How will we destroy Oprah before 2020 rolls around?

How will we destroy Oprah before 2020 rolls around?

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We won't. Oprah is a Trump plant and she's not even running.

You're just a jewish shill who knows what's coming.



>it is afraid

she will destroy her own ability to be elected

>A fat niggers who's only talent was milking information, shilling and bedside manner.

She literally is a spy.

We want her nominated first. Or better, once she has all the superdelegates but before the convention.
So we can laugh at the Bernie Bros again.

she wont run. She actually is happy with what Trump is doing and no way she will divest her companies. She has no experience on the international stage and her business savvy is all due to a manager and pr firm.


why hasnt she fixed chicago yet? and where is stubman?



>nu/pol/ doesn't even remember when we played that fat nigger bitch so hard, you can all go back redditors.

I am sure she has cannibalized infants now all we need is video proof.

I remember that raid and it was on Sup Forums not Sup Forums

shadman obviously duh

Oprah = literally was a crackhead
dems btfo

>There are still generations of people (older people) who were born and bred in it
>that prejudice and racism
>and they just have to die

That wasn't Sup Forums.

keep in mind its not even racial or cultural thing she is literally saying people born at a certain time have to die, I'll wager she means pre-911

Jews 'Made' her.
Why would she betray those who made her a Billionaire.

except for her ofcourse.

Won't need to. She is unelectable

Give milkies

Tell us about her branded girl school sex scandals.

Anything with that Nigger in the op, will be sged, fucked with and redpilled.

Best part is she is most definitely including a large portion of her audience in that sweeping statement.
Nah, Oprah is too smart of a nigress to have gotten to where she is and burn it all away. She has said way too much shit to ever enter the political circus.

A lot of people seem to be underestimating the threat here. Don't forget what Oprah has going for her:
1) star power
2) opposition doesn't take her seriously
3) black
4) woman

These are the same things that made Trump such a wild card. We can't be arrogant enough to let the same tricks we used work against us.

She said she's not running it actually doesn't even matter

Don't. Let her win the primaries first.

>A lot of people seem to be underestimating the threat here
Fuck I'll switch to democrat just so I can vote for her in my states primaries. Nothing would be fumier that to see Oprah as a dem front runner. Easy win

>said the Democrats about Trump

Oprah isn't going to run, she has an empire of her own and it goes very well. Republican Women watch her television network and buy her cans of soup, Why kill the goose that lays the golden egg?

she's an elderly billionaire with no kids. If she wanted to, she could easily afford to run.

The beetus and hypertension..her natural enemies.


Go easy on her until she wins the primary. Then we go full Weinstein on her. Should be an easy Trump victory.

I think you guys are being too hard to Oprah, if other celebrities like Trump can be president why not her? After all she has done alot of charitable work and brought important issues to the political forefront like informing uss of a known pedophile group with over 9000 penises that does not forgive or forget.

Don't worry. She's not going to be elected. If the dems actually nominate her, they're even more braindead than I thought. Right now if you want to beat Trump all you have to do is nominate a relatively sane person. Oprah is not sane.

Oh fug you beat me to it

i hope she does run because it guarantees trump a second term.. first debate comes again and hell breaks loss again for the liberals


if theres footage of her defending or knowing that guy in any shape or form she wont even make it to the primaries

She's probably just spergin' cuz there is a sealed indictment for her azz
She is as mentally ill as Don Lemon.
She is a rape victim.She's nukkin futz.
She is leaving millions to her stupid fuggin dogs.
She thinks they are fur children.
She has no concept of reality and she thinks having a dog makes her a Mom!
Sge's a psycho racist and hates you cuz you didn't like Obama you need to die.
She is obsessed with a black woman being raped in the 50's and is ecstatic about the devil white wimmins being raped in Europe by niggers to get even with whitey.
She didn't get those billions on her own.
She destroyed white women pretending to be an angel.
She teaches the "Secret" which is just elite Theosophy.
She has daily battles trying to keep the lard off her disgusting ass.
She is a drag queen.
She had drag queens on her show to teachher and white wimmens to camoflauge themselves.At the Globe awards she was wearing a drag queen super corset to squish her flab into a fake hourglass shape,and wore a wig like a drag queen.
She's crazy old bitch who stumped for Obama as the ONE
The one is the new age Mahdi
Look at the lard squishing up thru her assfat corset pushing her cow udders to her chin.
She's destroyed herself.
She's Weinsteins pimp.
Obama and Oprah in South Carolina and Iowa