What does Sup Forums think of pewdiepie?

what does Sup Forums think of pewdiepie?

I love him and his stupid chair.

e-thot with a dick

Bought five of his chairs.

No one man should have all that comfort.

will buy once chair has swastika on in

srsly though, slippy was /our guy/, no point in watching now he's gone

He's better since he started reading Sup Forums

>he even had a Kek
Truly /ourguy/

Knows his job and does it well. He's level 1.

I like pewds, although I used to hate him when he was a let'splay retard

faggot centrist. kekistani-tier w/o cringe.
good guy overall, he's just in the process of redpilling himself further.

He's no longer a childish faggot, produces some good meme content and subtly redpills the younger generations. He's alright in my book.

He was fucking annoying. I have never watched him, but his recent... escapades make me forgive his past.

plus he can do this

I hated his channel's content when he was doing let's play but now that he grew up and started to lurk on Sup Forums, my opinion has changed about him.

tfw $400 chair

NIGGER you couldn't be more wrong

Its 399 faggot.

he was anti-NN, he only follows what's popular.
only thing he shares with us is dedication to free speech maybe.

Yea pewds is pretty leftist. Its just that most leftists are far left now.

fucking burgers man

he is "ok". I personally don't like his content though. Just don't attract pewdieniggers to come to Sup Forums. Look at what happened with plebbit.

Stupid chair salesman.

ye, but he is a sargon centrist type. not alt-faggot

It's pretty funny seeing all of these pc culture idiots trying to knock him down, only for it to fail.
Good to know that the young people watching him are getting a somewhat rounded view of the world to balance out all the other crap they watch.

Also, I watched one of his recent videos for the first time a few weeks ago, and it was fucking bizarre.
For as long as I can remember, since 2012 onwards, pewds has always in my mind been the poster child of the glut of hyperactive screaming lp'ers that suddenly got popular around that time, and even during all that drama earlier this year, I still just assumed that was his shtick.

So years ago, he reinvented himself to be some sort of muted, cynical, post-ironic commentator along the same lines as h3h3/idubzz/cr1tikal? I guess it would make more sense that someone like that would be making nazi jokes.

Recently, I've seen a lot of people on Sup Forums praising his content and assuring everyone "yeah but his style is different now" even though he has been like this for a while apparently. Why is that?


i guess he has been dropping a lot of red pills more often, like debunking wage gap and making fun of feminists


I never paid any attention to him until he started speaking his mind despite going against the grain of the MSM shills. I respect him now.

He’s a cuck. Needs more testosterone. The beard is a good start.

he grew up.

Send me one. That chair is too expensive for me. Why do you need 5 chairs?

Why you need free shit dumb nigger?

Vee doesnt get any ad revenue from his videos

you're a cuck

For our country he is pretty far left. Maybe he is far right in sweden haha.
He talked about how ignorant someone in Greece was when he said he wanted to burn homo's. His editor is a rabid leftie and his GF is best friends with Emma Pickles, another leftie.
Think about people like Sargon. They are right of LET IN THE MUSLIMS TRAN RIGHTS NOW!! However still generally agree with other liberal talking points. Healthcare gun regulation exc.

Yeah, Pewds is a Liberalist

I can see your wife being ‘diversified’ by Somalis from where I’m sitting.

Don’t just watch you sick fuck. Stop them.

Hey guys, just wanna let you know i'm lurking.

Suck my dick please. I’ll pay you 10 shekels.


That just means that he isn't a retarded 89 iq american
I'm sorry but net neutrality has nothing to do with politics

here we go, another american retard who thinks leftism is about social issues, homos and trannies ect.
Leftism is about economic and material conditions of the working class.
(((They))) keep you obsessed with SJWs, Niggers and fags while the ruling class rapes your Stockholm syndromed working class ass.

He’s definitely right for sweeden. But truely he doesn’t talk about politics that much so it’s hard to say. I’m almost 100% sure he browses Sup Forums (if that counts for anything). Definitely browses the chan, pretty much half is videos are commentary over ylyl threads from /gif/

Hang yourself retard

Feels good that denial doesn't it. I bet you think your salary is good.

He said several times that he has nothing to do with the right, idk why you cucks want him to fuck your imaginary wife so much

More underageb& is on Sup Forums, naturally they want Sup Forums to like their youtube idol that they grew up with. Similar to other youtubers that are pushed here, just rabid fanboys wanting validation for their taste in "content". That said i do watch some of his stuff, but thats because im a lonely neet out of touch with the people of today.


I bet you don’t. So you moan all day thinking “muh government” is gonna change that.

lol, no current state of government isn't gonna do much to help. We all realize that.

>Stop eating food.

Communism and leftism isn’t the answer buddy. You’re probably just b8 anyways

Sup Pewds? Put the red doll to the far right un your next video and talk about hollywood (and the awards...gender pay gap, hating whites etc.)

Lastly please make a video on self hating people (especially self hating whites)

prove you know what communism is in a single sentence, otherwise your shitpost has no value.
>Inb4 you can't

dude, pewds isnt here, and if he is he isnt going to do all that shit.
He needs to make a post himself with timestamp and tits

Cmon don't bring up thing bullshit. Left leaning ideology has been inexorably linked to the advancement of non-conforming lifestyles. It just hasn't always been the vapid degeneracy it is now.

Please consider making an AMA on Sup Forums.

No we usually identify him by him switching his dolls up

I'd buy his chair if he took back his apology for saying nigger.

he just apoligized cause of backlash. he knows its just a word

i know the people you are talking about and they aren't leftists, you are describing neo-liberals. As a leftist i think neo-liberals are misguided cucks as they are obsessed with social issues.

Communism will always fail as a government system. It is rooted in the community. The local township that all went to church and took care of one another in hard times. This system only works because it is socially expected and pseudo-voluntary. In addition to the fact they are providing resources to people they care about. African communities are a good example of communism.

>non-conforming lifestyles
the only non-conforming lifestyle is living alone in the woods

It's the message it would send. Nobody should have to apologize for using a word out of context.

I agree, but the backlash could be so big as too take a tool on his paycheck and popularity. dont forget he redpills normies and has a very young fanbase. he is /ourguy/

The funny thing is that Pewdiepie looks up to Sup Forums and not Sup Forums to Pewdiepie. Hoowever Sup Forums is proud of ya boy Peeeewwwwdiiiiepieee.

>Leftism is about economic and material conditions of the working class.

Ironic considering communism calls for the abolition of private property in favor of turning over all rights to the state.

Your delusion stems from witnessing inequality yet lacking the independent critical thinking skills to develop solutions and thus turning to an outdated system which has claimed tens of millions of lives.

People fail to realize that thought is action and instead allow others to think for them in their desperation to "change the world". No offense.

Notice this post senpais. He lurks here

>Southerners wanting to keep slaves and kill niggers
>Euro commies wanting to seize the means of production and form a governments community
>Hippies wanting to just do artsy thing and live in balance with nature
>SJW's wanting a feminazi dystopia.

It isn't always the same but the concept is. They are disenfranchised with the current system and are trying to push or preserve a conflicting lifestyle.

That too would be a lesson and it would push all the normies closer to the truth.

But i don't think they'd go that far in making him a martyr. He'd definitely catch hell for it, but how could it have been worse than the "death to all jews" thing?


>Communism will always fail as a government system.
what you describe is not communism. The main defining element of communism is that the means of productions (natural resources, factories, financial institutions ,ect) should be owned and controlled by the workers. Instead of the current system where few (((individuals))) own and make money of large corporations while contributing nothing.

I guess cause the death too all jews was a joke, but ye i guess you're right

His girlfriend took him to the gym for a few weeks there...... tried to make him into a man. But he is back to playing computer games in his makeshift mum's basement.

it's normalization of socialism at its finest

and making millions btw

please actually read marx before you try to argue agains communism. you could seriously knock back 'The Communist Manifest' and 'Wage Labor and Capital' in two days.
At least then you'll be able to critique communism with more solid arguments.

He deliberately tries to cause controversy, then when Logan Paul out does him on the controversy scale he cries like a little bitch.

As we all know, money buys happiness.

It really was communism. Back in the day small towns were largely self governing and producing. The individuals all owned their own patch of resources and were pretty much obligated to donate resources when they could through the church. It wasn't until later that the (((banks))) and rail company's moved in.

so tell us about property rights. What do we need? Do we need computers? Do we need indoor plumbing? how many calories do we need? What about water? How much of that do we really "need"?

Who decides who gets what? You've read it too, so tell me.

Most of the ideas were not from Marx but his buddy.

"the theory of Communists may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property.”
― Karl Marx, The Communist Manifesto

The ideal of workers "controlling" the means of production is simply rhetoric to disguise reality, which is that whoever comes into ownership of these assets ceases to be a slave (proletariat as marx put it) and becomes a master (as marxs put it).

Capitalism and America does a similar thing, utilizing the rhetoric of "Liberty" which is really just a guise for material abundance enabled by third world labor.

There are always masters and slaves, somebody has to do the work.

Until we develop general purpose robotics and switch to a universal basic income which will accelerate the collapse of civilization.

10/10, would contaminate with my slavic genes. As far as his content goes, his old stuff is a cringefest, and his never stuff is just fine. Mostly he's just reacting to shit other people made or regurgitating opinions on stale controversies/memes. He doesn't really deserve his success, but then again, as far as successful, mainstream youtubers go, he probably is one of the least awful ones.

>muhh private property
Stop parroting this phrase because you don't know what you are talking about.
you don't know what 'private property' means.
It doesn't mean your privately owned gun, your car or your private computer. No, private property is the kind of property only available to the bourgeois, not that everyone has to turn everything in to the state. Some will though but you would know all this if you read Marx, which you haven't so don't claim to understand communism.

General purpose robotics is a meme.

>and becomes a master (as marxs put it).

Bourgeois (as marx put it)


So you don't own the computer you're on?

That's how change happens motherfucker.
things haven't always been the same and they won't stay the same.
but i'm not worried about you since the most you would ever do either way is vote.


I hope you're right.

For societal control these corporations must enslave the people in jobs regardless of how much money they would save with automation or the whole of humanity will run rampant and destroy itself.

I only hope these conglomerates can see past their greed long enough to know and understand the greatest social responsibility they have to civilization is keeping people busy and yoked with work.

Even with universal basic income there would be a rampant increase in crime.

Idle hands are the devils workshop.

>completely misses the point
>Illiterate burger spotted.
yes i own it. stupid nigger.
I'm not gonna reiterate my post for your dumb ass.
Read it as many times as you need to understand.

>For societal control these corporations must enslave the people in jobs regardless of how much money they would save with automation or the whole of humanity will run rampant and destroy itself.
Oh. That's already happening. You know about the mouse utopias right?

So you're the bourgeois that is killed off during the revolution then? You do know that if you're not the proletariat, you die, right?

pewdiepie is the best youtuber for me he has become slightly more red pilled as people say I wish jewtube would leave him the fuck alone and just pay him for the content he makes which draws millions to their platform but some faggot laughing and playing with a dead body is ok and put in the trending list which is manually picked

>increase in crime.
which will increase jobs in law enforcement and security. problem solved. We'll just have the whole globe playing cops and robbers with no stakes, sounds fun to me.
that, or the robots can take care of the crime in which case it won't be a problem.
all joking aside though, there is absolutely no chance that people will become unoccupied to the point that civilization will end.
After there is no more need for anyone to do any work, what does it even matter if we spend all day chilling out, doing drugs and playing games?

do you see me owning a factory, nigger?

Brad his editor wanted Trump to win. And he's a Brit. He's definitely not a leftist