Jordan B Peterson

How does this guy still have a job?

Can we organize an effort to silence this man once and for all by compelling the administration of University of Toronto to fire him?


Stfu snowflake

Marxist shilling is in progress

fuck off you literal faggot.

clean your fucking room you filthy motherfucker.


no, fuck you


Who needs a job when you pull in $50k a month on Patreon?

It was the attempt to silence him that allowed him a platform to become well-known and respected by many. Stupid SJWs will never see that they seem to have the exact opposite effect of everything they try to accomplish. Far leftists have pushed more people to the right than anything. Trump was the ultimate reaction to that bullshit.

let the kids whose dads always looked down upon them for liking video games and never having girlfriend have their little father figure, hes all they got . Peterson is a liberal anyways.

Why would you want to silence him? He's a good goy and a genuine boomer idiot. If he gets some autistic dosh on the side, so be it, that's capitalism.
>paying 10 dollery doos for a stranger to tell you who you are

This. They push and the right becomes stronger.


I'm so sick of this obviously shilling bullshit. It's not just Jordan Peterson it's literally everyone on the right wing. It's the most obvious divide-and-conquer tactic I've ever seen. When have you ever seen a single goddamn Thread about a right-wing figure on here that isn't just shiting all over him? And Jordan fucking Peterson of all people. All criticisms I've ever heard of him or the most retarded bullshit. You have a guy who made a 10-hour series on the philosophical significance of the Bible, and all people do to criticize him is mockingly say clean your room.

This guy actually understands the philosophical backings for behind postmodernism and authoritarianism, and is fighting it at the highest possible level. In Academia with other professors. Yet all you probably do is watch sjw owned videos all goddamn day and jack off to anime. He's inspired millions of people to get their shit together and start researching Psychotherapy and psychoanalytics. Either you're retarded faggot shill trying to destroy something you don't even understand, or you're a sad pathetic faggot who's actually serious and would probably be better off just killing themselves.

nah, he's a boomer idiot

Somebody's a salty dog

>nah, he's a boomer idiot

I simultaneously feel bad that the massive wealth of information and learning that Jordan Peterson has to offer is completely muted on you, hate the ever-living shit out of you for being a retarded shill lashing something you don't even understand, and feel pity for you for being doomed on living out the rest of your sad miserable existence without ever knowing the true meaning of Good and Evil.

uhhh, we here at /pol love authoritarianism so..

This is obviously a bait thread of someone trying to get "epic reactions" such as yours. So....

>This is obviously a bait thread of someone trying to get "epic reactions" such as yours. So....

No, because a certain percentage of Poland's population is actually retarded enough to fall for this s***. If you make the same thread showing the same thing for two weeks at a time, you actually start to see people believe it because they want to be trendy and hip and just follow whatever Paul believes in. And it's fucking stupid.

I'm using voice to text so that's why part of it is fucked up.

there isn't any value to self promotion artists
the cult around jordan "collectivism is evil" peterson is hilarious and sad

clever pro-Peterson shilling OP, the guy is still an anti-white retard