Should we save Pygmies?

Pygmies are an ethnically different group from the Africans. The average Pygmy male is 4,11 and their average IQ is only 63 psychologists speculate. Because of institutional racism only 600,000 are alive today and a vast majority of them reside in central Africa. Africans view pygmies as subhuman. Most African countries don’t even have laws against killing pygmies! They’ve been envolved in numerous genocides including the Rwandan genocide (which pygmies barely are mentioned) and the worse one a genocide called Effacer el tableau which happened in 2003.

Currently there’s 10,000’s of pygmies who are enslaved in the Congo. Pygmies truly are the most victimized race in the world. We need to spread the word and end racism against the Pygmy people. It’s time us white people stop the Africans from enslaving people based on their race.


They are not our problem
They can save themselves

Yes, as long as they are conserved in zoos

They can’t they’re too small to fight

C'mon yall we gotta save the niglets.

Take care of yourselves before you think of other countries.

Nigger-Hobbits need to save themselves

according to encyclopedia Britannica they have an IQ of 31

They are low on our priority list

Funds to save them might come up short

Fucking kek

To be honest #SaveThePygmies is just a way to draw light to the pygmies. It puts liberals in a very uncomfortable spot because it shows them that not all races are equal. And it also makes Africans look bad since they are enslaving and genociding a race of people

literal mental midgets

Why are niggers such savages, they even kill little niggers
Absolute sociopaths, no empathy at all
Pure them from our and your lands we should

To be honest, bringing in pygmies into black communities would be pretty hilarious. Look how american blacks and africans get along already? Internog warfare would be hilarious.

Yeah, but honestly they would do even worse than blacks. They’re pretty peaceful but their IQs are so low almost none of them can learn how to read. They would be way less violent than blacks though I bet

I'd rather have abos and pygmies than our 'african americans'

too much white blood

dumb phoneposter

True, if some people in America saw what real 100% sub Saharan Africans were like they’d think a lot differently. 16-21% euro dna is about average for blacks here so that’s like at least one white great grandparent worth

I’ll pay top dollar for a dozen of them. They seem like they would be pretty funny to have around the house.

You should go to the congo and buy some, then get them their passports and secretly own them

This the hierarchy of priorities go

1. The Self
2. The Family
3. The Nation
4. The Species
5. The Planet

Are Pygmies even our species???


How do bluepillers explain pygmies? They seem like a very obvious example of divergent evolution and racial differences. What’s the deal?

This. Get a bunch, dress them up in Uganda Knuckles costumes, and have them run around in public spitting and screaming "Do you know da wey?".

We should get the pygmies to go full fascist and create their own ethnostate

These little greenskins are NOT orks. Gretchen are an ethnic race of greenskins distinct from orks. The average Gretchen male is under 4,11 and their average IQ is 63 psychologists speculate. They were not able to give gretchen written tests so they had to give them physical test like counting and solving simple puzzles. Since gretchen are small greenskins there’s a few million independent living on Gorkamorka, but the vast majority of gretchen live as slaves in ork tribes.

Orks consider Gretchen, or Grots, to be below them because of their small heights and even lower muscle mass. Gretchen are regularly subject to genocide and enslaved. Although only around 33,000,000 grots lived in Rwaaghda they were a listed target of the Rwaaaghdan genocide where nearly 1/3 gretchen were killed. Most people don’t even acknowledge the poor gretchen struggle though. The gretchen on the Congah world have it worse. In 42003 there was a systematic extermination of the gretchen. Orks killed around 70,000,000 gretchen in a genocide when they got bored. Currently there’s 10,000,000’s of gretchen enslaved by orks in the Congah world alone.

To anthropologists gretchen are known as the forgotten greenskins. Because of massive racial discrimaion there’s only around 600,000,000 gretchen left alive today. But we need to free these gretchen. Gretchen are a peaceful people unlike cursed orks who hunt them for sport.

>How do bluepillers explain pygmies?
They don't. They just pretend they don't exist.

you know man.....I believe in different cultures and shit....

but come on, they're clearly abominations

Wow this is perfect

im guessin u learned this in med school today. i bet ur boring af

>Should we make these niggers free?
Yeah, because it worked so fucking well before

Most racial problems are due to interventionism. Leave them alone.

import them as slaves to Chicago. then it will literally be literally Chicongo.