How would Oprah's agenda look like if she was president?

How would Oprah's agenda look like if she was president?

>Permanent assault weapons ban
>Open borders with Africa
>Cut military spending in half, send that money to Africa.
>White people tax for them programs

dont forget reparations

>How would Oprah's agenda look like if she was president?

whatever the CIA wants it to be.

Everyone would get a car. ;^)

Niggers with money hate poor niggers more than white people. So it actually probably wouldn’t be as bad as you think. It would still be god awful and open our borders to low IQ shitskins.

She's too nice and kind hearted command the military and make the hard decisions that a commander and chief has to that would kill people. Enemies or Americans. Her work is best helping people here in the US as a celebrity.

She would probably have an identical agenda to Obama, but I'd imagine her being less competent in comparison and more easily controlled by Jews.

La donna è mobile
Qual piuma al vento,
Muta d'accento — e di pensier.
Sempre un amabile,
Leggiadro viso,
In pianto o in riso, — è menzognero.
È sempre misero
Chi a lei s'affida,
Chi le confida — mal cauto il cuore!
Pur mai non sentesi
Felice appieno
Chi su quel seno — non liba amore!
La donna è mobile
Qual piuma al vento,
Muta d'accento — e di pensier,
E di pensier,
E di pensier!

Her speech doesn't suggest any political involvement in her girl power revolution though. She probably won't do anything.

Think about the audience of her talk show (you get a car, you get a car, etc) except the whole country. Lmao. God I hope she becomes king mutt.

You get a gas chamber.

Female Obama, less emphasis on race and more on gender.

I’ll tell you how the debates go
This question is for Oprah
Miss Oprah You are always so happy will you always be so happy while being president! Please give a long elaborate answer
This question is for president trump
In a country filled with white supremacist that you refuse to deny why are you a racist sexist islamaphobe
You have 30 seconds to answer


Sheeeeit sounds good

Fucking hell, the majority of her audience was white womerns. She's not fucking Tyler Perry.
She knows how to play to white, middle 'Murica & that's about it.

*middle of the road 'Murica*

We would need a special prosecutor to determine if she hasn't facilitated the organized raping and murder of children.

>hyperbole, the post
she's going to run on the same platform that clinton did m8, the only thing that changes is the rhetoric used to persuade.

I can't see Mad Dog Maddux (or anyone like him) ever taking orders from Oprah.


I grew up in a nog infested city and have lived with them my whole life. A little known fact that most whites have no idea exist, but nigs constantly talk about "shade color".
Like an eskimo has 1000 words for snow, they have 1000s of descriptions for what "shade" a person is...."Oh lakisha be light shade", "Dat DeAndre coffee shade", "Monique be purple"
They also highly segregate each other based on this shade. "Yellow" girls are at the top and every boy will lineup to do his monkeyshines to impress her. "Purple" girls are at the bottom and are generally made fun of, especially for their hair.
The first thing a black thinks when he meets another black is "what shade" they are and how straight their hair is. They are simply the most racist people you can imagine.

This is why I find it hilarious how people think racemixing will eradicate racism. Outgroups will always exist one way or another.

as a minority group, i would assume that it's important to be aware of how similar you are in appearance to the majority, it's good they're being self-aware and valuing how close they resemble white people - even if only a cosmetic way. jews are good at this.