How can I too become a very stable genius, Sup Forums?

How can I too become a very stable genius, Sup Forums?

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Start by not being a faggot, faggot.

become president

Have you seen Trump's penthouse decoration style and his taste in women? I'm thinking being a faggot is one of the requirements.

This faggot sucks cock. Listen to this faggot.

Sounds like he's a faggot.

>very stable genius
Gib tips please.

Start by watching golden shower videos

12 cans of diet coke a day keeps the dumb away

Cut off your cock.

Spend millions in tax dollars on golfing.

>spending millions on golf
is that even possible?

Housing the staff and a giant security detail in Trump places costs a lot of money which Trump gets paid.

I like how this is what Trump insults have come down to

They can no longer claim that he will destroy the economy, that he will instantly start a nuclear war, that his followers are all sickminded racists, that he is completely incompetent, that he was only trying to con all of America, or that he is somehow in the pockets of Russia

All that's left to insult Trump are:
>he's dumber than me!
>he's crazy, no one likes him!
>he golfs too much!

It's getting more and more obvious by the day that all the labels people put on Trump are failed attempts to try to dissuade him, and they are still hopelessly trying to find a label that can stick but to no avail

God Bless Donald J Trump

>They can no longer claim that he will destroy the economy
Wait till he starts a war on a whim. Impossible to even tell which would bring a quicker collapse of the economy, Iran or North Korea.

The complete banking sector deregulation and deregulations of everything are also ticking time bombs.

Goe read my comics on fandom

Kek deceived us all. In his defense, the only other choice besides was Hillary, so I don't hold it against him too much. We are royally fucked no matter how you look at it. My only hope these days is that he and Kim push the reset buttons. Blackhole sun.. won't you come.. and take them all away?


First, you need a small loan of a million dollars.

let illegal invaders push you around

It's pretty funny how Trump's tweet about being a very stable genius proves that he is, in fact, a very stable genius, is hilarious. Especially in light of the Fire and Fury book, which is the worst book ever written.

Make you wonder... is Trump autistic? I think he is definitely on the bright side of the spectrum rainbow.

Many millionS throughout his life and invaluable business knowhow and help.
For example daddy went to his casinos to lose millions to help.

Oh boy. Not telling him to start his own line of steaks. Its like you want him to fail.

I'm sure it'll happen if you continue wasting time making redundant threads about the shallowest news possible

Um no sweetie we're still saying all those things too.

>earn billions of dollars
>marry models
>be president


protip: you cant

>owns golf courses
>gets in for free
>somehow costs taxpayers "millions"