We need to settle this, who do you pick Sup Forums?

I would sell my soul to be Akeno's servant

I love Asia.


Akeno doesn't have a peerage

Wait, wasn't this the pepsi vs cola duel?

We have to start somewhere

Best mom

Why the fuck is this trash fanservice animu so popular

Because it's fucking awesome


Because it is a Light Novel?

Can you tell me why? I only saw one episode and stopped watching it because of the retarded fanservice

The first episode?


Kumagawa and Issei would probably get along very well

I tried watching it for the retarded fanservice but the retarded story and the even more retarded protagonist were simply too much for weak me.


I don't know, I just can't like Rias.

Back in 2008 DxD was the unique among the dense harem mc series
Today DxD becomes more and more generic shounen with harem as sub-plot. I only wish someone blew up the sun so I can stop reading the novel and just check out the spoiler instead.

Koneko of course

Well you know how it is, it got big, really big, so it needed to keep going because it was so fucking profitable
Author said he didn't want to do more than 30 novels, which means he really wanted to stop already but keeps going because it's what they tell him to do
That said volume 20-21-22 were pretty awesome

who else

Season 4 when?

Yup, both vol 10-11-12 and 20-21-22 are the best in the entire series. Hope that Ishibumi will finish the series with the 30-31-32 combo.

I wanna fugg the purple one

He said he wasn't gonna go over 30
And I don't want to go through a bunch of bad volumes again

I'll take Xenovia then

I pick a series that isn't trash.


Man why always arguing when I almost fap to all girls in this series... I really love all waifu in this series especially akeno..rias and kuroka



Best girl just does it for her, and her friends and had a hard life, until thy dragon dingus subsumed the urge to breed a best mom in the harem of Harem King.

My cute bird Ravel of course

Harem is a perfectly legitimate answer

Himejima every time.






top taste

Isn't it funny that we find rias and xeno attractive but in real life their hair is a massive red flag? Kinda ironic desu

Wise choice.

Man of culture.

Fuck off


Those are natural hair colors though




What is this meme? Is it canon?

Of course not
Ask the last guy who tried to take Rias for himself what happens when you mess with a dragon's treasure

She's gonna become like her sister later on

Vol 13-19 and BorN really did a number on the series, didn't it?

Because it takes itself way less seriously and eventually turns into a DBZ-esque battle shonen


It's DBZ but with fanservice deus ex machinas instead of hereditary bullshit.

Yep, all the momentum of the series popularity was halted, volumes 5-7 were the takeoff of the series into the greater stuff, but now a lot of new fans just reach S3 to end up dropping it(at least juggernaut drive was half decent), it did no help that Ishi had to do all that damage control of Born

Even S4 will not fix that, vol 9-10 are great volumes, but will lack various things without the previous volumesĀ“ proper build up

Over 6 months with no news on the new season is a bit concerning as well, with no expected date for news in sight.

It's deus ex oppai
Season 4 will fix everything though

Season 4 and maybe a 5th is just to give closure to the fans. They can't bring in any new readers at this point, and the genre is dying. DxD and DAL, the biggest battle harems that aren't isekai, are not selling that well anymore. ExE will actually be an isekai sequel in the Chichigami world.

Is there another harem series where the protagonist does what he does because boobs?


Battle harems might be dumb, but how did the clusterfuck of "A self-insert is hit by Japanese truck and ends up in RPG world" become so popular

You can thank SAO. That hack Kawahara ruined the medium.

>Issei gets a power-up thanks to his body being made by the 2 dragon gods which he had to die for
>gets a butchered shit version even though it's supposed to be his power-up because his body "can't handle it"
>Vali gets the same thing with no drawbacks or any work so he can continue being the perfect gary stu
>Issei VS Dulio match
>he loses by a time out because heaven used cheap tricks even though they had the upperhand in every way possible
Ishibumi just knows how to kill all my hype and leave me unsatisfied and angry.

Issei losing to Dulio is a good thing. Although him maintaining the status quo with Vali being stronger than him is really stupid.

I'm pretty sure that was gonna be Issei's final powerup to beat Vali in their final battle
Then Ishibumi started drawing it out and had to give Vali that powerup too or it'd be unbalanced

DxD getting extended twice was a mistake

It did give us some great moments though