This is a thread in which we discuss the current political and social situation developing in Romania. Everyone is invited to join the conversation, as long as you keep it civil and non-Balkan explosive (even our eternal enemies are allowed to join in). Please refrain from speaking in another language other than English, for the sake of the conversation.

Quick rundown:
>there are no /ourguys/, there never have been
>current political party that runs the Government is PSD (Social Democrat neocommies)
>the opposition is non-existent (PNL/PMP/USR)
>there are no right-winged parties in Romania (believe it or not, PSD is actually the closest to the right at the moment)

Worthwhile news:
President Iohannis reaffirms Romania’s position regarding the status of Jerusalem, days after PSD’s choice to not vote during the UN council
6000 new policemen to be employed in 2018 – the famous physical examination has been drastically lowered
Pedophile arrested by the Bucharest police – turns out he was a Policeman himself, working as the driver for the Chief Inspector
Bucharest Mayor continues her „fight” against Uber/Taxify and Taxi apps

Happy new years, camarazi, I do hope 2018 will bring you happiness and health galore. It's finally the time we fight back against the system. Starting next week, stencils will start popping all around Bucharest - the idea is to popularize the creation of a Pro-Romanian nationalistic party.

Other urls found in this thread:ă?ă's_Movement_Party

Good things to do online:

>make anonymous accounts on popular websites that cover the news (Adevarul, hotnews, gandul etc) and start commenting on various articles – shill as much as you can the idea that Romania literally has no political option as of now and the fact that we need a right-winged, Pro-Romanian political party
>do the same thing on kikebook or other social media platforms, but make sure to cover your tracks if you decide to post inflamatory content.
>if you have any talent in design, play with various models in order to create the perfect stencils for outdoor placement + material for online (use various nationalistic phrases, quotes, context etc)
>if you have any talent in copywriting, create material for the design, we’ll have to be very catchy and non-violent, but in the same time exploit the current political instability and low popularity of most if not all politicians

Be aware – every moment has to start from somewhere. A grassroots movement such as this will only have success if there are enough dedicated people that will rile up the others. Dedicate yourself to the cause and let’s once and for all change our country for the better. The national context for this is perfect – 2018 marks the 100th year since our unification as a country, so we have all the year ahead of us.

previous thread that I have archived

>>> (Cross-thread)

Thread theme

>[YouTube] Garda de Fier- Nimic in lume nu i mai sfant (embed)


wewlad, thanks for the bump


How to deal with gipsies.




he unironically had one of the largest weddings in Romanian history - over 250.000 people participated


>that hat


His wedding

/fa/sh as fuck

more from his wedding

such a handsome motherfucker

Romanians against muslims

Romanians are Turks who roleplay as Christians

It's good to have a separate thread for all the grand total of 2 gypsies that are on this forum

Ivan, you have to go back over the Prut river

check'd and can't argue with that, it has been a slow day for us gippos

Hello, what's going on in this thread? :^)

PSD is malevolent but some of the laws they have proposed are actually alright despite the media's 24/7 doomsday scaremongering.

On the other hand, there's the #rezist movement which is pure cancer. None of them are politically literate and provide no answers other than death threats to any who don't submit to their cult. Another deal breaker is that they are all for fags being fags.

TL;DR - Ruling party sucks, is left-leaning and acts kinda authoritarian. The only counter-movement #rezist are a bunch of faggot enabling hippies who are just asshurt they don't get piece of the loot. At least PSD has hinted support toward a legislation change that would prevent same sex marriage to ever be legalised in Romania.

SOLUTION - We need a new counter-movement that promotes true right wing values


Circklejerking like usual? That's no good, no good at all.

cut it you faggots, we got better stuff to do

>Bucharest Mayor continues her „fight” against Uber/Taxify and Taxi apps

Uber is tax evasion. I know its convenient but they don't pay the same taxes as regular taxi drivers and in many countries they are banned.

there was a Romanian user that pretty much laid a good picture of what PSD is doing - i'll leave the links here for a clear picture.

>ALL taxes paid by employee, not employer
>HIGHER taxes
>NEW taxes
>NO national investments
>NO EU fund absorbtion
>NO EU investments
>MORE immigrants
>CRIMINALS let out of prison, 8000 by 2018, by Tudorel Toader
>CRIMINAL LAW fucking butchered it has become useless
>Judges and prosecutors subdued to political powers, no longer independent

They are 100% soviet-socialist, this is 1947 all over again and I hear Stalin laughing from his grave.

Also this guys:

>Teodor Meleşcanu: România este pregătită să primească încă 1.942 de refugiaţi

What foreign policy?

Selling our last 30 profitable state companies for cheap, with no licitations to Jewish businessmen?

Paying 500,000$ to take a photo with Trump?

Taking a stinking shit on our American and French allies?

Sitting down for the King Michael's funeral when everybody was up?

I can keep going how bad he and his party made our relationships.
May his entire family, friends and collaborators be cursed with their lineage to perish and die.

another pasta

Never said that mate. Let's talk about Romania - PSD (socialists, literally the continuation of the communist party, as we never had any lustration laws set in place after the '89 revolution) are currently ruling the country. They, by doctrine, are old socialists - meaning that they do not agree with LGBT rights, they support the Orthodox Church and the definition of classical marriage - however, most of the party members are corrupt as fuck, former commie echelon cronies etc. They are considered to be "populist" because they campaigned on a platform of massive social welfare (raising pensions, raising the minimum salary, more welfare to mothers or people that do not work etc).

Don't think for a second that Balkan political parties actually have an ideology. They don't - most of the function as a shifting chameleon that will change it's colors every election, telling the electorate whatever it wants to hear in order to win. PSD for that matter is currently positioning itself as a center-right party (with the measures it took regarding marriage/church/LGBT rights) but also as a pure left stalinist party (with measures such as subordination of judicial power under political control/massive incapability of absorbing EU funds for development/massive fraud and theft from national assets etc).

tl;dr it's a shitshow - we don't have any right-winged parties and everybody else moves on the center-left

They are paying taxes, but the Government is actually preoccupied by the fact that they don't pay the taxi registration fee (medalionul), which is actually obtained quite hard, as there are a limited number of those available on the market due to legislation restrictions. Moreover, the entire market is corrupt to the bone, as taxi companies are mostly owned by the politicians themselves - look at Pelicanu, they are registered in Ilfov and they shouldn't be allowed at all to practice in Bucharest, but who's the owner? The Mayor's husband, of course.

Taxify, Uber and the rest of the Taxi apps have forced the entire market to self-regulate if it wanted to actually survive. What Firea is doing atm is literally pissing on years of actual, real development. As long as the taxi drivers will continue to have a rude behavior/be gippos/ask for more money than what the meter tells you etc, the market will continue to remain the same, with no prospects of ever changing. I was actually one of the people that advocated for the taxi drivers themselves a year ago, but after trying Taxify, Uber or even the Clever Taxi app, I never had a problem, not even once, with a driver or his car.

tl;dr fuck the taxi drivers, they deserve nothing but fire and blood

>>CRIMINAL LAW fucking butchered it has become useless
>>Judges and prosecutors subdued to political powers, no longer independent

Why do people lie like this?

They need to go, no doubt about that

Do we

a) side with the ultra liberal #rezist movement and risk shifting the social compass further to the left possibly risking the legalisation of same sex marriage

b) side with another party that has a strong stance on social issues and sound economic policy (if there even is one)


c) ??


while I see your point of view - because those laws have not been touched on yet - the prospect of the ruling party of changing them has been prevalent ever since last year. You can't argue with the fact that most judicial laws that are subject to change were actually pretty much ok in subject, with no need for an acute transformation, not now. The French model - which was the one that the ruling majority based their changes on - is not suitable for the Romanian Justice System, as it lacks a key component - the Judicial Inspector which acts as a liaison between the politicians and the Judicial system.

read OP and second post, best choice would be that of starting a grassroots movement advocating for a Pro-Romanian nationalistic party, with virtually no ties to the actual political sphere. Think of a movement of national frustration against everything that went wrong over the past 25 years, directed against ALL political parties.

i'd shill for a Vlach Empire any day now

>They are 100% soviet-socialist, this is 1947 all over again and I hear Stalin laughing from his grave.
>Soviet socialists were neoliberal capitalist that supported the US

The PSD tax policy is literally copied from Pinochets program. You know Pinochet with the helicopter meme?
And they're basically just capitalists with "social" slogans during the campaign?
They woudn't even be considered leftist in France or Italy.

We need a fashy social media presence to target the youth similar to what the US has. Our youth is currently bombarded with lefty buzzfeed shit and has never been exposed to anything else. Think right-wing themed meme pages, cartoons, comics anything that would get us into the mainstream. We need to be featured in the press before we can mobilise anything remotely succesful. We could spark something big by playing with 'gas the gipsyes' type memes
>Povestea asta se întâmpla cu un an în urmă, în septembrie 2016. Doar că nu e prima dată la noi când ceea ce e gândit sau pornit de către dreapta e pus în practică sau perfecționat de către PSD. Ideea însă e mai veche și nu îi aparține lui Gabriel Biriș – ea fost zămislită în cercurile economiștilor neoliberali, cunoscuți sub numele de Chicago Boys, pentru ca apoi să fie pusă în aplicare în Chile, pe vremea lui Pinochet, când țara era un laborator al experimentelor neoliberale. Ulterior, în anii '80 OECD a relansat ideea, îmbrăcată frumos în haine științifice și cunoscută sub numele de ipoteză a invariabilității incidenței, doar că ea nu a putut fi pusă în aplicare în nici unul dintre statele OECD din cauza opoziției sindicatelor.

>Ceea ce a mai făcut doar Pinochet în Chile și nu s-a reușit în nicio altă țară democratică intenționează să facă PSD acum, transferând contribuția de la angajator la angajat.

>PSD e niște Communiști hă hă

Don't get too greedy there.
Focus on, just focus on helping Moldova, the poor fellas need some love from their bros.

good thread

>Doar că nu e prima dată la noi când ceea ce e gândit sau pornit de către dreapta e pus în practică sau perfecționat de către PSD

Uita-te cine il consiliaza pe Dragnea de cand a preluat puterea in PSD. Firma de consultanta politica Israeliana l-a indrumat sa faca toate masurile acestea pentru a capitaliza politic din electoratul slabit de centru-dreapta + pentru ca electoratul loial PSD se reduce de la an la an (din cauza varstei inaintate). E doar o simpla miscare a partidului pe axa politica, exploatand astfel niste masuri pe care in mod normal le-ar fii luat partidele de dreapta (non-existente la noi in tara). In acest fel se combate si aparitia unui partid nou de dreapta, veritabil, tocmai pentru ca masurile luate e PSD sunt vazute de catre publicul de dreapta ca fiind anormale/socialiste/comuniste/corupte etc, fortand astfel electoratul traditional de dreapta sa penduleze catre centru-stanga (vezi USR).

what the fuck is copied pinochet?
the payroll tax reform has RAISED to total % taxed on the employee, and it is up to the employer to renegotiate the contract to have the same net salary, as it is written only to have the brute tax
if the contracts are not renegotiated and you work for the same brute salary, you will earn 17% less money

tl;dr divide and conquer, mioritic style

their President is under the threat of being suspended, yet again, for not abiding to the Moldavian Constitution. Moreover, the Moldavian Parliament just passed a very important anti-propaganda law aimed at Russian TV news outlets and programs that currently dominate over 70% of the Moldavian air-time. There's hope for them, on the 1st of December we'll cross the river and meet our brothers.

avem un discord romanesc cu cat de cat mult shitpost si ~120 oameni
avem nevoie de oameni ca tine sa ne tina la curent cu scena politica; link:

presedintele n-are putere din start, are mai putina influenta decat iohannis

You guys are subhumans.

whatever you say turk, thanks for taking the gypsies, we won't miss them

Atunci nu cumva e mai bine să renunțăm la etichete cretine gen "comuniștii", "dreapta", "stânga" și alte isme? Nu au nicio valoare în Romania.

Și mulți "de dreapta" din Occident sunt mână în mână cu Israelienii, vezi Trump și toți naționaliștii din vestul Europei, deci și la capitolul ăsta PSD e mai "de dreapta".

imi notez si intru cand ajung acasa, momentan sunt la munca, mersi de link!

Clar nu au nici o valoare in Romania, asta e indiscutabil - axa politica de la noi din tara nu a mai existat inca de prin 1930, inainte de instituirea dictaturii carliste. In ultimii 25 de ani ideologia nu a mai contat absolut deloc, pentru nici un partid (poate doar PNTCD-ul sa fii avut un inceput ideologic, prin vechea garda, dar si astia au fost destructurati intr-un final). Etichetele, insa, o sa ramana in continuare - asa misti mesele de oameni, punandu-i unul impotriva celuilalt.

> PSD e mai "de dreapta".

PSD e cel mai de dreapta in momentul de fata, din pacate. Dar conexiunea israeliana nu este deloc ideologica, ci doar profitabila (pentru ambele parti). Evreii din Israel au dus o politica interna nationalista inca de prin anii 50', sunt experti in ceea ce fac dpdv politic - tocmai de aceea primele 2 cele mai puternice firme din lume de consultanta politica sunt localizate in Israel (a treia fiind britanica, cu board jumatate israelian).

Daca ar fii avut banii necesari si conexiuni, si PNL-ul ar fii recurs la aceeasi oameni, la fel ca si restul partidelor mioritice.

You subhumans from Moldavia are even worse than those from Romania. But whoring your kinds is enjoyable.

I don't give a shit about you faggot

What about ?

And how isă? Is it just filled with neo nazis? What is peoples thought about them??

first party died when its founder, Vadim, died a couple of years ago. Moreover, most of its members were former commie cronies, including the leader himself. For the second party - Noua Dreapta is literally the SRI-honeypot party; if you want to LARP as a legionnaire and if you want to always be on a (((list))), join ND.

>Our youth is currently bombarded with lefty buzzfeed shit and has never been exposed to anything else
Some examples pls?

I’ve never begged you to do so. Just export more whores to us.

it was lead by Vadim, which was pretty funny and many memes of him were made, he was like our Trump, but he was a former communist politician
their marketed economic policy was essentially PSD v2, which is the same as our current situation
doubt they'd ever make a difference, but the president of that party could be a unifying figure

many people say they're controlled opposition but I just think they're idiots
they protest homosexuality and muslims when the larger problem is the huge gypsy population that is enabled by the PSD government through first of all enabling their mafia and second of all welfare

why would you protest homosexuality when 91% of the population doesn't support gay marriage? why would you protest muslims when there are 10k refugees and 1 million gypsies?

open kikebook and marvel yourself on the wonders of western capitalism. Come on man, he's right - every other teenager and young adult takes his news from the Colbert show, buzzfeed, huffington post and Vice.

It's Moldova, Australia. MOLDOVA. Not Moldavia. say it with me
Got it?
Is it through your head yet?
Good - because Chisinau will be the new Vienna while you wallow in Ahmed's ejaculate.

most of the shit you find on adevarul

a literal gypsy wrote this article

>>"It's Moldova, AUSTRALIA"

my fucking god you guys have such great banter

Are these cucked? Its says tbeir conservative liberals

noroc prieteni!

Is's_Movement_Party cucked?

these are cucked and these are essentially PSD
when PNL was in power the MPs of that party are now MPs in the PSD party
parties don't matter in Romania (or Moldova), it's just mafia dons competing with eachother in popularity contests

don't forget about the LGBT shilling on their platform


or the Feminist shilling


I can't give you examples because I have purposely curated my social media news feeds and all I get is right wing themed content but imagine what kind of stuff comes up on a naive 14-year-olds feed. Pro-tip: it's not trump memes

I want to wish Romanians luck because in the SWEG threads there has been a romanian guy helping us. Good luck fellas

I doubt that, those aren't relevant in Romania.
The actual problem that I see on social media is the black subculture from USA like twerking and rap. There are also some really bad youtubers who influence kids with very bad shit.

while basescu was one of the more conservative parties, his new party PMP fused with a SJW party, then he says dumb shit like

>Traian Băsescu: Reprezintă generația Macron sau Trudeau

I've heard you've actually started deporting enough people for net migration to be negative?

noroc, camarad!

>I doubt that, those aren't relevant in Romania.

you must live in a different country than mine, user. All of my former uni colleagues literally spent their entire online life on vice/huffpost/buzzfeed (and sharing the content on their FB pages); they watch Comedy Central (which features the Colbert Show, the Daily Show etc) - and they actually think that these shows are actual, real news etc. You're right as well, the younger generations are very into black subculture, and you can clearly see this in their behavior and clothing.

First they're not really conservative at all. Second they simply keep the name PNL for prestige, it was a party in Romania in the early 20th century which current PNL has nothing to do with.
Third, a huge chunk of their party comes from the PD which used to be a "socialist" party in the 2000s.

STFU Mohammed. Moldova is a part of Moldavia, along with Bessarabia. Nowadays the state “Moldova” is actually Bessarabia, while real Moldova stays in Romania.

Does this please you, Austria?

Any news about the Ciolos party? Will it attract good people or will it degenerate like usr into a bunch of politically correct snowflakes that jerk each other off?

Not sure about that bro, but we will win a BRUTAL victory in 2018, rest assured.

God bless

Good luck friend.

>Moldova is a part of Moldavia, along with Bessarabia

what did he mean by this? For real now - Moldova is in Romanian, Moldavia in English, Moldau in German, Moldavie in French, Bogdan in Turkish etc, you get the point, it's not that hard.

Let's turn Ghita the Shepherd into a far right symbol.


what about his party? it's the same old pro-eu cuck party
it will probably either fuse with or form an alliance with PNL

most likely the latter, to be honest. He's been very secretive about it, which really makes me think, considering the amount of ammo an opposition party currently has at its disposal if it really wants to shake something up. Moreover, any Ciolos party would be heavily pro-EU, which begs me to ask the eternal question: when the fuck will we get a pro-Romanian party?

Stick that Bessarabia up your Islamic-addicted rectum, we're talking actuality here, not ancient history. The nation is called MOLDOVA, not "best-arabia" - because that would be you.

kek, you will be spared when the invasion commences

Point is, usr was good at first because it brought people together under one idea: fuck corruption. Then it degenerated into discussions about legalizing assfucking and retards supporting the rights of minorities (i.e. gypsies & maghiars) because that's the latest trend in the west. People then left and it lost support because shit like that is absolutely not what we need

As for a right wing party, the closest we got was ANR, but they didnt get 5% in the elections and they just vanished. It's frightnening to see just how little supporters this country has for a party like that. I honestly don't see a future party rising. We will be stuck with the PSD PNL monoliths

Hmmm, interesting, I don't follow that site, although I know about it, the name it's quite ironic, considering the article and especially the "not accepted" comments, cause fuck "the truth" right... wait what
Fucking hell, am I really out of touch? I don't see people giving a fuck about LGBT freaks or feminist shit, but these articles...I mean, I know about Vice, that shit is the same no matter the country, but is not relevant here
Why the fuck do we(romanians) have to do whatever other country in this world does? Allowing faggots to marry and adopt kids is bad and wont do better for our country, hope romanians think like this, or we fall in the same big shit like westerners.

Reminder that somalis are proud members of the nordic masterrace

Thank you, Master.

completely agree, heck that's why Nicusor Dan left the boat, as soon as their main doctrine revolved around LGBT rights, anti-church comments and minority support - he even said that he felt that the conservative electorate would feel disenfranchised by the sudden change of ideology. USR is destined to fall immensely, as long as they try to appeal to a right-winged electorate, while they themselves are more center-left.

>As for a right wing party, the closest we got was ANR

Voted for ANR myself to be honest, was sad when they didn't reach 5%. As for your prediction, I'd say that there's quite a huge conservative electorate in this country, the problem is that PSD is currently courting it with false promises, while PNL/USR/PMP are filled with the same old cronies that did nothing but steal in the last 25 years (same goes for PSD). I know there's a meme already about the silent majority, but fuck me if a real right-winged movement that is pro-Romanian to its core ever emerges in these conditions, they'll rise up as fast as the Iron Guard or NSDAP did

i have nothing to contribute to the Romanian situation because i know nothing other than that you guys seem to be at least questioning the EU situation. friend, foe i can't tell but an enemy of my enemy is my friend. Stay strong Romanian bro's

i think its great your country has no actual african niggers. it seems like the population would be quite susceptible to mass redpills if you were able to refine the message, and blast it accordingly. bumping for worldwide ethnostates with strong right wing parties in charge.

>Allowing faggots to marry and adopt kids is bad and wont do better for our country, hope romanians think like this, or we fall in the same big shit like westerners.

Truth be told, I wouldn't even be surprised if PSD called in the referendum regarding the issue alongside another referendum that would benefit themselves greatly, making a huge chunk of the population not even participate in it (including conservatives that would have participated 100%). I wouldn't even be surprised if the liberal parties (PNL,(((USR))), PMP) would call for a total boycott of the referendum, which would have horrible consequences.

PSD playing with the Orthodox Church and the Traditional family is one of the biggest difficulties that a real right party would have to address, as it makes conservatives look at those issues as "socialist,communist", instead of being seen as completely normal. see my post here you are a bit out of touch, yea - i've been following virtually all big Romanian publications in the past year (commenting as much as I can in the meanwhile), and trust me when I tell you that we're completely fucked, information-wise. The hip part of the population will only listen to Digi - which is a garbage, pro-EU, Soros-funded TV-station, while the rest of the indoctrination sheep listen to Romania TV or Antena 3 (fake news central). That's why more and more young people are turning towards the internet for information - but they are going towards the wrong ideology in the meanwhile, embracing western ideas such as multiculturalism, aggressive feminism, LGBT rights, rejection of Church etc.

you stay strong as well, toothpaste, just get rid of all the morrocans and shitskins from your country

The population is already a tad more redpilled than the West, due to the Iron Curtain acting as a shield against the spread of western degeneracy, but sadly in the last couple of years everybody has seemingly embraced western culture, as a way to escape the nihilistic-like future of corrupted Romania. The people are willing to sacrifice their entire way of life under the pretext of fighting against corruption, which is pretty scary if you think about it. They are willing to vote in and support a party that has literally betrayed their expectations (shifted from a right-winged doctrine to a center-left after the campaign) only to keep the fight against corruption going.

Perfect conditions for a shitfest, indeed

What is ANR?

ANR - Alianta Noastra Romania (conservative, nationalistic, right-winged party). It's leader, Marian Munteanu, was one of the leaders of the Students that participated in the 1990 Mineriade against the Iliescu-led regime. They sadly only got 4% if I recall correctly and didn't get into the Parliament, and after that they completely vanished.