following of drooling mouthbreathers that could potentially outnumber those who voted for the Internet may-may

> following of drooling mouthbreathers that could potentially outnumber those who voted for the Internet may-may
> large enough ego that could rival that of the current president
> celebrity status so therefore people give a shit
> mah woman president
> has the backing of even Republican lawmakers

We're going to have to anticipate President Winfrey in 2020, aren't we?

God damn, when can we expect an actual politician to return to the White House?

I'm tired of this celebrity worship bullshit and yes, that includes Drumpf.

Other urls found in this thread:

Future more enlightened civilians of the world are going to look back at this current time and wonder what the hell was going on in the world of politics. It still feels awkward that we're going to have Donald Trump in our history books and it's going to get even more awkward if we have to add in Oprah Winfrey too.

Rosey O'Donnell should run for presidency just so there would be a massive blood bath between these two retards. At this point, I don't give a fuck anymore. Sprite.

Even if Oprah ran on nothing about her race or gender, it'd become another wedge issue race. Then it just becomes a question if Hillary's weak minority turnout becoming more energized is enough. Even then it's not clear if that minority label would extend significantly beyond black people. Or even black women. People underestimate how important it was that Obama was a black man, not a black woman.

Except there's not a single person that like her that wasn't a forever democrat sort already. They're just pandering to their base with her, and pandering that won't be enough to win any of the swing states.

Oh i fucking dare Dems to put Oprah for 2020, i fucking double dare them

Hopefully they'll see that identity politics legitimately drive people insane.

>Democrats know they can't win with a normal politician
> so they clamor for a celebrity to run for them. muh woman, muh black woman. perfectly pushes the feminazi bullshit we've been plugging day in and day out

yeah nah

Plus a majority of Oprah's viewers were middle class white women who voted for Drumpf.

I hope she does run, because I think that'll be the final straw for americas modern political system

> feminazi
Nice scapegoat, don't you think it's time to take responsibility for your own life instead of placing blame on others, Anonymous?

You'd rather have another corrupt politician like Hillary who stole millions of dollars? I don't think so. Most politicians tend to be horrible rapists or crooks. Are you this young?

I'll say it again: after Trump the two things the next president shouldn't be is another media personality or another member of the oligarchy. So hopefully no Winfrey or Zuckerberg.

No, where did I imply that?

tv star vs tv star, sounds great even though trump isn't going to run for reelection because he hates his job

I have some bad news for you, my boy, this is happening and this is the current state of American's political system.

I think may be right. I think American democracy is pretty much fucked. I say this as an American. I think the whole system of government needs to be revamped and redone.

Trump already registered for re-election, bud.

>I'm tired of this celebrity worship bullshit and yes, that includes Drumpf.
Does that include Reagan? Or Schwarzenegger?

Boondocks predicted it

Is this Alex Jones? Go the fuck away with your American Revolution II bullshit and go back to sucking the cock of our current president.

They would crucify her black ass for her past involvement with Weinstein

blame for what? exactly? that feminism is a bullshit plague conjured up by the globalist left?

American politics was already going in this direction for a long time. Trump just exacerbated it.

Oprah doesn't want to run, and for good reason. The brand she spent decades to build will crumble as soon as her skeletons come out of the closet, and they will come out. Plus identity politics will be a detriment, she'd only push more swing voters over to the right.

Reagan is a rare exception that he actually managed to make the jump from celebrity to politician. As much as Trump aspired to be like him he is no where near the levels that Reagan was and the country would most likely end up hurting in the long run after Trump departs office. Schwarzenegger was a retard.

I guess The Simpsons can't have all of the fun making these jokes.

Nice internalized misogyny, Mr. Jones.

And Trump's establishments won't experience any backlash from his campaign or presidency?

Can Oprah match Mark's style though?

That depends, does Alex Jones support an aristocratic republic in the mold of Venice?


This is going to be a complete shit show and I'll never vote. Shit I like Trump but I still didn't give a fuck because literally none of it matters.

Reagan was in crappy B movies where he acted with a monkey. His "celebrity" status isn't really comparable to Schwarzenegger or Trump. He got where he did on his policies and rhetoric.

Venice is a drowned city, Mr. Jones, and I know you browse Sup Forums thanks to your tweets to Mr. Shatner.

>big fat milkies that could even get you a free car

Why would Oprah run against Trump? They get along

> none of it matters

That is bullshit, stop it. No one individual vote matters but your ballot still influences the electoral. I love how everyone who bitches about Trump winning and how many of them hoped for Hillary because "she's the less of two evils" complain when they didn't even vote due to this assumption that their vote doesn't matter. Had there been more voters then the election might have gone a different route, but instead we got what we got. You should always vote even if you don't think it matters because it still influences the system.

Fuck I completely forgot that Kanye said he'd run for president. I wonder if he'll still do it? Why wouldn't he, at this point? Oprah and the Rock are going to run.

Because she wants to be president?

Wow, the depth of political knowledge you must have

She'd lose. And retarded progressives would think she lost because she's black, like how they think Hillary lost because of her e-mails or something

Elections are a spook

Citation needed.

Trump saying they get along on TV three decades ago =/= they get along now and agree politically

Oprah is more self made than Donald Drumpf. I think she'd actually do a better job

Say hello to the post-Trump era of celebrity politicians

This, Trump praised Hillary years ago too.

Presidents pretty much always win their second run

Look at this fucking sheep and baaa, you do jury duty too?

>ballot still influences the electoral
>he doesn't know

Just think, user: You'll get to watch the fall of the American Empire in real time.

Sup Forums meme'd Trump into President. Im sure everyone else could meme her into President

So, now that Britain and France fell, Germany's on the edge, and whites will be a minority here in less than a decade, is there ANYWHERE safe? Trump isn't doing shit

Rock is running too? Kanye and the mentally ill family would be perfect for America in its current state and seeing that faggot Bruce in white house would be fuckin comedic.

Austria seems to have gotten its shit together recently. Maybe they'll band with the other nations of Eastern Europe and form a Catholic empire.

I'm running for president and you should vote for me.

Kek. Neo-liberals and neo-cons aren't going to let America's monopoly on the world go - ever.
Stop living in low income areas.

Donald! We faced off in the ring and you took my hair. I haven't forgotten that fact and now it's time for a little payback. Only this time I will be entering your ring, the political ring. As I, Vincent Kennedy McMahon, hereby announce my candidacy for the 2020 election for the office of President of the United States of America and Donald, I will have my retribution.

>doing anything other than raping little boys and kissing mudslime feet

I've been legitimately disappointed that Trump hasn't appeared at Wrestlemania yet. I was looking forward to that once he got elected.

Retire old man

i guess that makes her the female version of pic related

shoo shoo schismatic scum

I'd vote for him if he lets me fuck Stephanie like he allowed Randy Savage, HHH, and himself in that one storyline they abandoned.

"do you know how much power I would need to give up to be president?"

Maybe the next WrestleMania coming up? But WWE is a publicly traded corporation and that kind of stunt would inevitably gain unwanted backlash and criticism so WWE won't let it happen. Ronda making an appearance would make decent headlines without the political bullshit attached.

Wait, what storyline? Vince wanted to fuck his own daughter?

>when can we expect an actual politician to return to the White House?


This is democracy meets celebrity culture.

The President has more important things to do than to show up at some wrasslin' show.



So Obongo was the last Political President?

Fuck it I'll vote for them
Let the meme wars begin

The Rock can stop her. There isn't a soul alive as universally respected as he is.
He's already seriously considering it
2020 is going to be litty

>eastern europe
The axis of Evil (Russia, Venezuela, China, Iran, Cuba, North Korea) is the world's last hope against kikes, too bad they're all degenerates too and the US will deploy all of its arsenal to make sure Israel never falls

>cartoons always depicting the President of the US in the future as some dumbass celebrity
>it actually comes into fruition

Why is Keegan Michael Key standing next to him?

Thanks to meme magic.

If you think any of these people aren't just puppets you're naive as fuck. She'd do as she's told.

She's too similar to Hilary Clinton and would lose for the same reasons. If Dems want to win they need to run an outsider.


>Sup Forums memed trump into president
do you really think neets and incels are immune to shilling and ad campaigns
do you think every single person involved with presidential campaigns is a technologically illiterate silver fox grandpa

Yep, abandoned storyline when Steph was pregnant and it was going to be revealed it was Vince's but she thought it was creepy.

>There isn't a soul alive as universally respected as he is.
A challenger emerges. You get busy living or you get busy dying.

holy fucking reddit spacing

Are you new? This was never exclusive to Reddit and this existed on Sup Forums long before Reddit even existed. Shut the fuck up.


>The Rock
>going for a dem vote

You get a better America and You get a better America and yo...

i've been here almost every day since 2007 but i know where these new people come from who post like that


Let's get Susan Sarandon, Jane Seymour, or Tom Hardy in there. First woman president should at least be fuckable and that's where they keep going wrong. If Hilary couldn't keep Bill how could she keep America?

Nice stock image, faggot.


>750 entries per board

Fucking cringe.

What about that time she had a girl's school in Africa that was a complete shitshow and shut down because they were abusing the kids? Oprah fucking sucks and Dr.Phil was the superior shock therapist talk show attention seeker.

>Trump wins
>Oprah wins and denies Hillary her first woman presidency.
S'win-win on that end.

Oprah is just as rich as Donald yet didn't have the backing of a family empire. Why couldn't she President?

really banking on the trump-psychosis to actually make this a thing aren't they

Because she will play identity politics and alienate far too many people. She'll be Hillary, but not as despised.

>so charismatic that your business acumen makes you a celebrity on the side


The DNC is not the RNC.
The superdelegates in their system exclude the possibility of a populist outsider from breaking into the nomination.
She can always run as an independent, though.

>implying anyone will be left to write the books