Anyone regret voting for trump?

I know this is a meme here but Im sure there are some legit people who feel they made the wrong decision.

Why and when did you change your mind?What did he do that made you realize it?

I feel like he destroyed the Optics of America. To say make America great Again, is to imply its not great, and if its not great, its shit. So fuck trump. America is the greatest country in the world. CAnt believe you guys jumped on this shitty slogan. Im really disappointed in you as Americans, youre supposed to be the real patriots.


I regret voting for Drumpf every day




>To say make America great Again, is to imply its not great.
No it implies that it is the citizen's duty to make it great again every time they vote.

Thats not the imagery the slogan takes on. To me it says Hey lets make American Great like after the great depression, after we won ww2 and housing prices were real low and we had the baby boom. Just great, nevermind all the rampant racism back then.

Ive never once heard it referenced the way you are portraying it. Never would have crossed my mind. Seems like quite the stretch. Hes one of those "The old days were better" types.

I wanted Hillary for the Civil War.

"great again" ugh. America literally went from the best country in the world to "huh what? Americas not great?"

Years of optics down the drain. Our enemies are laughing at us.

Its so horrible and gross user we are all harry potter and the deatheaters have taken over Hogwarts. I wish we had a real life barrier to keep out people we don't want at our school and kick out the obvious malfoys.

I'm literally shaking

>that moment when you realize a trump supporter made this thread

For what purpose?

Never understood why they allowed house slytherin, which were basically far right republiklans who grow up to be klu klux klan wizards. Just how kind liberals are, they give them a chance to redeem their genetic shittiness.

Without slytherin we wouldn't have "my immortal" BLUMPH RUINS EVERYTHING

No, sometimes I wonder if he is going to backstab us on amnesty and get a queasy feeling in my stomach, but then I look at the economy numbers, remember he is working with what he has and against the entire political class as well as the media and social media and thank god for the savior of western civilization.


Fuck you Bannon

fuck off faggot

The irony of this meme is that it less shows how much of an abnormality Whites are and how fucking ugly and gorilla like Blacks really are.


>Ive never once heard it referenced the way you are portraying it.
Every time that slogan was used during elections, that is what it meant, you are just too young and uneducated to get it.

>America literally went from the best country in the world to "huh what?
No, because America elected the great candidate and made it great again yet again keeping up a 200+ year streak.

Jesus christ what a manlet