Belgian ISP Proximus investigation

>08/01/2018 ~20.00
Main Belgian ISP Proximus experiences major problems in one of their data centers, crippling all telecommunications services in almost the entire country for a period of up to 3 hours.

>09/01/2018 ~10.00
Same situation repeats. For half the day their website is down, as is their customer support service.

>09/01/2018 ~16.00
Telecommunications are down in most cities, some parts experience little to no trouble, others are down completely. Proximus declares the situation not yet stabilized and are trying to solve the problem.

>Their explanation:
Proximus says there has been a power outage in one of their data centers, causing this situation.

- The EU parliament runs on this ISP, which is state-bound.
- The Proximus data centers are equipped with a failsafe to prevent power outages, existing in regular power supply, emergency batteries and an emergency diesel generator. All three failed three times in a row.
- Proximus has been victim to state sponsored cyber attacks in 2015, executed by the NSA.
- Proximus, being the ISP of the EU-capital, holds sensitive information on both the EU and NATO.


This was not an ordinary power outage.
I have an inside guy I'm going to meet later tonight.

Other urls found in this thread:

< Heat map of the shut down last night

< Heat map of the shut down this morning

< Heat map of most recent shut down


Keep us posted. Wish there were more waffles to bump this

We got hit. Question is just who did it.
True. But then again, maybe their internet is down again. Everybody seems stuck in T_D threads and not care about actual real things anymore. Such shame.

Who do you think it was?

Please tell us something will be leaked, which could cause severe damaging, if not the collapse of the EU

That would be great

Last time it was the NSA. I might have some more info on this one when I meet my guy later.

>Question is just who did it.
Russia doing another jammer test? They blocked some of our telecom networks from Kaliningrad during Zapad.


Anything serious found yet?

real falg

Go away, Jihad van puymbroeck :'(

Thank you for revealing flag.
At the moment they're persisting on a power outage, yet an expert on cyber security is openly doubting it on a talk show on Radio 1, since there are 2 failsafes and it happened 3 times in a row.


Ik kekte met je opmerking, maar het feit dat zulke retards een openbare functie krijgen (op de op papier neutrale VRT zelfs) is wel een echt probleem.
vind het zelfs bizar dat ongeveer 30% van de bevolking links is maar toch een stevige houdgreep behoudt op de media.
Ik denk niet dat iemand Almaci vet wijf of soortgelijk zou noemen ooit nog welkom zou zijn bij de VRT

>le 56% face

>bizar dat ongeveer 30% van de bevolking links is maar toch een stevige houdgreep behoudt op de media.
CIA en NATO onironisch, heel Europa

Inderdaad, de hyena's van links zouden er massaal op springen moest die bij Jong N-VA gezeten hebben. Ik had de reacties van de publieke opinie toch wel iéts afkeurender verwacht. Maar kan ook gewoon aan mijn naïviteit liggen. Is ze niet aangenomen in een functie omtrent social mediabeheer ofzo? Waarschijnlijk als ingreep op de verrechtsing van de publieke opinie, om de comments die niet in Jihad -what's in a name- haar kraam passen, te censureren.

Tja mocht het iets ernstig zijn dan gaat dat naturrlijk niet publiek bekend gemaakt worden.

Certainly a possibility.
We need proof, though.

They tried to crunch the numbers on refugee/nigger crime in Brussels, it was too much, and the whole system fell.

Ben alvast naar Nederland gevlucht.

russians probably


Interesting, since monday morning many business landlanes provided by Swisscom are out of order.
most probably Coincidence but i report it nontheless

Get fucked Proxicucks. That's what you get for supporting the government.

All memes aside:
What would be your explanation for this?

Now we're cooking with gass! This keeps getting more and more interesting

>vind het zelfs bizar dat ongeveer 30% van de bevolking links is maar toch een stevige houdgreep behoudt op de media.
Onze media kopieert anglo Media grotendeels, artikels die in Reuters, CNN en BBC verschijnen worden klakkeloos overgepakt.

make some hot chocolate, time to get comfy

Vlaamsche dames/heren zijn welkom in Nederland. Walen opkankeren.

Friendly reminder:

Wat de neuk is er aan de hand met noord Brussel?

Het is een schande. Ze sturen 5 erop uit per dag, maar het meeste is gekocht langs het internet. Journalisme bestaat al decenia niet meer, een persoon dicteert wat de media moet zeggen en dat is het.

Marokkanen, Turken, negers,... maakt niet uit, allemaal hetzelfde

lmao intel
lmao minix ring -3 access
lmao substrates

Ja broeder, de situatie is pijnlijk.

Ik vind deze mijn favoriet: je ziet de steden als broeihaarden van socialisme en niet-blanken tussen Vlaamse gemeentes.

Ik haat België zo veel, maar adoreer Vlaanderen. Waarom laten zo ons gewoon niet werken op ons eigen land en laten ons gerust. Ik moet zelfs niet veel vakantie of pensioen hebben, gewoon noest werk en wat trots voor mijzelf, mijn familie en mijn volk. Is dit zo veel gevraagd?

Ze houden de Vlaming tegen met Wallonie, want als Vlaanderen vrij was, zouden we momenteel (wat niet veel is) een van de meest rechtsgezinde zijn in west-west europa.

De meeste jobs in Brussel vereisen een universitair diploma, waardoor onze bruine vrienden kansloos zijn. De meeste mensen die in Brussel werken wonen in de rand rond Brussel. De Brusselse bevolking is te laaggeschoold om de plaatselijke jobs in te vullen.

Molenbeek ligt in Noord Brussel

Lijkt mij dat een grote stad genoeg laaggeschoolde fabrieks werkzaamheden heeft, of zijn deze wegbezuinigd?
verklaard een hoop.

Hoe heeft Antwerpen zoveel werkloosheid! Ze vinden gewoon niet genoeg mensen voor laaggeschoolden jobs hier, constant personeel te kort in de haven en bedrijven zoals ISS.

Genoeg immigranten die het laagste haven werk zouden kunnen doen, maar doen het niet.

what's this map?

Unemployment rate

Most leftists (mainly socialist parties) are in the south, and there you can also find the most immigrants, unemployment and crime. (This also counts for Brussels!)

Enkele fabrieken wel natuurlijk, zoals audi en vroeger Renault, maar redelijk wat multinationals hebben hun hoofdzetel (vaak ook Europees) in Brussel, daarnaast heb je nog de parlementen en EU die ook veel hooggeschoolde jobs bezorgen.
In Noord-Brussel is er ook segregatie, arme en kankerlelijke buurt trekt plebs aan, als de buurt verkankert gaan daar ook geen normale mensen meer wonen.
Haven is wel keihard werken, kan niet iedereen aan.
In Belgie is er gewoon sterke mismatch tussen kwalificaties en de vraag op de arbeidsmarkt. pic related

southern part is wallonia, right? are these native unemployed people in those deep red districts?

It shows what happens if you have Walloons and Moroccans And Italians and niggers.

They have a lot of immigrants, but Walloons tend to be lazy. I thought in the past that they are what they are, but let them vote for a few decenia for rightwinged parties and I think a lot of them wouldn't be so lazy.

Dus wanneer heb je meer nieuws?

why are the immigrants there? I thought the economical situation has been poor for quite some time in that region?

I hate it that they choose south italians. It would be a world of difference if they were north italians.


>gondola saying spurdo things

Walloons are getting money for ages from Flanders (there was a very short time where this was slightly reveresed, but this has been repaid hundred times over). Socialist don't make money, they take it.

Don't you have more immigrants in your 'poorer=extreme leftist' parts of Germany?

Binnen het uur.

Sounds shady. It is our concern if they are fucking with our data.

Keep us informed, great thread

many african immigrants go to wallonia because they speak french.

Once is a tragedy, twice is coincidence, three times is enemy action.

Je vermoedt dus dat het een cyberaanval was?

I wouldn't rule out incompetence.

Wat die kutsos boven je zei.

depends, the big cities are swarmed, but that's the case everywhere. for a long time it was mostly the rhineland packed with turks and poles. however that was when there was a lot of heavy industry there. nowadays the formerly wealthy regions of hesse, bw and bavaria are the prime target for immigrants
so I would have thought that your immigrants go to brussels and flandern

that makes sense. same for the arabs

Voeg me even toe op KIK: Johndoe6102..dan zal ik je iets anders vertellen. ;-)

They do, 20-25% of Brussels is Muslim.

Always a possibility, to be sure. But failing at the top of the hour three times?

Lots of coal mines in the region and steel processing plants, after world war 2 Walloonia was relatively prosperous, hence the need for first Italians, and other south europeans, later Morrocans and turks. The mines started closing after 1970 but the steel plants kept going. Eventually those plants couldnt compete with cheap steel from abroad so they went bust too eventually.
Ik vind italianen nog niet zo erg eerlijk gezegd
beetje aan de thrashy kant, maar ze brengen wel leven in de brouwerij, en lekkere pizza's :D
t. woont in een dorp met 10% Italiaanse afkomst
Don't fall for the walloon propaganda, brother
Historically Flanders was richer. Bruges was a very rich/ influential city in the middle ages, same goes for Ghent, Ieper, kortrijk. After that Antwerp gradually developed and linnenindustrie werd groot in vlaanderen.
Alleen limburg (waar ik vandaan kom) is altijd al het kneusje geweest.

I've only visited brussels once, that was five years ago. but only the city center and the tourist attractions. how much worse did it get since then?

Could be there was only one issue they couldn't solve properly the first two times.
Not really alot, it has been cancerous as long as I can remember.

More like: After the independence of Belgium the government focused all it's efforts on the coal and steel industry in Wallonia and neglected the big ports of Flanders (Antwerp, Gent). Flanders had a trade based economy and was given no chances at all by the government. Also reminder that Willem I ordered the construction of the Gent-Terneuzen Canal, while John Cockerill, who invested heavily in Wallonia, was one of the supporters of the Belgian revolution

The north was always richer, specifically the old Flanders and Brabant. We witnessed a 100 year backlash between 1830 and 1930 but quickly recoverd

I see, sadly I can't say the same about germany.

how many belgian anons are actually from flanders/wallonia.
seems like a flanders majority but that just my impression?

Waarom zeg je 't gewoon hier niet?

Walloonia is heavy left-leaning and native French speakers most of the time speak poor English.
I'd guess around 80% speaks Flemish , but don't make a mistake by thinking they're all Flemish, lots of shitskins, East-Europeans, Spics and niggers post with my flag as well.

Redenen. Je kan er alleen maar bij winnen..

Heb geen Kik, maar ben wel geïnteresseerd, is there any other way to obtain your information?


one more thing I'd like to know: how strong is the sentiment for separation currently? I guess it's not quite catalan level but stronger then say bavarian separatism in Germany. Is this still a day to day topic or have most people just settled for the status quo?

ah that make sense. same for actual frenchies on this board

I prefer telefax actually but if it's really important you can always contact me by post dove.

Wondering if that's one of the reasons Italy, Russia and basically anyone east of germany is having huge routing issues for some paris-based services.
It's really weird because only a small subset of those services are affected, the first of which sparked my curiosity was the WEU ubisoft datacenter.
Was this a top level or an infrastructure attack? Doubt it can even be a natural power outage, so was it a direct access through lower infrastructures or was it a direct attack to the racks?

I don't really care for it. I can't imagine our goverment handling the logistics of separation without making a huge mess. It would also weaken our position in the EU.

>how strong is the sentiment for separation currently?

For the past 30 years Flemish separatism became heavily intertwined with right wing views. So almost every right wing person in Flanders would probably be in favour for independence in one way or another

N-VA and Vlaams Belang are representing around 45% of the electorate. My hope is that, provided the communistsin are surging in the Wallonian polls, the situation will radicalise.

The closest we ever were to separation was in 1950 and between 2007 and 2011

telegram is an app you dummy

[email protected]

Go ahead.

interesting. just to clarify if there was a separation, would the goal for flanders be to become part of the netherlands or stay an independent nation, same for wallonia would they chose to join france?

I think many Flemings would prefer Flanders to remain independent, but I'm not against some kind of union with the Netherlands

As for Wallonia: it would be a poisonous gift for France. I'm sure the French socialists would be in favour since it would grant them a lot more voters

I've met with my guy.

He said their intranet systems were down aswel.
He said they are not communicating with employees about the incident. So he doesn't know anything either.


what about brussels in it's current state - take it into flemish independence or leave it behind?

nobody wants an union with the Netherlands , its a total meme

Leave it behind, for heaven's sake.
It will never be Broekzele


niks last gehad en zit in midden Antwerpen
(gratis werk gsm wie abbonneert er nu op proximus?)