Why is Life so Scary and Sad?

Is this hell?

At first its okay. If youre lucky, you will have parents who raise and provide for you. But these parents will eventually die and you will mourn their loss. Eventually you will die too.

Are we lucky to be alive, or is this some kind of hell? Is this because we fell? Because we chose sin?

I think about my life, and how lucky I am. But I know for certain this is not the case for the majority of the world. Why is there so much suffering?

Redpill me on the demiurge while youre at it.

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I wouldn't ming playing if the game wasn't so fucking rigged

Because it gives meaning to joy and love. However, that said fear and sorrow only exist in your head--not on the outside or anywhere else.

You have to let your body sleep, so your soul can live on.

>Our lives are a gift from God
>Our free will is a gift from God
>Most people use their free will to make their lives worse and them blame God for His gifts

2 spooky for me user: youtube.com/watch?time_continue=167&v=W8VEs0lGUZ0

Nature is merciless. Life is simply a very complex and yet so fragile arrangement of runaway chemistry. We are here for no reason. But we endure, we continue, we life out of spite for an uncaring universe ... to spit in the very face of existence by simply holding on against all odds.

Because if you were surrounded by a perfectly ordered equilibrium, that kind of unchanging atmosphere would be a form of hell in itself. Like the worst possible form of solitary confinement for all of eternity.

Chaos and adversity are what create meaning and keep things interesting.

On the other hand, the concept of an active "observer" seems to break down within a perfect equilibrium. Unless there is some sort of god perhaps.

>have limitless imagination
>can think of anything that exists
>if you can't think of it, it doesn't exist

>be locked into a body
>they only way to interact with the world is by repelling other matter

Children struggle hard with this. When they can't have something that they want it's not because they're spoiled little shits, it's because they are limitless gods in their own minds, but are not yet used to their flesh prison.
As you grow up, you kinda get used to it, but not really. It's more a state of giving up.

athiesm is gay and that would have sounded bad ass 100 years ago in bolshevik russia


It's not to late to end it all. We have the power.

because you are a pussy

Life was not meant be easy, some worked towards making it so and achieved it, others did not.

It's not hell. You are given things in this life and yet none of them are truly yours. You can say you earned them but it's a misnomer. You borrow everything in this life. From companionship to worthless riches. If you do not change who you are you've borrowed them for nothing.

I have wondered the same myself. Life is full of pain and loss. Do the few good things make it worth it? Only my sons have made life worthwhile. Without them I’d say no way is life worth living.

>Scary and Sad
huh. not my experience at all. more like Tedious and Boring.

It's the worst, but it's also the best, all at the same time. It's weird.

>Are we lucky to be alive

Yeah you are whats more to get. Everyone suffers and their isnt really justice. You get what you get. This question was a bit too loaded with soy.

How do you know that joy and love aren't just blue pilled coping mechanisms? Serious question

Cause you're a huge pussy

This place is definitely hell. It's also definitely heaven. Depending on the particular challenges of your current incarnation, the choices you make can send you on a transcendental spiral into a higher Dimension. or you'll start to vibrate at the same rate as a lower dimension. I've definitely seen on several psychedelic trips how the hell Dimension is existing in the same place at the same time just at a different frequency. at certain times you get to tune in to see what that is really like. If you're curious as to whether you're in Hell or not, I suggest you take some psychedelics (5 dried grams in total silence and darkness perhaps) and then just look around and see if things become more hellish or less hellish. if they become more hellish then it's likely your old state of being was heaven after all. but you won't know until you're a couple hours in. If you decide that any sort of mind-altering substance is for degenerates, and an egoist like yourself wouldn't partake in such disgusting Behavior, then maybe you have to admit that you are on some level addicted to fear and misery. which is why these thoughts are so frequent and entertaining to you that you dwell on them to this degree. If you are indeed addicted to these thought patterns how exactly could you rehab yourself?

So a lot here don't understand occult stuff that well. There is a basic premise for many of their schools and it works like this
Everything started from 0
If you want to add something, you have to subtract it back out.
To be overly simple. Call matter 1 and antimatter -1
Good 1, evil -1
In occult stuff, for a lot of it, there is duality to everything. Always an equal and opposite reaction to every action
It works on our psyche as it works in physics

There are also occultists who believe God is All, and that he reigns on a supreme plane, and that our souls were sparked on a plane close to God's as "light," not light like we see, but as a metaphysical thing. And that our light seeks reunion with God through ascension. Read hermeticism for that. Hermeticism says there is a demiurge that rules over this world and that the true son of God would come to save the world. Thus you can read Hermes predicted Jesus coming.

Drugs are not needed. You are likely to be deceived rather than taught anything substantial.

I havent given up. In fact I done psychoactive mushrooms and become aware of the otherside. I believe in a creator. I know there is more to the story than we are told. That were more powerful then we are led to believe.

I want to levitate things with my mind or even fly but these pursuits are tied to a materialistc world. I am probably, like most, too selfish to ascend.

The fuck is that?

I think this is ultimate purpose of life. At our most basic and primal. Our most miraculous achievement. Replication.

It's either that or commit to a decade of meditation and systematic renunciation. OP he's already terrified. Telling him he's going to have to meditate for a decade before he gets any sort of answers is going to make him more so, and more hopeless. I'm just saying if someone believes they're in hell you could show them what hell looks like. Or heaven depending on where OP is at on their journey. The other thing you'd have to admit is suffering like this stems from addiction and pr trauma. Let's hear about that.

Melanoma here gets it

>Why is there so much suffering?
Ever heard of Maps of Meaning, OP?

You are fine, but you are right. There is another side. Hindusim definitly holds a lot of untold secrets. Prana is real.

I can kinda see what you mean by this being hell and heaven. For instance if you were a bad person in your last life who skated by easy on money and power, perhaps in the next life you do suffer and pay for the consequences. Ultimately I think this makes a lot of sense.

Fixed that for you op

In hinduism there is a quote

Just as the body shes old cloths, the soul sheds old bodies.


I've often thought that we are all in hell. The world is a truly horrible place, despite whatever small comforts we are given.

The Bible says that God is separate from his creation. The Bible also defines hell as separation from God.

We are also told in the Bible that satan is the prince of this world. That he runs this place.

Any efforts to reform or make the world a better place are met with immediate violence.

All of that makes me think we are in hell.

I like the red glare amerimutt meme, do you have more. The one walking through the forest with multiple limbs my fave.

Suit yourself

We are deceived by occultists. Whether or not the magic is real. Its probably not, its probably a psy op. Theres for sure nefarious forces at work.

They just have everyone so mad and scared with the media and stuff. We are pretty lucky to at least have men vessels. I guess we just have to grab life by the horns.

We are in a purgatory realm. Seek higher things and your reality will change.

As I'm a white male American in this incarceration, then the next one might be pretty challenging. I like to think in terms of the infinite universe. There's room in Infinity for me to Incarnate as every single person living on the planet now or having ever lived. There's also room for me to live this current life over and over again allowing for identical outcomes or drastically different outcomes. It's all there in Infinity. Like at some point I'll incarnate as the pretty air headed blonde that I, maybe, was rude to in Target today. When I do come back as her will I get a Deja Vu and go "I know that mother fucker"

Put everything aside and consider the following.
It's the "doing for" mentality what causes pain.
You should always do, when the doing itself is the objective. Never do things as a step to do other things.
The planing of steps through time is a useful tool, but it should be used ONLY for strict technical issues and survival.
I hope the true meaning of this message gets to you.


Yes I understand this now. 0=1 At first many years ago I was like what is this math bs. fuck off nerds. But I get it now.

It goes along with an old question id ask in a time when I was still atheist. Can G-d create a stone he cannot lift?

The answer as you already know, is he can and he cannot, at the same time. He is beyond our perceived rules. Someone told me knowing this was Alchemy or something along those lines.

el cero porciento!!!

This, brother

You might have got it wrong.

Either there is 0, and every evil and good adds up back to zero, so there is no net change in reality. Think of why masons, Jews make evil. Because good must come to correct.

Or God is inviting and infinite. And every evil is irrelevant when God is infinite and neither good or evil

Both options are equally hard to comprehend. We don't know the answer to either. There are other theories there but these are the two major theories.

Yeah I agree with you. I feel infinite as well. We are all capably of great and terrible things. Makes me want to research torus and figure out how they work. Ive also researched left and right brain but I still havent unlocked the secrets. I once hypnotized myself and realized our brains work like a computer and can be hacked. Another time one mushrooms i started to beat my chest and for a few seconds I did it involuntarily, primaly. Like ancient monkey ancestors. Thats when I knew I was just a bipedal great ape. Hidden memories or reflexes, what we called instinct, locked away in my DNA and brainstem.

Their are ways to tap into the forces of nature. To use our bodies to their best abilities. Breathing and diet have a lot to do with it. But basically with enough nueral control you can become aware of your machine like existence. Blood is your electricity. You can feel its circulation with concentration. Your engine is your heart. The only reason you are not some autonomous robot is because you have two brain hempspheres. ITs like having two people share the same body. ITs why our thoughts are conflict. I think there is a way to snchronize our brain hemispheres and that is called Kundalini.

Im not any good at acheiving it though. Pretty sure you have to be Vegan. With great power comes great responsibility.

This is also why Catholics consider all occultism heresy. It took me a long time to understand this.
I was talking about something kind of related in another thread.
Occultism depends on an immanent reality. Things affect each other. The creator affects the creature and the creature affects the creator so the hand of god can be forced if you know the correct rituals.
There is a cool story in Hinduism that explains this about a Rishi that cursed a man who had an Astra (a sort of spell/weapon from the gods) from Vishnu. The weapon reacted to the curse, trying to kill the Rishi. Escaping from the terrible weapon, he goes to Vishnu, to ask the god to please spare him and remove his weapon, but the God explains to him that he can't do it, because the faith and virtue of the man who received his blessing was such, that the God couldn't deny him even if he wanted to so his best shot was go the man in question and ask for forgiveness.

Catholicism believes in a transcendental god, meaning that he transcends his creation and is totally independent from it and all powerful.
There is nothing divine in man for he is born in sin. He can only touch divinity, not by his own will or power, but by the grace and will of god alone.
This means that all things supernatural do not come from the transcendental god, but from demons. There are very specific and complex ways by which the catholic faith considers what is a true act of god vs other stuff.

Fear and sadness are also coping mechanisms, there's nothing pilled about any of them. Your brain has one very base instinct: survive. All emotions stem from that goal.

Because you're a pussy and your ancestors were farmers.

I wouldn't be so pissed off if I could own a gun

I think God is ultimate Good but we are evil. We became bored and chose to sin. Now we deal with the consequences of our choice.

We werent content to just sit and be happy. We wanted to know and so we found out. G-d is ultimate Good but his place of existence where we test our curiosity is 51% good and 49% evil. House all ways wins. Ultimately we are still alive, nothing has killed us off. And if we were more bad than good, we would have eaten each other already.

>There is a cool story in Hinduism that explains this about a Rishi that cursed a man who had an Astra (a sort of spell/weapon from the gods) from Vishnu. The weapon reacted to the curse, trying to kill the Rishi. Escaping from the terrible weapon, he goes to Vishnu, to ask the god to please spare him and remove his weapon, but the God explains to him that he can't do it, because the faith and virtue of the man who received his blessing was such, that the God couldn't deny him even if he wanted to so his best shot was go the man in question and ask for forgiveness.

Whoa. This story is probably about humans living on Mars wiping each other out with nuclear arms and the remnants coming to live here on Earth.

I read this few times but couldnt understand it. Are you saying dont set small goals unless you absolutely must?

>Is this hell?
It's better than any of the alternatives. This world is a balance between chaos and order, between having to live with restriction and with no restriction. Absolute chaos would have no form, it would be only flux. Absolute order would have no flux, only form. The combination of the two allows for change and stasis at once.
>Why is there so much suffering?
1. A great deal of suffering is self-created. A man who lives in his hut and gets food every once in a while does not have time to suffer.
2. People are self-interested, and we live in an economic system that rewards self-interest.
Pic related is your redpill on the demiurge.

Because you're a fucking child

Revved up like a douche... another roller in the night...

Teach me more about rishii Ive been listening to this guy

What you say makes a lot of sense. Good beings live in the immaterial world. Supernatural feats that attract the attention of our eyes exist in the material world, which is evil.

Is that why were here? because were materialistc?

El Goblino is watching

Or a butter knife.

Lol, maybe. Hinduism has spaceships and all.

What I get from that is our vessels are prisons to house our infinite light. We are some dark being's version of the sims?

Life is not scary nor sad if you have lots of money. It's fucking boring most of the time, but not scary or sad.

It's what you make of it. That's free will

>Why is Life so Scary and Sad?
because world war three has started

and this is it, the information war against the world's public

One Gnostic mythos describes the declination of aspects of the divine into human form. Sophia (Greek: Σοφία, lit. "wisdom"), the Demiurge's mother a partial aspect of the divine Pleroma or "Fullness," desired to create something apart from the divine totality, without the receipt of divine assent. In this act of separate creation, she gave birth to the monstrous Demiurge and, being ashamed of her deed, wrapped him in a cloud and created a throne for him to be within it. The Demiurge, isolated, did not behold his mother, nor anyone else, and concluded that only he existed, ignorant of the superior levels of reality.

The Demiurge, having received a portion of power from his mother, sets about a work of creation in unconscious imitation of the superior Pleromatic realm: He frames the seven heavens, as well as all material and animal things, according to forms furnished by his mother; working however blindly, and ignorant even of the existence of the mother who is the source of all his energy. He is blind to all that is spiritual, but he is king over the other two provinces. The word dēmiourgos properly describes his relation to the material; he is the father of that which is animal like himself.[12]

Thus Sophia's power becomes enclosed within the material forms of humanity, themselves entrapped within the material universe: the goal of Gnostic movements was typically the awakening of this spark, which permitted a return by the subject to the superior, non-material realities which were its primal source.

Life is just shit for you because you live in America.

More like goals don't matter because they don't exist.
Do you play vidya? If so, you probably felt it at least once, the mmo effect. You grind and grind and grind so much for something, and when you finally get it, you feel empty. There is joy, but it goes away fast compared to the time and effort employed.
It sets you up in a way that you are loosing energy all the time, always doing for something in the future.
I know that right now, your mind is telling you "but isn't that nihilism?" or "how can I achieve anything?" or a variant of that. It's not.
It's hard to explain. Let go of the future and you will actually achieve even more than before.
It's like a sort of correction of the way you "do" and "be".
It's like working out. You need to enjoy each workout session and give it your all because of what it is, not because of what is doing to you. If you work out only to get to achieve something, one of two things happen: You either quit or develop some sort of obsession that can lead to injuries or even more serious stuff. Both things unbalance you. But if you workout because it feels great, you will achieve everything positive without even thinking about it.

It's not scary or sad.

quite frankly im having a great time until i get around some annoying retards.

the only sin is that no one slaps the shit out of you for projecting your mental garbage into the world

It's a big red pill to realize you continue to exist only because you find water, food, and shelter. There's no reason to continue doing this other than instinct.

It's a bigger red pill to realize that you might as well do it with style.

Why? Because fuck it, that's why.

That is very rude, Japan.

I believe he means to live in the moment with regards to your actions. If what you are doing is a MEANS to achieving something other than things that are necessary for survival, then at some level you realise that the 'step' you are undertaking is in itself unrewarding which leads to an ever increasing inflation of expectation once you actually reach your goal.

hard relate

I don't know user. I don't think anybody knows. But I can tell you more about the Rishis!
The myth says they were ancient mystical sages from India, creators of several mantras and Ayurveda, the oldest form a codified medicine practices. Some are related to aspects of gods.
The story I told was about Durvasa, a Rishi who had the rage of Shiva in his soul. It's a very weird character that kicks in motion several of the most important myths in Hinduism, but for some reason or another tends to be omitted. I guess his character would spark too much confusion lol.

Do you want me to tell you another story about Durvasa?

what rabbithole have you dragged me into?

life is a continuous struggle. grow a dick or just kill yourelf faggot

Got it.

Uncle is a retired surgeon. Obviously spent his life in a hospital. His favorite line: "Life is hell"

Life is suffering. Struggling against an infinite current, until you inevitably get swallowed and recycled.

It's the crucible that generates progress.

Being dead is really fucking boring.

Thank you for clarifying. This is exactly what I meant.
When you do it, something changes on the inside. This change feels more spiritual than mental.
Then the challenges is staying in that state for longer and longer periods of time.

I want this story.

We must first go through pain and suffering before we reach eternal happiness and goodness

Go for it man. I cant explain it but when I smoke weed of when I took LSD or pshys in the past I am drawn to ancient hindu sounds and shit like bells and sitars


Its likely memories locked away in my DNA.


t. gaijin who moved to a country that does not want him living there and fucking up its ethnic homogeneity in the first place

burgerland is still a shithole but you're also a hypocrite

>Death and suffering are our own faults, not God's

Care to elaborate?

Take the Buddha pill and stop clinging.

Read Thomas Ligotti. His brutal pessimism soothes my tired heart. Life is a mistake. A horror show. Read about antinatalism as well. David Benatar. It’ll change your life.

I was thinking its ultimately gravity that kills us. If we are allowed to exist that long. An always constant weight we are not longer able to endure.

>Thomas Ligott
Sounds similar to hp lovecraft from what Ive heard. reads like it.


He was the inspiration behind Rust Cohle on True Detective.

YEah I think bhuddis and hindus have the right idea. In the end we are all corruptible but those two religions try to fight that corruption in proactive way through meditation and stuff.

The Matrix. Do you know what it is?


The horror.....the horror.

what a loser
nobody likes a whiner

It just seems like it gets worse exponentially after a certain age. Im not there yet. You really need children to make this life worthwhile it seems like.

the sight of attractive women makes me depressed

> Is this because we fell? Because we chose sin?
>repent and turn to Christ Jesus
>go see your local priest of the Holy Orthodox Church and humbly ask him how to proceed on the path of salvation

This life will still be scary and sad though