Dude what, what do you mean the holocaust never happened? What are you taaaaalking about?!?

>Dude what, what do you mean the holocaust never happened? What are you taaaaalking about?!?
>Jamie, pull up pictures of the holocaust
>See it totally happened bro

Other urls found in this thread:


So edgy.


It happened but the Jews did it to themselves.

tfw something is on my hand on lsd




All I’m saying is look into it
It’s a hoax, joe


How can the holocaust be fake? theres literally millions of witnesses, you saying they are all lying and in on some jewish conspiracy? You cant even get 10 people to keep a secret. I get that the 6 million is a little exaggerated but the camps still are there, right?

>Joe: Jamie, pull up pictures of the earth
>Joe: Does that look flat to you Eddie? Looks fuckin' round to me bro!
>Eddie: Dude it's fake as fuck dog NASA fakes their shit it's all cgi bro

>mfw he hasn’t even looked into it

>See it totally happened bro

joe has spent countless hours travelling in planes.. you can see it.

Dude that's awesome! I want those leafs! I'll give them universal healthcare and be a cuck as their leader!

the holocaust didn't actually happen but i wish it did

The 6 million figure is a huge exaggeration. Hundreds of thousands of jews died during WW2, which is still a lot of people, but tens of millions of German civilians also died. There was no extermination program against Jews, and not nearly enough of them died to make them the central focus of the whole tragedy that war brings. But it has been for decades, and Jews have been extorting that shit for sympathy shekels.


Don't you have a better quality version? Its hard to see anything

>Yeah, because *puts elbows on desk* they have SOOOOOW much evidence and, like, how do you even -
>Evidence can be faked, Joe, jus-
>Awwwwwwlright, awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwlright. Look, I get where *sniff* you're coming from and just lemme stawp you, okay? Lemme stawp yo-
>Jus, lemm-
>Joe, I am try-
>I knooooo, I've been on the web-
>Joe, listen, stop for a second! So, the estimate that we hear is 6 million, right?
>So, let's do the math: if we have 6 mill-
>Well, AROUND 6 million.
>Okay, sure, AROUND 6 million. 6 million, times, how long does it take to burn a body in the... uhh...
>Gas chamber?
>No, no, the oven.
>Ah, right. Jamie, see if you could-
>K, so take 6 million, times it by whatever the time is, and then devide that by the 24 and then times that by 365.
>Jamie, see if, yeah, okay here it is. Says here.... du-du-du-da, okay 3 hours. Roughly. With the tech they had.
>Okay, 3 hours times-
>Jamie, do it up.
>There it is...
>Th-... Nah, that can't be right.
>It is right, Joe. You have the numbers. 3 hours X 6 million / 24 / 365 = 2054+ Years.
>.... K, I'm gonna have to... uh... think. What else we got going on...?


>and be a cuck
good news you already are

Why does the original Buchenwald picture smaller then the forgery? Did they get hold of the real original picture? That must of been hard.
Other then that the rest of the forgeries are laughable. They look so out of place. I find it funny that people would believe that people would document their own war crimes.
>Like lol, Better take pictures for the wife at home so she can see me killing people

>but tens of millions of German civilians also died

>Lol American educa..
Wait, it's a leaf? What the fuck, I thought you guys were better than that

The "original" Buchenwald picture is not actually original, you're being memed as usual

There are witnesses in my family.
How germans would pull up in trucks and gather the jews outside of village.
There were literally countless witnesses in the german army.

Moot did it

goddammit joe

hehe nice

implying they burned one at a time

not 10s, but 10 million civilians and non-combatants died, my bad.

>Just look it up bro


So your saying the original is fake? And someone removed the skeleton man to help the Nazis?


> burning more than one takes the same amount of time as burning one at a time

Fucking love Eddie Bravo. I laugh harded at Joey Diaz but I think Bravo is the best person on the show. He's genuine and caring.

apparently the jews believe that they had to lose 6 million people somehow to reclaim israel.

>but 10 million civilians and non-combatants died, my bad.

Still wrong. Even the total German casualties (incl. dead soldiers) do not reach 10 million


>The gematria (numerical value) of teshuva is 708 (tav = 400; shin = 300; bet = 2; vav = 6). Therefore the missing vav in the word תשבה, as written in the Torah (which equals the number 6) was a prophecy that the Jews would be allowed to return to Israel minus 6 million of our people: “You shall return minus 6 million"; while the combined numerical value of the word teshuva = 708, indicates the year of our return

>When we write the year, we ignore the millennia. In 1948 on the secular calendar, we witnessed the miracle of the return of the Jewish people to Israel, which occurred in the year 5708 of the Hebrew calendar, the year predicted by the incomplete word teshuva as written in the Torah. We did return, less the missing 6; that is the 6 million of our people who perished in the holocaust. Yet the fulfillment of the prophecy of our return in precisely the year predicted, as implied by the gematria of the word teshuva, gives us hope that the words of the prophets for Final Redemption will come true as well.

>It is because of this prophecy that we have always anticipated that 6 million of our people would perish prior to our being allowed to return to Israel, as can be seen in the numerous references to "six million Jews" made by many of our rabbis and scholars who saw the Shoah coming decades before the prophecy of our return to Israel was fulfilled. As far back as 1900, Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, who was the major leadership figure of the American Jewish Congress during its formative period, spoke of the "6,000,000 living, bleeding, suffering, arguments in favor of Zionism" when he addressed an audience who had come to hear him speak as reported in the New York Times on June 11, 1900.

>yeah that chimp must be what? Like 400 pounds
Rogan memes are best memes

I bet they all thought in their final moments: "starting this war was a bad idea, what the fuck were we thinking"

Poland knows that they started the war, now they try to blame it on Germany

All these 'forgeries' are made by holocaust deniers.

The "original" published by the NYT isn't actually the original. The original picture was taken by the US army and released to various newspapers via associated press. NYT then edited the guy out. See pic related, published earlier.

oh shit

Eddie "i saw a documentary" Bravo

Daily reminder that Nazism is Judaism under different name.

Hello friends. I'm from Belarus and recently a random conversation about the Holocaust with my mother came. And it turned out that she does not know what a holocaust is, that is, at school in the USSR they were not told that Jews were stuck in an oven and burned. She was born in 1960. I'm not a troll. Sorry for google translate

Thanks, was looking for it


And thus why it's called a Holocaust, it was a sacrifice to god

Preach brotha'

>ideologies overlap
Fuck off shill.

The funnny thing is even if one were generous and said...ok let's say they had 200 crematoriums, they still would have to burn all those bodies 24/7 365 still it would take them 10 years going nonstop smokestacking every single day, you would think recon air force images would capture these 200 spots burning nonstop in almost every pic of germany, right?

Not an argument, Chaim. Go peddle your talmudic ideology somewhere else.

He's not a shill, just your average pole

But are they really this obvious with it?

If it can be conclusively shown that the jews wanted everyone to believe that 6 million of them died, then we actually have solid evidence to prove that they would have worked together to fake it or bring it about by any means necessary.

what u think about this?

>Nazism = Talmudism

Hahahah, your average pole ladies and gentlemens

>It's just a simple overlap goy, nothing to see here hehe!

>canadians irl

actually they're kinda cute

Auschwitz-Birkenau alone had five buildings filled with ovens. The idea that it would be somehow too difficult for the Nazis to dispose of the bodies is one of the dumbest things deniers say.

The same way roughly 6 million died.
>All these 'forgeries' are made by holocaust deniers.
I think you mean Stalin
Ah neat. Thanks. But why'd they remove it though?
>Daily reminder that Nazism is Judaism under different name.
Its even better when you know Hitler was a Jew and was in contact with the (((globalists))). Kinda like Lenin if you think of it.

true. how many ovens do you think had, even if they ran 24/7? and it couldn't have been all jews, right? 6mil of jews alone. gotta be at least a mil of gypsies, slavs, etc?

this numbers/burning math is the dumbest argument I've seen. How do games have "millions of play hours" by their second week of release? By playing it all at the same time. You think that if you burn lots of 15 bodies at a time that it's still going to take 2000+ years? No dipshit.

life is hard for you right?

>Ah neat. Thanks. But why'd they remove it though?

I suppose it was because "we can't show this in a christian newspaper" or something like that.


Shit ton of corpses just got dumped into mass graves as well
My grandmother had to rebury dead Jews after the war

>>Dude what, what do you mean the holo happened? What are you taaaaalking about?!?
>>Jamie, pull up the infographs (literal fucking jpgs stating shit without citation from a reliable source) lacking primary sources from Sup Forums of the holo
>>See it totally never happened bro

How does the lie fit in with this belief? Do they really think if there is a God that they can just lie to him?

not saying the whole 6 gorillion makes sense. but doing stupid math won't help the case.

destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, especially caused by fire or nuclear war.
"a nuclear holocaust"
synonyms: cataclysm, disaster, catastrophe; More
a Jewish sacrificial offering that is burned completely on an altar.

David Irving went intro German archives and found documents of every death in every Labour Camps, it was never 6 mill


>assuming that every body was burned

Mistake number 1

Flat earther propagaters to derail a thread with that has real questions real people ask.


>Its even better when you know Hitler was a Jew and was in contact with the (((globalists))). Kinda like Lenin if you think of it.

Jews :
>Hitler is bad
>Hitler is evil
>Hitler is a monster
>Hitler is the worst

Everyone else:
>No, Jews are bad ones

Jews again:
>Yeah? Hitler was a Jew too

Typhus victims

Gassing people doesn't emaciate them

You're just spreading a lie debunked decades ago.

>burning two bodies takes twice the amount of time as burning one

If anyone would dare to try it, would you honestly be surprised if it was a Jew? 75% of the Talmud is editorial notes to get around the rules therein. They probably do think they got away with lying to God, since they got Israel back.

Assuming each of the 10 "extermination camps" each had ten crematorium kilns and they ran 24/7 365, it would still take 20 years.

That's some conspiracy theory level shit right there.

Horribly poor reasoning. Where are you getting the million from the 6? Why not just 6 people? How do you know your copy of the Torah just didn't have a typo?

Not just jews but US govt Air Force and Hollywood working together to create the story that the Germans killed them off in the camps...meanwhile I in the 1980's was told by my grandfather in direct conversation that he in his b-24 bombed into oblivion the railways that brought supplies and food to these camps cause they wer estrategic assets of the German armed forces building various weaponry and thus were ruled worthy targets regardless of whom was in the camps making the armaments was of ZERO interest to the heads that ordered him to cut off their supply routes. IN other words they knew they would starve them and kill those people in the camps and did that shit anyways...just as they knew many civilians would be incinerated in an actual holocaust in Japan when they nuked them. They knew exactly what the process and objective entailed and decided to construct an elaborate propaganda mechanism to shift away the blame and fault onto the losers of the war way in advance...to win at any cost was the goal and to win regardless of the civilian toll. My grandfather was totally red pilled from his experience...the rest is history. Then hollywood took the film photage and happily presented it in theaters run by jews like Fox all around the country as 100% proof fact that Nazi's starved them all, nevermind that we bombed the supply lines, that's a Nazi conspiracy theory designed to trick the public? Never trust those dirty krauts...blah blah blah.

That's probably taken in the Ukraine during the holodomor.

vav = 6

...suddenly becomes 6 million

toppest of keks.

Oh vey! Shut it down! there must be 3 million in that pile alone goy

I didn't make the website. Some rabbi did.

nobody except deniers claim that door pictured is the original gas chamber door

Tell that to the rabbi, rabbi.

Gay. But true.
I think you need to stop watching the anime-jew.
Look at all those poor disease stricken Jews. Such a shame.
>You're just spreading a lie debunked decades ago.
Wow. What if the Jewish psyop is to get people to believe the Holocaust never happened!!! So the can better learn how to deny for future atrocities.

Oh this guy is busy, look at him go.

Who made the alleged forgeries depicting the atrocities?

>he cannot link or source to the forgers.



Not according to the citation.

Did this happen? Can you link it?

That is nice! Do you have a source for that image?

Why do you save such shitty infographs?

3.5 million pre-war jews...why do deniers just pull random numbers out of their ass?

implying it would be somehow more efficient to burn multiple bodies at once