Am I alt right but don't know it?

I was just on a discord server called "Fuck the Alt Right" trying to politely discuss if they thought my views were "alt right". The topic of radical Islamic terrorism was brought up and I was saying that not all Muslims are terrorists but too many of them are and that it is discriminatory to ban them from immigrating however when people are losing lives "tough" decisions have to be made. One guy asked me "how many terrorists are there?" I quoted a CNN (Yeah I know) article that said there were atleast 7,000 Isis fighters. He then went on to say some bs about there being more deaths from "Christian terrorists". I asked for some statistics but he wouldn't give me any. Anyway, I got kicked from the server for "circle jerking and bigotry" when I was just trying to learn more about other people's perspectives.

Anyway, now I'm pretty sure that I appear to be alt right to the alt left and libtards, but IDK if I truly am an alt righter. I'm going to list some of my beliefs that are shared by the alt right and you be the judge:

>Affirmative action is racist towards whites
>There are genetic differences in races, including athletic ability and IQ.
>Being a Neo Nazi and hating people you don't like is retarded.
>I try to love every person like Jesus says.
>Most Jews are good people, but 1% of them are satanic pedophiles that secretly run the world.
>Build that wall already Trump!
>It isn't the Asian's or White man's fault Africa never developed on their own despite that continent having so many natural resources.
>Hitler sucks, but Stalin was probably slightly worse.

I think that I assume that you have to be hateful in order to be alt right. Am I wrong? Am I alt right?


what is your stance on asian waifus?


>I was just on a discord server
you're alt lite bud, tldr

If you aren't a white nationalist, and you aren't knowledgeable about the International Jew, than you aren't alt right. Most people will reject this label even if they hold such values.

>hating people you don't like is retarded.

Sounds pretty reasonably actually

I thought I might have been alt light. I'm still going to reject being slightly attached to the ideology in person.

No. 1:alt-right is a tremendous made up to group a large number of ideologies together with the intent to portray them as "evil"
No. 2: about half of what you're listing falls under what might be considered civic-nationalism. While typically frowned upon here, you are a member of a growing sect of the American public.
No. 3: You also are about halfway to where the majority of Sup Forums is in terms of race and culture. If you aren't afraid to question what you've been taught, stick around, you might just learn something.

This however is unforgivable. You will NEVER take my waifu from me.

You are altright if you watch anime and believe that Hitler did nothing wrong.

Term not tremendous*

I don't think the white race is superior, nor am I a white nationalist, but I think white's should breed more to prevent themselves from going extinct.

I know about the Rothschilds trying to set up banks world wide and how Jews are disproportionately represented in power. IDK if this is a part of the "international Jew".

sounds to me that you are a right-leaning centrist.

how do you feel about the police and the courts?

Read about civic nationalism on wikipedia. It sounds alot like me.

I'm about where you are. maybe a red cunt hair to the left.

I feel that America at least is turning into a police state which I don't like but I think most of these protests over cops arresting more black is dumb since they are the ones committing more crimes.

On the courts, I think the judicial system needs an overhaul. The death penalty should be brought back and frivolous suing cases need to end.

I wasn't describing my position. I was defining OP's terms for him. I consider myself an ethnonationalist with a preference for an authoritarian government implementing psudo-laissez faire economics. You have a ways to go.

In my opinion not you sound sane. (To me)
But if I would tell my beliefs in public, which are quite similar to yours people would call me racist/Nazi but under German standards everyone is a Nazi in some way...

Something you burgers should be aware of, is that your judges are extremely politicized.
There are a lot rep or dem. leaning judges around which shouldn't happen. This shit kills every fair trial and should be abolished

>Anything not liberal as fuck
Tell those faggots to fuck off

>I was just on a discord server called "Fuck the Alt Right"
>Fuck the Alt Right
As much as I agree with that, I think it's better to be against both The Alt Right & The Alt Left.

I think political bias in any court should be gotten rid of, but I just don't know how it would be done.

You will be praising hitler before you know it, don't forget you are here forever.
Also before you ever post again, research the Star of David and saturn. Your welcome.

No such thing. ALT-RIGHT was made up by the handlers of a fat satanic witch in diapers.


I'm pretty much in the same boat, I don't want other races to suffer or be subjugated, I just want my own to survive.

you're alt lite the_donald tier