Why are Japanese MCs such faggots?

Why are Japanese MCs such faggots?

Because japanese "men" are faggots.

In this case it was more of a calculated decision. He could fuck her once, but would probably ruin his chances to get a steady girlfriend (and thus more sex) later. If you had to choose between getting $10,000 right not, or a chance at winning $1000 a week for the rest of your life, which would you take?

a) Self-insert fantasy of being able to be choosey when presented the opportunity
b) Self-insert fantasy of women being the first ones to make a move and also being incredibly obvious about their interest in you.

The 10k.

My finances aren't stable enough to be gambling on the chance of something good happening to me for once.

I don't know how for sure but I feeeeel like I've seen this exact thread before.

He made the right choice. He would definitely have gotten an STD otherwise. Sluts, not even once.

Because that's the question asked every time a World's End Harem chapter is posted?

Are you retarded, this is an absolute vs chance question.

The 10k now is worth more. We also don't know how the 1k a week will go for, can die anytime, hyperinflation can happen.

Get 10k buy blue chips stock at $50-$250, watch that shot appreciate.

I know Sup Forums is bad with money... But i never expected you faggots to be brain dead...


The 1K would be better over the long run though. 52 chances a year, 520 chances for 10 years. Depending on the probability of winning, you'll end up with more than 10K. But that depends on the probability.
If it's something like .1% then fuck that.

Yeah man. Also if you don't fuck them, attractive sluts are actually preety chill and much easier to talk with than regular girls.

They just don't care about bullshit or society's view on them, they just do what they want, if they can, of course.

If know this is a joke but if only I could stop working by trading in $10k.

He's just not thinking with his dick which is something most user's dont know how to do

Refusing sex does not make you a faggot.

Actually it does.

>buy blue chips stock

stop this meme

Why did he refuse again? he said later on that he sees her in an erotic way.

Why did he do this? He's admitted to being attracted to her.

Is this NTR?

This is not NTR.

I think he was still hung up on lying to her about being bi. He can't exactly dig himself out of that hole he made.

Colossal Cerulean