Another potential GATE similarity? Curious

I was in all of the eerie GATE threads last year and i legitimately posses damn near every single shared trait, even the israeli art student girlfriend. No shit. the drowning experience, birth complications, occipital bun, weird luck with the cops multiple times, blue/green eyes, can't remember shit from those classes but remember my childhood during the same time VIVIDLY.

anyway, here's my question. did any of you have a specific moment, whether it was alone or simultaneous in public or wherever, where you consciously declared that you valued learning the truth over anything and everything, no matter what? I can remember being maybe 8-9, having conversations with myself about god in my head, sometimes feeling like i was almost talking to himself be with him (inb4 schizo). it's hard to explain, i remember being in bed one night and looking at some cross i got for communion or something, and felt like i was declaring to god, jesus, whoever that i was a warrior for truth (that's cringed but idk how else to explain), and that i just wanted to learn the truths of the world, understand it's mysteries.

This is literally happening at the same time i get pulled out of class for hours of testing before being suggested for GATE in 3rd grade.

this just came to me while reading tonight. and i'm curious if any other GATErs from those threads possibly have a similar experience.

Other urls found in this thread:


get the fuck out of my thread meme flag

Slide shills

not a slide at all. was generally curious. i have an embarrassing amount of threads open tonight that happenings are abound. doesn't hurt to stop and respond if you have a similar experience. if not, the thread dies and that's that.

bumping curious

I was in gifted classes from 3rd grade all through high school. There was nothing weird about it. I'd say it was a pretty good experience overall.

Spooooopy. Gate kid. I vividly remember praying to god and telling him that I would willingly absorb all the pain in the world if it made the world a better place.



why is half this thread assmad faggots? just leave if you don't like it

Hmmm, I was tested for some sort of gifted program but never admitted, but I do have the eyes, the weird luck with police, and the birth complications. No QT Israeli art student gf ever though.


I did precisely the same.
And I feel as though I am

I've also been looking for that Israeli art student as a girlfriend. I'm also one of those types that lives in their head and has an irrational love and desire for the Truth. It has ruined me; I'm trying to reclaim my life.

It seems there is a cult of Chaos that has arrived, I don't know how long they've been here. Longer than me, I don't know any more. Its hard to find credibility any more. What authority exists that can establish standards any more? I think the forces of Order are completely and utterly overwhelmed by the (Gods) forces of Chaos. I used to see only in metaphors, but now that world is bleeding into our own. All things are connected.

Have any of you ever met the entity yet? I assume its the enemy of Truth, yet the majority of what its told me has come true. I've tried to associate of this "madness" with some sort of Zionist propaganda effort. Temple makes me very angry to attend, yet I'm "supposed" to go, I'm not Jewish, I like the Hebrew language, but I don't feel right learning it without a love (same with conversion). Israelis are not special, all humans are the same, it is their upbringing\class that gives us our hue.

Back to the Israeli Art Student, what would you have done with her? The State of Israel is about to destroyed, Adonai allows it; who is the left hand that will carry such a task out? It won't be a human.

Whats the point of Gate? To trick as many Goyim as possible? Or look for a specific person or group of people. How long can any deception last? Pretty long when Truth has become a four letter word. Being right is more important than doing the right thing.

"Lecha dodi likrat kala, p'nei Shabbat n'kabelah!"

the israeli art student was top tier QT from my french class. i usually broke up with girls but this one fucked me up good. i'm a full on 1488 natsoc and i was obsessed with this girl.

>i'm a full on 1488 natsoc

wtf are you babbling about OP?


Idk what the fuck you are talking about

But Christ is the gate, he is the word, the logos, the way. The gate is your pineal gland that will only open up through accepting Christ as your lord and savior.

Ask me anything

Is it true that you literally cannot stop sucking cocks?

I was a GATE kid. I sucked the test examiner's cock so he gave me all the answers. It was at that point I knew that all I had to do was flash my tits show my ass to get what I want.

How about you flash those tits right now, friend.

I'm a guy

Ever think if you have to will your prophecy through power it's not meant to be? I'm not fornicating with any succubi.

So i moved out of the states with my family when i was around 8. I have all the GATE characteristics as described and have seen and cross referenced the past threads too. Not drowning tho, choking experiences from food. Have had a very real near death experience since where i saw a few of my friends die, wont say more cause its easy to google lol. Yeah man, im a truth seeker too, whatever that means today. Have you looking into Teslas work? Especially on vibration and frequency, you may find it insightful buddy. Will be back home in the States soon to manifest it all brother, life is good.

Same, from 3rd to 6th grade myself and 5 other kids from my class were in our district's gifted class. It was nice. They ran it like a think tank more or less, the teacher would throw us an intellectual dilemma and have us slice and dice it until it was time to go home that day. Meanwhile the other kids back in class were being instructed on brainlet matters like how to fucking spell certain words and their times tables

You guys would probably love the High Level Insider threads from yesteryear. They're a good read for a curious mind. If you're interested, start your way from the last page, which I linked, and work your way up. There's a handful of imposter posters riddled in there but they're easy to pick out and low in number.

Sort of. I also have had near Jedi mind trick levels of experiences with cops, the blue/green eyes and I have always felt that there is a grand reveal of society and the world as we know it to a select few that can understand let alone stomach it sort of like a redpill but more along the lines of "we see you see through the bullshit, and you're right, here's what else we cloak away from the proles"-type moment.

I remember one day in 4th grade our class teacher pulled 3 of us TAG members (ours was called Talented And Gifted) wordlessly out of class and told us without explanation to report to the school library, where some reps from NASA were showing the 6th graders parts from the upcoming Galileo space probe, which was cool AF and very interesting as I happen to like space and whatnot. Afterwards I asked our teacher "Why us?" and he just said "We just felt you could appreciate seeing this"

Wait, GATE is a meme?
I was in GATE in primary school adn so was my sister.

Is this a thing?

primary and highschool sorry, in australia

Larp to make gifted intelligent people feel better about wasting their lives

I would consider it a meme. It let's you enroll in extracurricular activities at most. It's mostly used in elementary and middle school. There isn't really anything in high school since you can choose what classes you can enroll in.

In the UK, we have a similar organization to GATE. It's called NAGTY (National Association of Gifted and Talented Youth). The similarities are eerie.

Yes. I had that moment.

yeah gotcha, in my experience it was just for the 'gifted' kids and we would study ahead of everyone else, then i got kicked out because i lost interest

fellow GATEr, i had a really had time in sunday school. At a very young age it didnt make sense, it was a very isolating experience. I feel I had a similar moment and it was about the same time I learned I would have to fight for it.
Do you have any strange experiences will in the program or classes? Missing time?

I was in 4th grade I think when I was enrolled in the Gate program
I could read at a 11-12th grade level and I remember I checked out the harry potter books and read the globet of fire and flight of the phoenix during the weekend.
I was also fucking interested in Astronomy and science and learning about animals.
But I decided I didn't like the Gate program because I couldn't go out and play so I told the teacher I didn't want to go anymore kek

I was in GATE and all I have are blue/green eyes.
Are you sure you guys aren't just schizo?

for me in elementary school we would get pulled out of our classes to meet with the other GATErs. We had computers (while others didnt) we did projects on subjects way ahead of others. I did a presentation on medieval epidemics, 7 years old and i was studying the bubonic plague. I think we did shakespear plays in 3rd grade. And studied ancient egyptian cultures.
in middle school, we would be gathered at the beginning of the year to select an extra class. Then during the course of the regular school week, we were allowed to leave our regular class to go to the GATE class. Still responsible for all work missed of course.

I don't believe in prophecy, people\humans write warnings, but the future doesn't exist.

Events and actions are only accomplished if you will them through your own power (success) aka hard work and determination, but then again nothing is guaranteed.

Who said anything about fornicating with succubi? They aren't real unless you consider them as a metaphor, but that's why awareness is important, to stay away from things that waste time and energy.

If you are looking for the Truth you wont find on in the media, or the government, nor will a company or a religion sell it to you. Life sucks and people lie so that you will die for their cause. They don't care about any one else, they just want to stay alive above all else. Who can blame them, right?

Ayy mayne tf

I was a GATE student as well, and i do have some similar experiences as in the other threads and some misding time as well. However, i missed one school year in the classroom because i was in and out of hospital because a disease i was born with. The times of illness and procedures have a left a lot if blank spots in my memory probably from anesthetic drugs and such. My teacher came to teach me once a week in the hospital and at home during that year. My parents then put me into a “challenging” private school, but it was funand i really limed learning and did really well grade wise but i never felt like i had to put much effort into it, i didnt spend hours on homework like everybody else i knew and I would finish tests in 20 minutes. I do remember learning about Solomon in church and I prayed then and still do pray for wisdom. My children now are considered gifted and talented, but they attend private school, not public. Besides i dont think gifted has the same meaning anymore that it used to. About 10 years ago in a school didtrict near me the Gate program essentially ceased to exist because according to parents every student was gifted. The troublemakers were trouble makers because they were gifted, otgers that were obviously not also gifted, just not in eways that could be seen or measured, lol. So to please the parents, tgey just dumbed down GATE programs to have all the classes be Gate classes. Then did the same thing with AP courses in High school, along with the leftist indoctrination. The results were exactly like you’d expect from that type of coddling.

You're not religious but happen to believe in God and your chosen status within Zion. Your kind really are a death cult.

GATE ARCHIVES: - Green Pills, Red pills, (occult/Gate thread #1) - Gate thread II: Electric Boogaloo - Gate thread III: Veterans of Psychic Wars - Gate thread IV: When Shills Attack - Gate Thread V: The "Final" Thread - Gate Quantum xpol thread - STARGATE - A Year Later - GATE Washouts

its a search program
looking for super special
you already know the answers
to questions you have yet to ask
find your rabbit
begin your journey
there are many guides
but there is only one God

do you remember what you did while in the program? subjects studied?
many thanks user!!! i was just looking for these and realizedo you remember what you did while in the program? subjects studied?
many thanks user!!! i was just looking for these and realized i didn't have them.
search program with what intentions?d i didn't have them.
search program with what intentions?

shit, messed up formatting.
do you remember what you did while in the program? subjects studied?
many thanks user!!! i was just looking for these and realized i didn't have them.
search program with what intentions?

Do any of you have by chance OCD? I have it bad, specifically toward a tendency of horrific thoughts, including thinking about stabbing people s eyes out any time I hold a pen, being nervous around hot coffee and imagining throwing it in peoples faces, imagining fucking anyone I met (male or female) didn't jerk off at all for a decade because I was so scared of any type of sexuality.
I experience incredible guilt over the most basic problems and uncertainty makes me bug out to the point of paranoia and almost schizophrenia.
Just Hought I'd ask it seems to correlate with high intelligence and a desire for morality.

I don't remember which programs I was in. I'm an empath with the eye of Horus, though

Also yeah I would always pray for God to perform a miracle in front of me so I could be sure that he existed, then I saw my friend get healed of a sprained ankle and all I could feel was anger like God stole my excuse to doubt in that moment and that I would have to look like an idiot in front of everyone because I had to speak honestly about what I'd seen if asked. Really humbled me and made me realize my prayers were/are self centered

The reason GATE and other programs like it are to make sure the TRUTH SEEKERS are found and corrupted before they are able to do the ZOG and Alphabet Agency plans any harm. Look up videos of all these kids being born with information not possible for them to know. God is being forced to start planting the seeds of truth in tgose younger and younger to combat these efforts. Walk in light Truth Seeker. Your Brothers and Sisters stand all around you, as the light of GOD and TRUTH fill the earth and sky.

nothing like a specific declaration, but I have memories of being in church and feeling like there was a presence in the room (that I figured was God) and that I was directly communicating with it
pretty sure it was around that age, 8-10 or so

i am not diagnosed with anything, but because i think its one of (((their))) tricks. But those violent thoughts like you mention, I have had since about puberty. Just random violent thoughts. I'll admit I have smoked weed for many years, and i feel that helps me not obsesses about things and helps slow the constant barrage of random streams of thought.
But on another note, I find that i naturally excel at everything I do. Sports, academia, hobbies, technical skills, even being social and conversational (which inwardly i hate above all things).

>corrupted before they are able to do the ZOG and Alphabet Agency plans any harm

They still don't get it. Attempts to corrupt only derail themselves down the line. We're all connected, sharing time together, whether you like it or not.

I would agree 100% that is the reason we are here now is it not

Relative newfag to Sup Forums, started browsing after the last presidential election, so Im seeing this stuff for the first time, but the one part of OP that hooked me into wanting to read this is the mention of many people having a near death drowning experience. I've never thought about it deeply as anything other than me being a clumsy idiot, but I came close to drowning twice as a child, both times by falling into pools and hitting my head while falling into them, and both times being pulled out by my father. Also was in GATE obviously or I wouldnt have bothered to read at all. I'm reading through all of the archived threads now so I'm sure Ill run into it, but can anyone give me a tl;dr on what relation/significance the drowning incidences have to all of this?

And I appreciate it. Perspective is everything :^)

No specific subjects stuck out, but i love to read and could read at 10th grade level when i was in 3rd grade. I read all the time, have about 5 books on multiple subjects going on at any one time. I would read encyclopedias, dictionaries and even the phone book when i was a kid, my parents coukdnt keep enough books on hand for me. Ereaders became an essential thing for me as i used to pack one suitcase just for books just for traveling

I do believe in Adonai, and the many names or Aspects. As for being religious, do you know the line between the Torah and Midrash? What defines a religion? All of these groups are just governing bodies that claim to have answers, but I have yet to hear a sermon that actually answers the questions I have. Am I wrong for being who and what I am? Do I make any one else apologize for their belief, no, we all live according to our own will. Telling another what to believe is an affront to human understanding, especially if the ego is not required in the "after" life.

I don't have a status within Zion that I am aware of, chosen or not. My Rabbi taught me that if you ask you shall receive. Did (my) Rabbi Yeshua the Christ actually exist? All I have is words written down long after the fact, and the apostles, like all students, couldn't really understand, but they probably tried their best (if they were real) and their words would never have the same weight as their teacher (few students surpass their teachers in understanding unless its in fields like math).

I have similar shared experiences here, but other than the same creator, I don't think there is any link beyond that.

That being said, I'm not some clandestine operative, so I have no idea what the purpose being Gate was/is. I just want to know whats real. As long as the current State of Israel exists, there can be no truth, only an endless state of propaganda and conflict.

When was the last time a holy man\Rabbi or politician apologized for forcing their will upon another for personal or any other false gain?

Why do churches and temples need flags inside their worship area, either in front of or on their altars/bemahs? Maybe you are content with empty promises that cannot be fulfilled, unfortunately I'm not.

Mindfullness meditation seems to be the only sanctuary. There are no flags, no talk of politics, nor any commentaries regarded as "Gods word".

Why is Sup Forums full to the brim with conspiracy fags and legit schizophrenics and mentally disabled people now? It didn't used to be like this. Now it's non stop conspiracies and /x/ tier level shit.

Really makes you think.

But the million dollar question is, why did so many of us GATE kids end up discovering and flocking to Sup Forums, seemingly completely independently?

I'm extremely paranoid about my eyes
I was in for a dental cleaning a couple months ago and all I could think about the whole time was that goddamn scraper thing they use for plaque being anywhere near my eyes
I almost had to get the nurse to stop the cleaning because it was making me so fucking antsy

also I've got a few near-death experiences under my belt, the worst one being drowning
>catching fish with a net on the beach as a kid
>my quarry darted out into deeper water
>go after it as fast as I can
>go over a sort of mini-dropoff, where the water suddenly goes from about knee height to neck deep before slowly rising back up to a sandbar
>slip and fall all the way to the bottom just as a wave crashes
>sucked in by the undertow
>spend at least a minute tumbling around on the bottom before blacking out
>wake up on the sandbar, get up and swim back to shore

another one
>7 years old or so
>get home from school, early summer
>make a beeline for this huge swing my dad made
>jump on it and go waaay out, something like 15 feet in the air
>slip right off at the top
>faceplant into hard pavement
>get away with just a scratch on my cheek

>ringing in the ears
>sleep paralysis
>repeating numbers in real life
>near death / obe experience
>vivid imagination
>crazy ideas

>>ringing in the ears
>>sleep paralysis
Caused by improper sleeping position, or shoddy mattress
>>repeating numbers in real life
literally a councidence
le wut?
>>near death / obe experience
duning kruger
>>vivid imagination
Get off the acid.
>>crazy ideas
Get off the acid.

I never had any violent thoughts, but was always more fearful of something bad happening to a family member, but i do have the experiences from my illness that probably contributed to that. Because if my faith and beliefs and a healthy fear if God there were things i definitely stayed away from even though all my friends and the world was doing those things and justifying that is was okay as lobg as it felt right, etc. i stayed a virgin (a real one, not everything but the technicality) until i was married. And that was tough to do, hormones and relationships and the world telling you abstaining is wrong. I was more afraid of God’s punishment from the sin of sexual impurity, same with alcohol,and drugs. It was difficult but worth it. Not everybody pays a heavy toll, but i was convinced i would. Probably a little more guilt and alarmism in my personality played a role in that as well. Imalso had a desire to work in many different jobs and field while growing up, ive waited tables, retail, cleaned houses, bank teller, florist, trained horses, taught swimming and coached gymnastics and soccer did bookkeeping, mechanic many things. I always knew i would stay home after i had children, not matter my career so i worked a lot when i was in highschool on college, even if i didnt need to. I didnt stay in Gate though, my parents put me into a private christian school with a more challenging curriculum. My kids are in a similar school now, and when somebody asked why it was important to me that my kids got that education, my reply was Truth. For me biblical truth, not just what a preacher says and also academic truth. Absolutes in science, math, history, and other subjects. Hands one and critical thinking, free from subjective bias and agenda driven lesson plans.
I see some of the same similaf traits in my kids though now, and i take care to address those feelings and fears with them

I saw two cops once, turn from being tall, blond, with like a spotlight shining on the top of their heads (we were outside, at night, no lights like that), to older, normal looking grey-haired cops. I thought it was two sets of cops, but when I asked the older cops where the blonde guys had gone, they said it was just them.

I actually stay away from most churches now because of the things you mentioned. I too believe see similarities in shared experiences, but dont see a nefarious purpose or reason. perhaps there was/is one and for whatever pupose i was kept from being harned by that purpose. I trust God in his plans for me both in the past as well as now and in the future. But i will admit, in the days like we’ve seen lately its obvious that true evil is amongst us and i do get fearful at times, but then i realize that is exactly how the rnemy wants me to think and feel. We are called to fear God but not have a spirit of fear and live in constant fear.

Search for truth.

I was in GATE and I had something like that happen a few years back.
I fell asleep at the wheel doing 60 down an old country road. Before I passed out I felt my head hit the steering wheel.
I woke up parked perfectly out in front of some podunk gas station. My head was still on the steering wheel. How did I get there?
How did I not crash? How did I drive down the road while asleep? How did I park while asleep?
I shouldn't be alive. How am I alive?

I missed the GATE threads, but i was a GATE kid.
I was months premature and NICU in the mid 70's. Occipital bun, blue green eyes, strange luck with cops later. I remember a lot of weird testing, but not much of the classes. No art school GF or drowning experience though.
Can you give me a quick rundown on these old threads?

Redpill me on GATE. I was accepted but I declined. Did I make the right decision?

>tfw bright kid
>tfw fuck around on state exams and coursework because why play their game from a young age
>tfw salty I didn't get picked for GATE
>tfw it was all an advanced brainwashing meme

loving every KEK

Was in GATE during elementary school; have blue eyes, umbilical cord wrapped around my neck at birth, and occipital bun. No isreali art gf nor drowning experience, but I did almost suffocate once.

All I remember from it was learning Mayan mythology and dissecting a squid (and making its ink sac into a pen).

I was a gate student from 4th-6th grade
I moved towns often -
I told the counselors & teaching staff to leave me alone (I just wanted to be with other “normal” children)

I remember being in a room alone with a woman who told me to draw her some pictures & who took notes while I spoke.

I’ve had several near death experiences & always remained unharmed

I believe I’ve seen the aether or “heaven” in my dreams , I talked to my deceased mother (dead broke before a road trip to San Diego), she smiled and said “someone will buy you a drink”

>it came true
>it was the first time anyone has ever paid for my drink at an expensive bar (I’m male & never expect this)

God has a plan for all of us
I have vivid/lucid dreams relatively often
I just need to work on remembering

Another one that really gets me is the water

>grandfather is sick, dying in hospice
>hear my grandmother having a nightmare from the stress
>somehow manage to sleep a bit (I was on the ground in the living room)
>dreaming: we’re at our old home we shared together
>small pool out back
>see the house filled with beautiful people I don’t know ; blondes , old men , sitting talking
>get grabbed by 2-3 blondes and they pull me into the pool jumping in together
>they hold me under with them
>I let them “drown” me
>wake up heart racing

They didn’t seem violent or angry but agents of peace

Grandma tells me the next morning about her nightmare (it had the water in it too)

I never told her about the synchronicity

There are rules in heaven as there are rules on earth

Forgot to mention
It was the pool we held baptism ceremonies in for several church members over the years

>Just Hought I'd ask it seems to correlate with high intelligence and a desire for morality.
Does it? I have OCD baaad and a teacher once wrote on an application I asked her to full out for uni that I have a 'strong sense of justice' (or whatever it was she said, was years back) and was quite dumbfounded she wrote that.

This thread has reminded me that, as a littlein, I used to ask/tell God or whatever that I would happily take on all the worlds troubles if it meant no one else had to suffer. I would scarifice myself for everyone else. I'd forgotten all about that.

>wasn't in GATE (not a Yank)
>but have similarities with those who were and have had many weird occurances.
>honestly suspect that I've been monitored throughout my life
>had to go see the Mental Health people a few years back, mentions I saw them when I was five
>"Thought that was my mum seeing them?"
>"No, it was for you" he says as she smirks (made me feel suspicious af).

So you're telling me the school program for producing special snowflakes actually worked and produced special snowflakes who right now shitpost on Sup Forums how special they are?


I have terrible OCD TOO. you're not alone.

Ironically enough, GATE is specifically targeted at kids who are *kind of* special, but not special enough to truly warrant being singled out.

GATE is for kids who are smarter than average, but don't have a high enough IQ (145+) to qualify for their own classroom and full-time specialized education.

It's not surprising that this group wants to make themselves out to be some kind of alt-right equivalent of "indigo children" who might have been experimented on by the government because of their special brains.

I don’t think it’s the FEDS
It’s some type of spiritual beings

I used to write songs as a child &
Hear them YEARS later on the radio

music and chord progressions of course sound similar and all artists steal
>this was different
>the chords timing and syncopated rhythm was exactly the same

I used to jam out in my head to pass the time in the car

Alex jones might be right about psychic vampires

There are beings , metaphysical beings and I believe the feds have made contact with them

You are not a schitzo, I hear you my son. And it was just called GT when I was in school. And I was in GT 6th-12th. My I want to know the truth of everything moment started at birth.