It will never fall

It will never fall.

Other urls found in this thread:

it fell in 1913


Doesn't look like it to me.

Looks like it to me

I feed off your hate.

That's not what the Bible says...

Sure it will. When dollar stops being world reserve currency and the u.s. goes through balkanization. Only thing keeping America one nation is a strong federal government and strong dollar.

You don't think Trump's doing something about that?

Still here.

The patriots will keep America alive, even as the country lies barren and desolate with the scars of war. The ideals of American freedom will persist, forever.

The Union will never falter.

That's probably a better scenario than what I consider the more likely scenario, which is the Brazilification of our country. Demographically we're already transitioning into a country comparable to Brazil. Assuming immigrants from Central and South America continuously flood the USA, politically and culturally, we'll eventually mirror a country like Brazil as well.

It's nightmare fuel for me to imagine Brazil with as much power as the USA. Unfortunately, that nightmare seems to be unfolding.

BY The time we are Brazil, we won’t have the power of the US.

You're failing to realize just how much the Cold War bolstered the arsenal of both Russia and the USA.

Remember when you could post stuff like this and not be embarrassed?

Cease this fearmongering. The union needs men and women who will fight for it. On the battlefield and in the streets! This neglectful rhetoric and this pessimistic speculation is UN-American!

Sup Forums didn't exist prior to the 80s.

You better be right user.


Amen, brother!

Take this thing I made

I wish i had 3 penis to fuck all 3 at the same time

Lol I'll drag it down and burn it myself you civnatcuck
Death to 52% America


It has to when it rains, it’s the law.

We're almost dead, just have not hit the dirt yet. To save America now would require drastic action that just isn't going to happen.


A new flag will rise soon...

Didnt it already fall to the Jews like several decades ago?

You Ess AAy!!!! You Ess AAy!!!!

my brother

I really believed that 10 years ago, hell i might've believed it a year and a half ago. Trump showed me how weak we really are