I want to know what you think about Serba

I want to know what you think about Serba.

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good job in kosovo, sorry our govt got involved

>I want to know what you think about Serba.
I think it needs an i in it.


its stinky and people are rude

You are good guys and friends. If you ever see Russian saying bad things about Serbia just ignore him, he is probably crazy liberal navalny fag.

We are just poor and our goverment is bunch evil retarded people

Russian client state and therefore nuke worthy. That's about all I know.

You guys got a bed rep for all of that "genocide" stuff from God knows when. Also, Nikola Jokic is the best center in the NBA.

> can't even spell its own name
Seems about right
Good kebab removal skills tho

My phone is bugging :P

You started the first world war. But I was on your side when the NATO took Kosovo.



Slivo, Kebab Removal, Orthodox, Tall as fuck

Visited Belgrade 2008, good times. Friend's grandpa told us stories about being a chetnick sniper (showed us how he'd snipe with the OK sign upside down on his eye and using his other hand to shoot, guy was like 90). Drank some knock off Jager and other shit while watching some guy fuck his wife through a window while sitting at the tables in the court yard of the commie block. Tried to cross the danube via some bridge but some ways in some wooden blank gave an our friend almost fell in so we went back before we died. Walked past some mafia area in belgrade, all high end BMW/MB's with leather jackets, lots of gold, etc. Crawled under some trains to cross, ran into a gypsy camp, took off once they heard us

Went to some clubs on the Danube, literally 100% of people leave/depart with a min BAC of 0.3. Everyone parks their car along that weed path area

all in all good times. Serbs like Poles and vice versa. Sorry about the bombing that was fucked up

Bombing was very fucked up because it wasn't so necessary

My bf is Serbian,wanted me to become orthodox,but I'm remaining catholic.
Was in Belgrad,beautiful city,nice people althou many look like roaches.

serbia is a bunch of fucking potato farmers

and that's coming from a corn farmer

Wallah, wie schlimm!

Verpiss dich mit deinem Wallah.

How did you meet him?

It's stupid that he wanted you to convert to orthodox, but it is not uncommon because many people here are racist when it comes to a religion. And we had problems with pride parades and so on... But don't think about us the wrong way, majority is normal

Was machust du hier Frieda?

Brüste oder raus gehen

Verpiss dich mit deiner Rassenschande!

Serbia stronk

Chesz kollego, jak se mas?

Est gehts

Warum Haben Sie die Turkische nicht alle getöteten schon?

in Germany
Oh kurwa ja nie jestem Frieda,jestem Ewa
I mean it was just at the beginning told me many times about it,how we could celebrate our festivals together (which we do anyway now lol) but he isnt forcing me so its alright
I grew up strictly catholic so I can't just abandon it
Versuchs weiter Dogucan

Mussem wir Berlin zuruck genehmen auch so?


"Mussem we berlin back take too so?"

>Warum Haben Sie die Turkische nicht alle getöteten schon?

I think you mean Kosovo, serbroaches lol

my spelling and grammar is shit
Müssen wir
I speak 6 languages

Odaj mie Schlesien, Danzig, Posen, Preußen! Ja pierdole! Kurwa, ja tolko moge troche razmaviec po polsku a ne piesatj.

Mi nie morzem, politika jets ((())).

Bretty good
Thanks for Tesla


rozumiec mozna,ile lat miales niemieckiego

nice friendship you have there

Now THAT is accurate

Clinton proxy

von 3 zu 8 jahre, ich hab in köln gelebt und zu die schule gegangen. bei dem grossen kirche wo die fluchtlinge haben dem letzen jahr alle the frauen geficken

i can speak it fluently unaccented but my vocab is lacking and it's been a long time since i spoke it on a daily basis

The western puppet had things to do.