The solution to the Gender Pay Gap?

Redpill me on this Sup Forums -

There's still a huge gender pay-gap, and out of 527 firms who have just published data in the UK (all firms employing over 250 people have until April to publish their figures) the biggest gap is Phase Eight, a fashion retailer who specialise in women's dresses, especially wedding dresses.

Out of their 44 male employees, 39 work in their head office, hence the huge gender pay gap as head office jobs pay much more. I'm unable to find out how many people their employ overall, but with 106 stores and 207 concessions (smaller "stores within stores" in larger department stores like John Lewis) they must employ a good few thousand people.

So here's what I can see as the only solution -

Fire 19 (or 20) of the men in head office, replace them with women.

Let's say they then have 2000 women working in their stores, fire 1000 of them and replace them with men.

That is literally the only option right? The only other one I can see is to pay the women working in their stores as much as the men in head office. This will obviously make the company go bust in a few months, meaning everyone loses their job, but this also solves the problem.

Can anyone see any alternative? Would feminists agree that this is a good way forward?

Other urls found in this thread:

The solution is for Females to work as hard and as many hours as Males.

Get married and it's no longer a problem career women

old news, low-hanging fruit
talk about this with your normie friends



>be female engineer
>complain you only get paid 77% of what male engineers get paid

wtf is an interaction engineer?

If you are too retarded to understand that the main cause for this is that these statistics are just the average over many professions and the resulting implications of this, then you are too stupid to post here any further.

Marry a CEO.

There, you have his income.

100% communications degree

Tell women to stop majoring in stupid shit like sociology. Problem solved.


Is it like when garbagemen call themselves sanitation engineers?

Well, one way is to start holding women accountable for their actions and forcing them to deal with the consequences.

Then they'd HAVE to perform at the same level as men and therefore would earn more pay.

I mean, it's worked for men all this time...


Maybe then birthrates won't be plummeting from "female initiative" and governments wont try to bandaid the problem for a couple years by importing shitskins.


Genetically enhance females.

Take all your women and sterilize them + make it illegal for them to work less than a 40 hour week. Just like that they will start making more money. Of course, your civilization will die in a single generation, but at least women will finally be equal to men.

>AnCap (((supposedly))
>Gender Pay gap exists.

You... You're not a real person, are you? If so, how much is Shariablue paying you?

fpbp. But it will never happen. Women may work as many hours a men, but they are incapable of working as hard.

Done, can we move on now?


Sure, soon as women stop bitchi--

Please remove your flag.
Women and men make different life choices which results in aggregate discrepancies in male vs female average take-home pay. This isn't malicious or malignant, it's a byproduct of a completely innocuous observation that men and women tend to like different things and make different life decisions.

Women already work as hard if not harder than men, however society still subscribes to misogynistic attitudes such as women somehow not belonging in the workplace hence them being paid less.

By, "Society," do you also mean all those laws making your claim about treating women differently in the workplace illegal?

work harder, cunt

Are you being ironic?

The simplest way to solve the wage gap issue perceived by society is to eliminate the less productive gender from existence.

Fix the welfare and productivity gap then we will talk about the pay gap.

>hey guys we're getting a new engineer on the team to help with this crazy workload
hear this all the time in high tech companies


I'm on your side - I agree that it's a load of fuss about nothing. You've missed the entire satirical point of my post.

If you'd actually READ the fucking post, you'd realise I'm saying that this is a "problem" or at least that the stats are correct, but the only real way to solve it is to fire hundreds of thousands of women from low-paying jobs and replace them with men. How would feminists react then eh?

I understand the issue, I understand that women are paid less than men due to having kids (something which I'm sure we all agree is a choice, not an inevitability), I understand that feminists like to ignore the fact the gender pay gap has halved in a generation. That's exactly my point you fucking idiots.

No fucking wonder feminazi shit like this is becoming mainstream if you autistic fucking morons like you guys are the "voice of logic and reason". Jesus.

>>Women already work as hard if not harder than men,

no, the oporsite is true.

>Most of the posts he responded to were also satirical.
Have a (You) you magnificent motherfucker. You have to be a Canadian.

If women are getting paid less than men for the same work in the same job then why hasn't someone made a company of only women so they can pay them a fuckton less and rake in massive profits that destroy the competition?

Nothing in your post suggests irony. People unironically hold views as absolutely moronic as you posted.
You're the retard here senpai.

So you both agree that the only solution to this is to fire possibly millions of women in low paying jobs and replace them with men (which was the point of my post)?

As another little pro-feminist argument, would people also agree that if there was a war women should be sent to the front-line first in order to redress the balance for the past several thousand years?

If the company is discriminating against skilled women in favour of men at the home office. And skilled men in favour of women at the retail outlets then there is a problem.
But if there simply aren't as many skilled women as skilled men applying for the head office jobs and vice versa for the retail store positions then there is nothing to fix on the companies end.

>dem loaded questions

>So you both agree that the only solution to this is
No. There are an infinite number of "solutions". It's just that all of them are retarded, because they're "solutions" to a complete non-problem that all invariably make things worse for everyone.

t. ironic feminist position on pol.

And OP spergs out because he is too autistic to realize that people were telling jokes about the wage gap.

Good job fucking up your own thread. I'm out.

There is no pay gap. A pay gap would exist if the woman would receive less money for doing the same job. The men hold the higher position thus they deserve the better pay. No wonder women believe in a pay gap if they come up with retarded examples like these.

And bingo. We have the answer.

ITT - People having a joke, breaking each others balls a bit, and accusing each other of not realising that they were joking.

Given none of us are actual feminists, I think we're all OK here.

But this is literally what they're arguing. That is the "pay gap".

They're saying that it is unfair that men overall get paid more than women, even though women generally work in lower-paid jobs.

Let's just ignore the argument that this is through choice, lets just say women are "forced" by a patriarchal society to work in lower paid jobs.

The answer is literally to deny women the right to work in lower paid jobs, and replace them with men. That is what they're arguing for, and I don't think they realise it.

I mean, I admit part of me was hoping that someone would say "no, what they're actually saying is this" but I forgot I was on Sup Forums.

There is no such thing as a gender pay gap. Those """statistics""" compare women as a WHOLE to men. Any employer that is paying women in the same position as men less will get sued to the poor house.

Notice that they acknoledge that there are two genders when talking about the pay gap, but the real question is...
What is the pay gap between the 72 genders?

Women already make more in our generation. It's not going to change. Wait until the boomers retire and be shocked at how far it has swung.

That's their problem, they can't into logic. They only see things in black and white and are driven by status. In reality they want MORE and not equal status to men. It's their nature, always trading up... Women in the work force were a mistake.

The paygap doesnt exist. If it did corporations would take advantage by hiring as many women as possible for everything.

Women can be soy boys too...
>pic related

She draws wireframes of web pages. No coding involved.