The cause of WW2 was not white supremacy. White supremacy has been around forever...

The cause of WW2 was not white supremacy. White supremacy has been around forever. Many countries favour those with lighter skins over those with darker skins.

The cause of WW2 was Anti Semitism

Just remember that when you're next jerking off to addy

Other urls found in this thread:

The term antisemitism has no gravity to it anymore. It has no power.

>The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant.
-Maximilien Robespierre

> Quoting Robespierre

end yourself

wrong. kikes are the cause.

The video was speeded up. Also he was nervous because he wanted every single arian athlete to beat the monkey athletes from the USA.

bullshit they had him hopped up on meth and ludes.

The cause of WW2 was Germany trying to unite all German people under one country. Germany got baited by Poland into invading, because the League of Nations wasn't doing shit about the problem in Poland. This gave the excuse to the British to declare war, but the USSR was going to take Poland anyway and the Brits sure as hell wouldn't have declared war on them even if they took twice the territory the Germans did.

India and China are both White Supremacist countries. All people there wish to be lighter coloured. Yet they haven't caused world wars.

In fact, being industrious people, they respect the Jews. Unlike arabs, niggers and, er herm, whites.


Jesse Owens is the poor excuse why the big USA won less bronze, less silver and less gold medals then the small Nazi Germany.

>The cause of WW2 was Anti Semitism

nope. the cause of WW2 was need for expansion of German nation becouse they were losing their leading position in Europe becouse of British/French/Russian colonializm

Hitler was backed by IG farben jews so anti semitism surely didn't have anything to do with starting ww2

>Germany got baited by Poland into invading, because the League of Nations wasn't doing shit about the problem in Poland.

>American correspondents were summoned to the scene the next day[5] but no neutral parties were allowed to investigate the incident in detail and the international public was skeptical of the German version of the incident.[12]

>The Gleiwitz incident was a part of a larger operation carried out by Abwehr and SS forces.[5] There were other incidents orchestrated by Germany along the Polish-German border at the same time as the Gleiwitz attack, such as a house torching in the Polish Corridor and spurious propaganda output. The entire project was dubbed Operation Himmler and comprised a number of incidents[10] intended to give the appearance of Polish aggression against Germany.[8]

nice projection faggot
league of nations did nothing becouse germans didn't even let them see the bodies

The cause of ww2 was semitism

The Khazarian Mafia.

Weve gone thru this.
White skin =/= White supremacy.
By that logic a vast amount of East Asians count as white.

And what is the cause of anti-semitism?

>Just remember that when you're next jerking off to addy
what did he mean by this

greed, stupid

>Much of what is known about the Gleiwitz incident comes from the affidavit of SS-Sturmbannführer Alfred Naujocks at the Nuremberg Trials.
>Nuremberg Trials
>Press X to doubt
Also, kiked history books exist and everyone has read them so why are you even saying this.

the same old buzzwords, they're getting sloppy.


So in order to avoid WW3 we must concentrate every Jew.
