motherfucking America doesn't require their citizens to show any proof of citizenship to vote for their fucking presidential candidates.
How is this not mandatory?
Really makes you wonder why democrats are ok with this

Yeah it's just that Democratic voters are so incredibly lazy that if they must do ANYTHING other than just show up at the poll and vote they're in dire risk of not voting.

Create a national ID card, require it by law for every American of voting age to possess one. Require it to be show and verified not just before voting but before be hired onto any job and receive any government assistance and everyone in the country will have it pretty quickly. Then you can require people to show it before voting and the lazy Democrats can't whine anymore.