Why don't Americans pay their employees a living wage?

Why don't Americans pay their employees a living wage?

Here in Europe employers are legally required to pay their employees a living wage including paid vacation time.

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>working an entry level job at that age

Money is given for goods or services. Living isnot a service.


It's called the free market.

We're all millionaires in exile.

How old is that guy? Minimum wage is for high school kids. Someone that old and he's not learned a skill or trade? That's dictionary definition of loser.

Instead of imposing minimum wage laws, we should just mandate maximum prices for all essential goods and services.

>Why don't Americans pay their employees a living wage?
Why don't american's have any skills that are worth more then minimum wage?

Then don't have kids if you can't afford it

yeah but muh taxes and retarded mouth breather post like this i mean he says that as an australian too which makes me believe hes either underage or a NEET.

>living wage
It's not a living wage, it's meant for kids in school. Adults are supposed to have more skills or talents in order to make more money, otherwise they may as well die with their equally worthless families.

show your geo location flaggot

fags working a no skill job dont need a living wage. Fast food and min wage jobs were meant for kids anyways.

>muh 15 an hour to flip burgers
>still regularly fucks up my order even if I make sure it's on the screen and receipt

You don't have a right to live.


How's that GDP chaps?

Ever heard of structural unemployment?

Illegal immigrants and low-iq fags are supressing the shit out of these wages through a glut.

living wage cause unemployment skyrocketing

People are paid according to the value of the work they do.

Because in the end, nothing matters. All things on this earth are nothing but an illusion, produced by your brain, everything alive is designed to die and that nothing, not even humanity can avoid the inescapable heat death of the universe.

Somebody has to flip burgers too friend

im aussie and you're a NEET and/or underage.

>obvious Meheecan
>wearing $80 nigger street wear shirt

Man in pic needs a sledgehammer to the dome, that’s the only viable option.

>Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland have no minimum wage.
Want a living wage? Learn the skills that'll get you one.
>If you can't keep your family alive, then you were irresponsible having a family. This could be considered child abuse.

And how is that going for you? What is your GDP growth again?

Employers should be able to pay their workers whatever they will work for. Besides, with all the gibs the poor recieve, there is no way that man is starving unless he has an oversized family.

wtf? none of what you said is true.

What did we do between 1968 and now that Europe didn't?

We opened the floodgates to our labor markets through lax immigration policy. The problem is that simple.

Because when you've got white hair, a family, and a minimum wage job, you've fucked up somewhere

works fine in 1st world nations, i.e australia.

Wrong on both accounts you poof, how much /hr do you earn?

i make 80 grand a year more or less.

learn a better skill
get a better job
stop being poor

All of it is true.

Found the poor dad

Recession fucked everything up.

Being retarded is not an excuse to steal others' money.

The entire point of a job is to give someone a reason to pay for you to live.


He dowsn't look like he's missing a meal

tf? if people are too stupid to buy generic let em starve. i drink generic milk with generic cookies, eat generic cereal and the cheapest frozen chicken nuggets. not that hard dude

>$7.25/he isn't enough to stay alive
Do people actually believe this?

>Lying about how much he makes online

>Using average age instead of median age
the absolute state of libcucks

>Flood the country with shitskin migrants
>Surplus of labor leads to lower wages
Any liberal who complains about low wages should be shot


Sure if you're not given food stamps or section 8 housing.

Wrong, citation needed

In America, you're free to pursue happiness. You're not guaranteed happiness.

How do people even get by on less than 500k?

its hard af to find a job in europe too. reason europe doesnt have the protests we do is because is because literally everyone is on welfare. in europe you either live like a muslim NEET or retire at age 80 after losing half your check to the govt

Meaning what?


You aren’t supposed to be having a family on minimum wage. That is called extremely poor decision making and I am not responsible for it, neither is his employer.

It's not possible he is getting paid the minimum/starting wage if he has been there longer than 6 months to a year, most places start raising your wage.

The only way you're stuck on that EXACT wage is because you're a filthy entry level job hopper.

I started at a place that only paid 8 USD starting and after three and a half years I was making almost 11 dollars before I left.

fuck you this post fucked me up
but then i remembered that its inescapable so thats somewhat calming

eurpore is also poor.
but making hiring expensive couldnt be related, could it?

Guy Fieri really let himself go.

> eggs must be below $1
> no more eggs.

A minimum wage just makes everything cost more.
The only way European countries can afford to artificially pay for universal benefits for citizens is by not applying their high taxes to their military forces.
You assholes will be so easy to take over.
You can't even defend yourselves against sand nigger mudslimes.
How the Hell are you going to protect yourselves against a two-front U.S.A. and Russian attack?
You guys are finished.

>42k a year children
>3 vacations

If you pay me to shine your shoes are you obligated to pay me what someone else deems a living wage, OP?

family. sign says family. you most certainly cannot feed a family on min wage. but no one can afford to pay extra taxes to subsidize his horny ass
>paying child support instead of having an aunt move in
fuckin yanks

Because not all jobs deserve a living wage. This isn't hard, Muhammed. Minimum wage isn't for living on. You're literally not allowing low-wage jobs to exist if you demand a "living wage" as the minimum, which makes it HARDER to enter the workforce, INCREASES competition, and disallows young, elderly, and disabled from getting the jobs they normally would.

Commies gtfo

>three vacations a year

Good, cut that out and bam instant 18k. What a fucking joke.

Actually most of that list is a fucking joke.

>raise min wage
>destroy buisinesses and marginal producers
>inflate the economy
>cost of production increases
>everything costs more
>min wage workers are left with the same purchasing power after equilibrium

Why do eu cucks surrender their countries sovereignty for money?

Singapore has no minimum wage laws and they make more on average and median than Amerimutts

>include useless expenses to pad your numbers
>owning a car in NYC

These fictional idiots deserve to be broke.

>$1.5mil house
>THREE vacations a year?!

Rich people make it hard to defend capitalism, sometimes.

On the left, kids getting started.
On the right, a failure.

cut back on the 3 vacations
cut back on almost $20,000 in charity - that's insane
no one told you to buy such an expensive house - deal with the property taxes
cut back on driving your car
cut back on all that spending on your snot nosed kids lessons
almost $25,000 on food - stop shopping at the most expensive grocery stores
get a better car insurance company
God all those people must have seen you coming.

If you are trying to make a living on minimum wage, you are doing it wrong.

Good thing the rich got a tax cut, they seem to really need it.

>in Jew York City
They deserve to starve to death.

Okay, that got a belly laugh.

WF is that? They eat more than I make per year. What family is that?


By not being morons

The EPI's economists (not the fags that made the infographic) were polled on what they thought of helping the poor. Most believed (90%) in making the EITC bigger. 5% believed in an increase of the minimum wage

>has a family with only entry level job skills
How much do you want to bet this guy gets home and plants his ass in front of the TV instead of actually getting more marketable skills?

Someone who eats out at MacArnolds every night of the week.


Are you also forgetting you faggots dont have to pay for your own defense because the United States does that for you?

because of how our "federal" financial system works, and inflation

Grossing 500k and coming home with 7 makes you an idiot, not rich.


The irony just bleeds with this one.

>no fancy clothes
>$10K a year on clothes

Fucking spoiled urban modern fucks

Ayo, hol up. You mean to tell me that if you impose price controls on a good or service, that you actually aren't modifying the laws of basic economics and that good or service may in fact become economically inviable when those controls are imposed???

Why don't losers work harder or get any valuable skills? Yeah if your only merit is that you have a pulse you and your children should starve.

i went to japan for 6 fucking weeks and spent less than 3000, and that inculded language school tution!. I could have made that 1,500 easy if I went for a normal 2 week vacation and was just a little trimmer on going out at night there

Lets just shoot all the failures then.
We can start with everyone visiting this website.

Spending more on clothes in a year than I save...

youre implying theres anything of value in Europe to be taken.

they destroyed all their forests
they have hardly any oil
maybe some livestock?

How retarded do you have to be to think working minimum wage jobs your entire life is acceptable?

Protip: If you're working a minimum wage job, you shouldn't be supporting a family to begin with.

think of it as an internship for the real world, friend.

what we should do is close the boarders as force all the underpaid to pick fruit and other hard labor, and stuff like house cleaning for a real workingmans wage.
closing the boarder would also force other wages up, cut the supply of anything, inculding labor, the price goes up, basic economics

I'm sure you're a beaming shining example of a successful and prosperous individual user.

Because this country was founded by crooks and crooks get rich by snatching money and birthdays.

How the fuck do you get to adulthood and not have skills worth more than minimum wage