Tell me why capitalism is bad, Sup Forums

Tell me why capitalism is bad, Sup Forums

it's not

Only way to prevent corruption is to keep the government and business separate. I wish the Founders, who had the insight to keep government and religion separate, had done the same for business. The problems in our culture will be solved other ways, but mixing in government just makes the problems worse.

I think it's funny to associate capitalism with burgerland's sugar water export.
smart people don't drink that sugar water and can still enjoy capitalism

real capitalism has never been tried I mean just last week the government forced me to set a price on GAY WEDDING CAKES that was less than a million dollars! They said I'd go to jail for telling faggots that there's a surcharge, even when it's true they are uhh... more discerning customers... so to say.

absolute cunts and I should be allowed to yell it from the rooftops

If you cant fail you cant win either


Environmental damage for short term profit.

Because I'm a lazy nigger who wants welfare

It encourages companies to flood white countries with shitskins for cheap labour

The reduction of humanity to tools for corporations in the never ending pursuit of efficiency.

>Only way to prevent corruption is to keep the government and business separate.

Lol, that's fucking impossible. The government itself is a business. It runs on money and it hires the services of other companies.

Planned obsolescence, 20 million deaths annually due to poverty related causes(even soviet union was not this shit tier at feeding ppl),short consumption cycles that are wasteful and inability to deal with global warming.

Just limit it to police, military, and courts. Tax a fixed percent of income.

How can those new workers afford the product they are selling?

capitalism isn't bad. limitless capitalism is bad. seems that no on actually reads the entire text of Wealth of Nations.

What's wrong with planned obsolescence?
My sister's place as an AC that's 50 years old, it is energy inefficient, and is like someone's blowing out air through a straw. And yet, it works so it stays and her landlord doesn't replace it. There's no adoption of standards because of all kinds of people own things that work and it's good enough. And if it works at a meh level forever, what incentive is there for that person to buy a new AC, or fridge, or printer or whatever, the one they buy is the one they have for life. And if there's no incentive to make new products why would they make innovation in those products?

It isn't if it's free market capitalism.

It creates technology planned to failure. While new products might be bit more effective but this also leads to increased production costs,wasted money and resources on the market.

Jews. It makes people behave like filthy kikes because it's more profitable. That's why jews win in that system.


>Paying for the product you made yourself