Women are physically and emotionally too weak to serve as front line troops...

Women are physically and emotionally too weak to serve as front line troops. How can women be prevented from joining armies?

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You failed history. Read about female snipers and the night witches.

Thankfully, I served in the USMC and women were separated from men and prohibited from serving in the infantry. Im 6'1", 185lbs...a woman of small stature is not going to be carrying my debilitated body to safety. Unfortunately, theres no preventing them from joining. In fact, in my timeline, we will see the standards for our SF's dumbed down to incorporate them.

>ywn be ordered to your death by Sgt. Tarja Kopkekekekonenen to fight off Russians invading Finland.

Why live?

And then women will realize "fuck, this actually sucks and is hard" but it will be too late. Or, more realistically, they'll just be treated with kid gloves and will sue superior officers for sexual harassment and all sorts of other dumb shit, causing massive morale spirals and destroying effective leadership.

>ITT the Soviets didn't fake their history

I shudder to think that they will be allowed to join MARSOC or the Army Special Forces. I have crossed trained with both at MCB-Quantico and they are like supermen. They'd breach a room and have it cleared and neutralized in a matter of seconds.


Some goddamn women have to LARP as men and ruin everything, including themselves. Then some men want to LARP as women while the rest have lost their primary motivation (women) and become useless fucking losers.

You used snipers and aviators as an argument against women not being allowed to serve frontline. It seems that you failed basic military knowledge.

what about regiments of woman only troops?

just hurl them on a pile and send them at the enemy first

>Special forces attempts to breach a room
>diversity hire squad is half women
>one of them can't properly break the door down due to lack of strength
>enemy is warned of impending breach and is able to react before the squad gets inside
>Tranny soldier accuses enemy of misgendering them before being shredded by a hail of bullets

At least we weren't bigots or something.

>How can women be prevented from joining armies?
By eliminating jews and their media.
>inb4 meme answer
It's the only right answer


What even is this timeline

Why do the kikes want to weaken the western militaries?

>allowing your women to go to battle and die
Nice morals you got there, western civilization

By taking their rights away. Not going to happen before a collapse though.

Two types of women join the military: lesbians with chips on their shoulders and women who have a pathological need for attention. Usually, a woman in the military is the only woman around. Token girls are the most fucked up women around. Everything they do centers around getting rid of female competition and becoming the only woman around. There is a reason why most women in the military have had a train run on them.

rape them until they leave, keep your barracks clean

They're too weak to serve as effective front line troops.

You failed reality check, try again and do it right this time.

My experience as well, a bunch of mud-shark cum dumpsters.

The commie women snipers are pure propaganda. There was only one known female sniper, she ended up in a mental ward after the war and died there. Same goes for the bomber pilots I assume.

Form an all female grunt unit and let them get fucked up on a deployment. I can only imagine them getting passive aggressive with each other and arguing over who does ied lane route clearance.

They would be punked even by the Bacha bazi boys.

>How can women be prevented from joining armies?

If they are in any operation that requires them to confront enemies in person then make them as rape magnets while the others in the unit flee or kill them while they're distracted

Literal communist propaganda, like almost everything that they recorded or reported about ww2.

They made up so much stuff it is unbelievable even to Russian scholars today.

Hold them to male PT standards.

That's it. 95% will wash out if your standards are even reasonable. Add an uncomfortable outdoor component to basic and voila 99% female dropout rate.



>Women are just as capable

The loser soccer bitches should of rewarded the 15 year olds with sex

They're not even that good in the Airforce. There's no sense of camaraderie or fairness among them. Like some chick failed her PT test after only doing 2 push ups. Then you have girls getting upset over banter and try to get back at others by doubling down on their bs.

We literally have hour long meetings about being nice to girls and not to offend them

The political correctness insanity is going to get people killed and leftists will pat themselves on the back for it.

women in the army is a joke.
sjws want more women in the armed forces which would be terrible since it would literally make our army weaker since they are not as strong and simply wont talk to each other. also a bunch of women on their periods with guns in a small area would be another reason they shouldnt be in the armed forces.


We are truly fuct

Being a woman POW will be absolute hell. You will be tortured and raped endlessley

This is now a Pirita thread


Abusing civilians is already an issue during military campaigns. Now imagine if those psychopaths had a group of cheerleaders to pump their aggression up even more. ANyone trying to speak up against the abuse would be emasculated by the evil succubi.

Every female in the military is just looking for an MOS: a means of support.

put trannies in their bathrooms

At the end of basic training you have to fistfight your instructor

Can someone tell me what kind of trial this was and what kind of hardship she had endured before looking down the barrel of her gun like that?

Kek next you'll be tell us that the holocaust was a true story too.