Characters who killed millions

Characters who killed millions

This genocidal maniac


Can't remember who it was but I think one of the pink haired girls made ammo which led to thousands of deaths used in warfare.


Why does Goku love genocidal mass murderers but despises kidnappers?


This reminds me of this war criminal, though I'm not sure her numbers are in the millions.





literally never happened

not even at the recap episode ryuk even said kira only killed about 150,000

Provide proof.

Angra Mainyu, made a scenario where he killed everyone on earth besides Illya and Irisviel
that counts right?

Close. Orine (3rd from bottom left) worked in a factory which made parts for mechas which were used by a government agency to oppress/kill people.

> goes out of his way to burn proof

He literally saved millions by killing thousands. Prove me wrong.

Half of this game's cast are conscious genociders.


More like he killed millions to save billions. Those fleets that get regularly annihilated in logh are made up of millions of people.

I think it was mentioned that the empire's population was 50 billion.




fucking how

Nice try jew but i am not gonna fall for this time

loss of precious semen

He was Drafted though wasn't he?
and after many years into his service it was more to due obligation than money that he stayed.