With sales declining, you've been hired by japan to bring in new ideas to the shounen genre

>with sales declining, you've been hired by japan to bring in new ideas to the shounen genre
>what radical ideas do you employ to create the new hit work shounen series?

you have a fairly reasonable budget to implement your ideas. What do you do Sup Forums?

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A guy who can kill like literally anything with ONLY ONE HIT, and hes practically invincible. We could call it One Hit Man or something.

I make a standard battle shounen about a boy who wants to be the strongest wizard king, but off-key rip off the plot structure of Persona 2 Innocent Sin and Eternal Punishment by killing off the boy halfway through the manga in a brutal, cruel fashion, and force the love interest to try and pick up all the pieces. I somehow get an editor to go along with my batshit insane plan despite my manga regularly topping sales and the popularity of the protagonist far eclipsing that of the love interest.
Oh wait

a battle shounen with a focus on super power martial arts...


the fights are all euro beat music from initial d

*The music building up before they start exchanging blows*

Tetsuya a shit, everyone liked Maya more


MC starts as the most powerful shit in the universe but rapidly ages or some bullshit and becomes much weaker over time and has to make up for it with strategy and NAKAMA.

HxH but with lolis instead of shotas, and I guess a slightly more polished power system

Battle shonen with classic martial arts tropes, full of adventure and bad guys, not unlike Fist of the North Star and Red Ribbon Dragon Ball, starring a cute tomboy.

Dragonball copycat

A young boy of around 10 years old finds that his single mother has been harboring a terminal illness for some time, and shes going to die very soon (>1 month). The boy has no other family, and no one to go to. He begins making preperations, going to very shady parts of town, trying to make a quick buck. On his travels in the night he finds himself in a forlorn drug den, with ghoulish folks laying around dirty mattresses. He sees a little bit of cash lying in the corner, he goes to grab it but once he does someome grips his arm and forces something down his throat. He swallows and trips the fuck out. He wakes up the next day, having passed out in the drug den, and finds himself miraculously healthy and well rested, feeling better than he had before. Getting a clever idea, the boy snatches the pills before running off. That day, he slips it in his mothers food, and similarly, she trips out, then falls asleep. But upon waking up she has recovered from all her diseases' symptoms and lives perfectly fine. She stays healthy for months after, but then, seemingly instantly, she becomes sick again. That night the boy goes back into the slums, seeking that panacea drug.

Flash forward five years

The boy (now kid) is a tougher sort than most. He finds that his mother has adapted to the drug, and it becomes less effective the more she uses it. The kid has become a hard criminal, robbing, stealing, then joining a gang, just to keep his mother alive. It only gets worse, of course, and the boy while on the hunt for money is introduced to underground boxing. The main plot begins revolving around our main character fighting more and stronger fighters to keep his mother alive. He starts using the drug himself so he can fight more matches in a single night, and the hallucinations he has become the narrative's meta-commentary. After awhile his mother addiction gets to be to great and she dies, but by then the MC is so addicted to the drug himself he fights just to take it

Some generic isekai, but the MC manages to go back to his universe and live a normal life.

What's the manga with the unibrow cop, and is it any good?

But actually the plot develops further and he uses the skills he learned in fantasyland to fight the evils of the normal world.

A rip off of The Raid 2 but with a Song of Ice and Fire type chapter system
>Officer goes undercover to investigate The Yakuza and learns about the underworld and all is different gangs but gets involved more than he was intended to

>No super powers
>Chapters and some arcs will be told from the perspective of different characters but the officer will remain the main character

Hmmm fairly interesting.

Better. REVERSE isekai.
Looser squire in fantasy setting travels to real world and becomes complete badass, beating up thugs and stockpiling chicks.

here's this week's cover. mha is officially the #2 of the magazine now.

That's still isekai from the protags point of view.

Haha, I get it. You're talking about Shounen Jump original manga Spring Weapon No. 1, aren't you?

How many times does the MC lose her arm?

>muh swing brown golf guy
>both girls from Bokuben
Wait what is this? Is this the cover page for secondary characters? Or at least like the second main characters or lead or something. The term for it is escaping me. Looks like they took the characters that aren't always plastered on the marketing.

Though that seems inconsistent since there's a handful of who I assume are main characters in there too.
>ghost tits guy
>guy in Hungry Marie
>dumb guy in Dr. Gay
>the straight man guy in Spring Weapon

You know, seeing Nezuko on the cover out of context makes it look like there's going to bondage inside.

So when does World Trigger starts again?

The main principle should be actually giving a fuck about the characters.
Make the MC a realistic human being and not a sack of potatoes.
Make the girls people with a life outside being MC's bitches.
Harem/romance are an end, not means. You don't just have MC showing generic kindness and the next day the bitch is dreaming of marrying him, relationships between characters have to be developed properly.
The only true way to make a story unique is to write based on yourself and your own experiences, authors should focus on that sort of mindset.
Most animes involving battles have horrible animation, so no more korean slaves working in animation studios.

Is it just me or does that whole cover look like it was drawn by Horikoshi, Kouhei

It was.

I like how he doesn't even put Deku up front also luffy looks great in his style

>the shounen genre

The dude got his start winning a one piece fanart competition, of course Luffy looks good.

The MC gets isekei'd into a generic shounen then has all the common tropes proven to be bullshit. Good guys lose, friendship doesn't mean a damn thing, basically make it realistic fantasy.

Fag mc wants to become the "best Y of X".
Starts out like a shonen, he finds nakama and participates in tournaments/battles. Occasionally loses and mostly wins.
Then he starts getting a losing streak. No matter how hard he works, his nakama soon outpace him and the dude who was a side character starts winning tournaments/battles.
Turns out he is really fucking average and his hard work can't make up for his lack of talent. Over the course of above episodes he slowly loses his calm and positive attitude, become narcisstic and bitter. The next part is about him coping with his mediocrity.

Card based martial art fights in space on scooters

A series about a guy who is a resurrected ruler from an ancient civilization and he has the power of product placement and must use it to fight villains in death battles involving trading cards, spinning tops and collectible action figures from vending machines

>evil nation summons a deity for a global domination
>they fucked up the summon
>deity ended up being split in to two and spawned on 2 different continent
>deity a ended up with a party looking for a missing person
>deity b ended up being chased by the evil nation and is on the run
>deity b take refuge on a town, met a mortal pleb poor waifu
>evil nation found out
>took waifu and used as ammo for their waifu cannon vs deity b
>deity b got hit, critical damage, learned waifu was used as ammo
>deity b go full ham evil nation
>meanwhile deity a's party was actually looking for a person that was kidnapped by evil nation
>the person was one of deity A's nakama's waifu and oneechan
>they go to evil nation while being comfy adventuring
>Evil Nation turned missing person to a half assed god since they fucked up the summoning
>2 halves of the deity meet with despair and anger
>they merge
>deity a previous nakama tries to reason with angry deity
>NOPE, kills everyone of them
>then they proceed to destroy the world
The end.

here's full

If you're wondering about the hand gestures, all of them are playing rock, paper, scissors, and I think they're playing with their deuteragonists, since some of them are reacting like they lost, like Gintoki has paper while Shinpachi has scissors.

Fat virgin sees himself as a failure and hits the gym.
The fat virgin gives up instantly and tries kill himself by ramming his head on the side of his mum's coffee table.
Before he finally suicides, a cute loli comes in and puts a Glock 17 on his head and blows his brains out.
The MC is Isekai'd into the typical fantasy world with magic, furries and other bullshit.
MC is still a fat virgin, but now he's got the handgun that killed him.
With only 5 mags on him, will he survive and find out who killed him?

They were both great, fag.

They let Bokuben have 3 characters on the cover? That's odd.

It's simple. We bring back d&d.

A boy and his father run a junkyard in a slightly futuristic setting.

wow, that seems incredibly shallow and boring. congrats

The plot to the mind.in.a.box albums. Throw it into a nasuverse setting or whatever, if you're desperate to milk some particular fanbase.

i sink the entire thing

but poro floped hard

Pander to fujos.

I'll create a school battle shounen manga, but after the first wound the MC receives he calls the cops and gets his attacker (female) arrested. The story continues and everytime someone attacks him he just calls the cops to gets them arrested. In the end he is rich and has a harem, because he received so much money from the compensation for injuries

>he's still a fat virgin
>but now he has the gun

So the back is for the main characters and front for the second MCs.

Everything you just said sounds great (and what doesn't is a matter of personal taste), there's just one problem... Whereare the hyper marketable moe blob characters and wish fulfilment vessels?

You... you don't know how shounens work, do you (not unless this were to be a long burn type deal, slowly interweaving and developing this transition)? Interesting idea though.

An F-ranked school student attempts to find his vocation by joining various clubs, trouncing most of the members, then leaving when his interest dissipates. Eventually he's transferred from his old class to one that's mostly club leaders and high-ranks, alongside an S-ranked mind-reading student who's tired of being a protagonist, and a B-ranked student who specialises in business and wants to create an underground bartering system. None of the three students have been informed as to why they were transferred, or transferred all at once, but it's implied the rest of the class knows more than enough about each one of them. What follows is a slice of life set in a dictatorship-run school as the protagonists alternatively attempt to find meaning, solve problems, and avoid being exposed for subterfuge or not living up to the potential of their rank.

A short student attempts to woo his classmate, a giant busty girl who wears a uniform several sizes too small and interprets statements, figures of speech, puns and commands literally (or misinterprets them if they're straightforward) for comical results. The student is alternately aided and obstructed in his goal by his older sister, a busty blonde gyaru girl with a brother complex.

Set in 1930s New York, two gangster boys who run their territory like a kingdom accidentally lets loose Morgan Le Fay who plans on turning the city into Avalon and returning King Arthur so he can rule an kingdom that will never fall.

The two young gangsters use their quick wits and new technology of the 1930s to combat Morgan's creations and investigate unnatural events in the city.

In the end of Part I:
>One of the gangsters dies fighting Mordred.
>Morgan wins and transforms New York into Avalon.
>King Arthur and the new Round Table Knights roll up and crown themselves Kingz n' shiet.

>Shonen GENRE

Just say next hit in Jump for fucks sake.

I would spend all that budget on Ashihara's medical treatment.

Make a decent international digital publishing. Ads everywhere. Redraw/hide lewds outside of japan. Include some foreign series in the gaijin jump. PR and community building all the way. Support local cons with custom posters and shit. One we get that ball rolling sell merchandise like no tomorrow. Roll in the dough.

To hide which one main girl duh

once again Saiki loses on purpose