This is my wife Tsubaki

This is my wife Tsubaki

Say something nice about her!

She's kind of cute for a crazy used goods bitch.

What drugs did they make her use?

probably some kind of sedative/depressant

i think they broke her leg too or something

well, can I have her for a moment to "atone" for my sins?


Sleeping, Sex related drugs and antidepressant's.

This is like drinking milk 10 years past its expiration date.

Third world Tsubaki never had any of that happen to her, though.

She's kind of a slut dude

She's a victim, not a slut.

Unless you count Yuki and Aru,

You'd spread her leg for any ole stranger. It's been shown in multiple parallel dimensions, she's a total slut.

It's not her fault Aru's incredibly charming and attractive.

6 billions dicks!

She gives good handjobs

I just have one question, did she did it one by one or all in one? I mean, there were so many that one by one it would have take her ALL DAY even while sleeping.

Do you think they gave a shit about what she could handle?

She's a Kaworufag like me

>tfw no good Tsubaki doujins

Tsubaki is the only good thing that ever come out in mirai nikki


>hurr she got raped so now she's evil and crazy and deserves to die
And that's the exact point that the series turned into pure shit.

She's not the only character that becomes corrupted by things beyond their control. The same thing happened to Yuno, Minene, and the kid whose parents were in the cult.