This is why Finland needs more Swedish immigrants

(And yes, this also means Swedish refugees are welcome to migrate)

Swedes are shown to be more educated and wealthy than Finns. It is no secret that the richest people in Finland are Fennoswedes. We need more successful people in Finland.

Our economy is down, and studies have shown that refugees not only can, but will fix that problem. Finnish economy needs to be fixed really fast, or else we'll crash again.

Multicultural societies have studied to be happier than ethnocentrist societies. Finland is 98% white country, and this is why in other countries Finland is seen as depressing and bland. Refugees, again, can fix that problem.

Sweden has taken plenty of refugees and we need to help our Nordic brothers. We have plenty of room left.

Swedish people are kind and generous people. Finns need to learn a thing or two about Swedes, Finns are mean, selfish and silent.

In short, Finland will benefit from Swedish people and refugees

I agree on all points, expect that full race war now, take no prisoners, imprison the leaders, proclaim the era of hitlerism that will last for 6 million years.

This is why we need to deport people like you to USA because they already elected a nazi president


The word is intellectual.

This is why we need to deport you to Valhalla.

You had your winter war.
We want the race war for ourselfs.

Burgerstan is already going to have to liberate most of Europe from the caliphate in the next 100 years.

I would rather not have my grandson trying to fight some Mongol/muzzie hybrid creatures in the ruins of Helsinki.

ahh, it's the american with the finnish proxy again?

Am I welcome, Jarmo?

Fuck of Pekka Goldberg

Mieleni minun tekevi, aivoni ajattelevi
lähteäni laulamahan, saa'ani sanelemahan,
sukuvirttä suoltamahan, lajivirttä laulamahan.
Sanat suussani sulavat, puhe'et putoelevat,
kielelleni kerkiävät, hampahilleni hajoovat.

Yes you are, every Swede is welcome.


>Multicultural societies have studied to be happier than ethnocentrist societies.
oooooooooh aint that some bait.

well done sir

come on fin bro have some pride. some of the most extrovert people i ever met were inf act Finnish. they are kinda stupid, i give you that. but no matter you guys are good people non the less

>that flag
>those horrible ideas:
>economy down
>I know! fix it with refugees
>we need Swedes
>doesn't define a ''Swede'' (meant nig nogs)
>Multikulti = happiness
>embrace the cuckoldry and you will be happy, said the jew
>Finland is 98% whitey, and that won't do because reasons
>Finns are too hard to control
>I know! Let's replace them with the submissive Swedes! I call them ''kind and generous people'' and who wouldn't want to be a good goy! said the jew
See pic. That's you. You and your tricks have been revealed. Now begone, spawn of darkness!




turn off the vpn, schlomo

1. Disband the republic, no more expensive presidential elections.
2. Abolish pakkosuomi, there are only a few ethnic finns in your country, 96% of your population are LARPing swedes.
3. Come back home as the eastern half of the kingdom.

Far as I'm concerned Swedes are welcome
