Where do the get that 86% of Americans want DACA kids to stay? Fuck that, you have to go back

Where do the get that 86% of Americans want DACA kids to stay? Fuck that, you have to go back

>listening to push polls

Slide thread

They did not ask my opinion. We are not to reward families of criminals to keep their ill gotten gains.

as opposed to the gains that you earned...right?

What if a Dreamer has parents who were granted citizenship? My Mexican buddy was brought here when he was 10 but both of his parents got citizenship (after like 15 years) however he still hasn't gotten his citizenship. Should he be deported? He's lived here almost twice as long as he did in Mexico and he hasn't been back since.

I broke no laws, neither did my parents. We have been in the US for a long time. My families have been a part of building this country. Beaners have made it one step closer to 3rd world.
Go back to mexico.

We're obviously not going to get rid of them all, so the more grey area cases like that go to the back of the deport list until we figure out what the right way is to make the illegals we wind up keeping legal.

Really? What did they help build?

all disgusting spics should be sent back to their cannibal wasteland regardless of citizenship. anerica is for white people only.

No it is simple. Issue a warning. If you are in the US illegall you have 2 months to leave or we will make you leave. Go home.

It's not a conspiracy the plan is to import enough dependents to turn red states blue. Why would we let them do It?

Lets see. My fathers family mined Appalachian coal for the past 2 centuries. My mothers family owned farms that produced eggs for the military dating back to the late 1800's.

You can get rid of them all, might take E-verify, voter registration mandatory driver's license ECT. Will take time but they will get busted and SENT back

Anyone caught hiring an illegal should serve a mandatory 10 yr prison sentence.

That would cause unnecessary economic distortions. Every last illegal needs to be expelled regardless of zero or more than zero of them become legal before its their turn to be expelled.

But we have yet to reach proper agreement on if we want any immigration at all. If we do, what kind of immigrants do we want? What about each kind of visa we have? Keep all of them? Keep none of them? Would we rather make some of the people already here legal than go through the trouble of kicking them out and then importing others? Do we just give them some kind of temporary work permit because it's useful to have a seasonal migrant labor force but then kick them out when the season is over and toss violating employers in prison?

It's going to require strategy and planning to fix things. Not even Hitler managed to gas the kikes despite the massive effort he mounted.

56%+ illegals
Seems about right

Wow! Your family held menial jobs for 200 years! You truly are more deserving than the people doing menial jobs today.

Only way I would let them stay is, raise act+border wall+ end chain migration+ visa lottery ended+ no voting right for 10 years then they can stay

86% of people that didn't hang up on the robocall because they don't have to work or haven't heard another voice in weeks besides their mom's believe DACA kids should stay. Hell, it's possible they just blasted the survey out to TracPhone numbers which is all drug dealers or illegals mostly.


>My families have been a part of building this country

Beaners are quite literally the ones doing the literal building in this country at this point, senpai

Well, yeah. People who were here first have more fundamentally more stake. I'm not going to tell some guy whose family helped colonize the US I'm more deserving than he is because my family got here later on.

Its a LIE! Deport them Now!

>mining coal
>mother's family had chickens
Wow. Those are some major contributions. Just wow. I am impressed.

send those smelly shit skins back, they smell like fecal matter

That's the dumbest system by which to evaluate someones worth.

>Beaners are quite literally the ones doing the literal building in this country at this point

You are aware you can't get a construction job in any of the southern states if you don't speak spanish, right?

Oh yeah, english is not necessary though

maybe europe is for whitey but America was brown from the git go. you're like a sandnigger in London, you don't belong in America white man

We're not putting numbers on the worth of lives like Jews. It's about who got here first. You don't get to fucking take my stuff because you think you're worth more than I am.

Sorry but there were no tech jobs at Google back then. Coal built the railways and power transmission lines. Feeding the military made the US citizens safer than any group on the earth. Drop the meme flag beaner. You are not fooling anyone.
No they are not. They are sucking the black communities dry. I say we deport every beaner and give the beaners gibs to the black communities.

who's taking your supposedly deserved stuff away?

Good. You should be impressed that whites and blacks can and will do the jobs we apply to our slave class of beaners.

>The Bill o-of Lo-ove is easy when you're Davos-Man,

The people saying they have more stake because they're "worth" more somehow. I'm not telling you that you're a piece of shit and you can't be here. I'm just telling you that people who were here first don't have to make room for newer people if they don't want to.

>blacks first humans
>blacks got here first
>blacks have rights to the entire earth
LMAOING. sound logic you have there

I run a cabinet shop. Love how everyone says no Americans will do this type of job MF's stop takin our yobs

who's asking you to make room? they're all already here

>It's about who got here first
The Indians?

And the Native Americans were here before the Brits, as were some Vikangz and shiet. All is fair in love and war.

Legally or illegally? There's zero reason we have to not kick out every last illegal no questions asked. All I said is we probably want to keep some or at least talk over what we should do exactly.

The truth of the matter is that illegals have a second home they can return to.
And they can leave to go back to their homes countries.
Yes some can stay, but not if they entered illegally in the first place or overstayed a visa. We do not reward criminal activity. If we start here then we may as well abolish all laws.

>but America was brown from the git go

The name "Americ" literally comes from a European man's name. When the US was founded, the citizenry was over 99% white. Even after the black slaves were freed, it remained 90% white until the 1960s. Originally, only whites were eligible to become citizens under any circumstances. The US was the first and only explicitly white nation in all of history.

All these shitskins were let in by traitor capitalists to redistribute our wealth, bring crime, drugs and violence to our communities to change the voting demographics.
I'm done paying taxes for these shitskins who shouldn't have even been here in the first place.
Send them all back.
Once brown people are back in there own countries not being propped up by white people's taxes the notion of equality will disappear when people stop to compare the societies

I think you have this false idea that them being here illegally is somehow taking something away from you (and that you apparently deserve that something but less-so than the British and the indians, apparently)

the only ones that get mad are pajeets that have to wait years to get citizenship. Mexicans poo in the loo, so that's already a yuge plus

Plus companies being fined millions for any illegals they hire. It also needs to be next to impossible for brown subhumans to get here and destroy the genepool and voting demographics. Only Japanese and White Europeans allowed

B But Mexico and Salvador are beautiful utopias. They are peaceful and wealthy.

>Should non-whites who entered the US illegally and have no legal right to be here leave

Of course. It's a disgrace that his parents were allowed citizenship.

Criminals are parasites bud. And yes they are taking things away. That's not even worth reiterating we've been through all the parasitic costs and effects again.

Neither I nor my family fought the British to establish as an independent country. But the US subsequently granted my family and myself equal legal status. Deserved it? Do I deserve to be tall or have an above-average cock? No, but that's what happened and here I am.

There's no way that your friend isn't legally in the country if his parents were able to become citizens. I don't think he's a dreamer, user. No green card or anything? That's weird.

You guys are desperate. America started before the 1960. America is definitely not a shitskins country.

Hillary has 95% chance of winning. Trump is down 10% in the latest poll. need I say more?

All illegals should hang. Especially the children. They'll be on welfare forever.

Marry dem beans

You can not honestly believe that. They drive down wages, and absorb resources they don't even help pay for. They do bring crime. Uneducated illegals that cannot find work turn to crime.

And what are they taking away that you deserve?


Rule of law, for one, obviously. The country will cease to exist if it does not manage to re-establish the rule of law. And at that point they will have taken my country away from me as well as from them.

Not deserve. What we earned. Tax plays for their welfare. I didn't deserve my pay check I EARNED them!!

This isn't a contest, this isn't a game, this is our homeland.

You think we'd be okay with being replaced by a mass-imported alien tribe of low IQ violent brown 3rd world mongrels because they perform some labor?

Dont try to argue with Those people that come from lawless countries want US laws abolished.

so you deserve to have rule of law because at some point, through no effort of your own, your ancestors became citizens and sold some eggs?

They probably load the questions and phrase them like, "So, do you think mexican children deserve to have happy lives?"

If I invade your home, and then give it to my children to live in would our laws allow my children to keep the home?

You mean the same people who say Americans are excited for an Oprah presidency?

Are you a woman? You can't run a country based on anecdotal feelings stories. There will be a lot of tears, but you have to live in a nation of laws. Tough choices have to be made.

Also, what shitty parents. First they bring him to a country illegally, then they get themselves citizenship without putting him through the same process. Further proof these subhumans need to fuck off back where they came from. Your friend is garbage.

Correct. That was the system that the creators of this country put in to place. I'm not the egg-seller guy btw, although my family did also sell eggs and mine coal, and help out with the military, and other such typical things.

Trail of tears, Don. Don't mess this up. This is what ruined the Reagan administration's legacy

Unironically this. I worked landscaping for awhile, and the shit that goes on in that industry made me sick, physically sometimes. My boss was a baby boomer who was very active with his church, but he made money hand over fist paying illegals 8 dollars an hour to work 13 hour days in 100 degree weather. Then he'd bitch about how Americans "wont do the work" and how the "Americanized" immigrants get lazier and lazier as time goes on.

To give you an example of how bad this was, we hired a bunch of women when labor got real slim. Two girls came in, and they looked YOUNG. I was told to process them anyway, even though their documentation was laughably fake. Later on, we found out one of them was THIRTEEN, and the other was FIFTEEN. When my boss heard this from another employee, he told me to destroy all their paperwork, got the accountant (his sister) to undo their paychecks (somehow), and told me never to speak about it again.

Needless to say, I'm no longer there. His family and mine are very close, so doing anything would cause shitstorm-proportion personal consequences for me, but I'd have laughed my sides absolutely out of orbit if anything happened to him.

energy and food production. what waste of life losers!

do you deserve rule of law more than an illegal immigrant who also sells eggs

We deserve it equally, meaning the illegal faces consequences for illegality, and I don't.

the government takes my things when they tell me I have to pay for the healthcare and education of maria's 8 kids so she can continue cleaning hotel rooms for 3 dollars and hour.

You can become rich removing junk, if your smart

My family sold eggs and mined coal. Menial task? no.... they kept their neighbors and communities fed and warm. They kept raw material moving to build this country on full bellies. I have built my own estate aside from theirs to pass on to my children so that they have a leg up on others in life. How my children use that opportunity is on them.
But meme flag dixie wants to base reality in just the past 3 decades.

A home, a future, a nation where white children and grandchildren will not be used as props for violent incapable brown people acting out their historical revenge fantasies in the real world.

They take away from the average IQ, bringing it down to the mestizo levels that have left the entirety of Latin America, one and a half continents, a brown shitstain of semi-functional 2nd world impoverished countries with higher rates of violent crime than Sub-Saharan Africa.

They take away from civic trust, from social cohesion, from the bond that comes when you have a true nation made up of a people with the same genetic heritage and a common history, and replace this with a plastic multiracial imitation of nation of rootless consumers with no past and no identity beyond neoliberalism. They take away from good schools and safe neighborhoods.

This isn't unique to mestizos- it's the same for the arabs, africans, and all the people invading white countries. And I don't blame you for it, because it's not yor fault. I don't blame anyone for pursuing a bette life for their offspring. The problem is, the reason your home countries are terrible enough to flee from is because they are filled with people who share your genetic material. And once our country is filled with you, we will want to flee from it too.

but you didn't do anything to earn your citizenship, at least they crossed a border

Old bastard is gonna give amnesty? son of a bitch. Well there you go, get ready for Oprah's fat nigger ass in 2020

There was a kid with a busted old truck in the last place I used to live who obviously was making something of a living snagging things before the city garbage truck got them. Useful service to the community as well, since he'd pick up things the city wouldn't take.

You Nazi's are going to wake up in 30 years after our 7th Dem administration in a row and realize what gullible morons you've been. We're going to get the same length of time in government as the Scandinavian social democratic governments did, and we're going to build a true Scandinavian style social democracy. Free healthcare. Free tuition. No guns so no mass shootings. Diverse institutions. A society in which gender fluidity is a fact of life that doesn't inspire a second thought because it's so natural. Your children will thank us even if you don't. Their minds don't belong to you.

Oy vey, bad goy, only illegal immigrants are bad, the rest will surely be voting republican. MAGA!

you are entitled to none of those things

Reagan rewarded "criminal activity" with his amnesty program. The best thing we can do is another amnesty program now, coupled with a change to strict enforcement of immigration laws here on out. The way the U.S. has been doing it is just stupid - strict laws that go unenforced. That system basically encourages illegal immigration, and lulls the illegal immigrants to build a life here to the point that it would be wholly unfair to suddenly strip it away. British and American law have long had doctrines of estoppel and laches, which prohibit sudden enforcement after a long period of leniency (primarily in contract law). But the same ethical principal holds true with regard to immigration practices.

Illegally crossing a border is hardly earning anything other than wasting other people's time clapping you in irons or whatever.

So being born into imediate debt does not count? You beaners do not have to absorb that debt our country owes. Before we grant amnesty to illegals I say we take mexico by force and divide it between the legal citizens of the US.

Huuuh what? Sup Forums was always pro DACA

Your people is dying out and your main concern is being "fair" to subhumans

No one is entitled to anything. The only question is what you can build, take, and keep. The replacement level mass-importation of violent, low IQ 3rd world alien tribes threaten what we have, so we will do whatever we can to fight against it.

I disagree I beleive that we need to make a lasting example that has never been made. Total cleansing the US of any illegals. It may seem harsh, but that is the best way to prevent further illegal immigration.

No it wasn't. Sup Forums keyed in on that early as something that needed to go, or at least be curtailed.

You are a race-traitor, don't fucking dare use that flag

old bastard is gonna cuck on DACA. might as well of voted for fucking Jeb

at least its a cardio work-out, you non-contributing, fat, american

>"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
Literally the symbol of America. NAh fuck that.

>Land of the free

>Home of the brave

>Liberty and justice for all
Sorry we bombed you country and started a civil war destroying your family, business, and everything youve ever known, but you need to go back.

Why do you all hate American values so much? Why don't you leave?

>I only believe information I like

I do cardio every day back and forth on my way to work, where I help develop advanced technologies for the military. Thanks for trying.

Worst bait I've seen in a long time. If serious, you deserve public torture

There are humans and subhumans in every race. You sound like a subhuman of the white race, GTFO of my race.

ALL spics MUST go back. No exceptions.

and by "anything we can" you mean bitching on message boards