How do we solve the old maid problem?

How do we solve the old maid problem?
Most men are not interested in girls that dont put out for marriage so my church has a surplus of these girls 25+ and still waiting for a man

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Be patient?

sucks to be them

Was literally just thinking about my ex not shaving her pussy so i would call her the wildabeast when she wasnt putting out

Then i get on pol and see this

Child brides. Execution of OLD HAGS.

Who cares about them. They chose the cock carousel lifestyle, now they pay for their actions. Good girls are taken young as puppies. All the ones left are slutty bitches.

Don't demonize premarital sex.

>Most men

Wrong. If you only consider college males then yes. Most men inherently want a sexually conservative female. It's more likely that these women aren't looking in the right places.

These girls get less valuable every year and their prospects get smaller

Most men still want a girl that will put out before marriage

These girls are virgins

>Most men are not interested in girls that dont put out for marriage so my church has a surplus of these girls 25+ and still waiting for a man

My GF claims to be Catholic and a virgin and < 25. I'm waiting for her. It's been 3 months and no sex and I don't care too much.

I doubt these women fulfill all these criteria. They are either not virgins or over 25 and in that case no man would wait .

>I doubt these women fulfill all these criteria.

I hate to be "that guy" but it has to be said. Women do not marry down, they only marry up. Only men marry down. With that said, chances are they will die alone.


Well the op does explicitly claim they are over 25. Women over 25 just aren't desirable anymore.

You don’t. 30 percent of Western women won’t have kids and 60 percent of Western men won’t father kids.

Thanks Kek, father of memes

Well the over 25 year old virgins had to be under 25 at some point

>Well the over 25 year old virgins had to be under 25 at some point

I was in church during these years. I was trying hard to get one of these girls then. Most were to busy making a career to pay attention to me or be serious about a relationship. These women had opportunities to get a man. I am 100% sure. They just don't care. Then after they hut the wall they suddenly get interested in a relationship.

>tfw oldest son
>tfw single for the foreseeable future
>tfw my family name survival is solely relies on my brother and I

feels bad man

Which is good.

This is a genetic/memetic revolution not a problem.

Just prevent all low value immigration.

Yeah, I doubt that. I grew up in some really Christian areas. Not saying they have to be whores, but I really doubt they are virgins

>Most men are not interested in girls that dont put out before marriage

To hell with you, you lying fucking jew

>some really Christian areas
This is your problem
When you live in an area where people are expected to go to church you get a lot of phonies

Do you think most men are waiting until marriage

You saying that the average man who reproduces impregnates two different women?

firing squad

Just skip the old models at this point.
Time for older men to take the younger women.
I snagged myself a fine little 21 year old conservative girl. She's going to school but hates her liberal classmates and talks constantly about wanting to be a 50's style homemaker.
All my problems with women were solved when I started going for the younger ones. Depending on your age, as a man, you can probably go as young as 18, but I cut it off for myself at 21.
Seriously, find a modest, demure young woman, treat her right, and she will melt for you. It's pretty amazing how strongly the younger ones bond to you as an older man with his shit together.

This is a distraction tactic.

Whether or otherwise you wait for marriage is less important than whether you are highly selective and end up ultimately only having one (or if tragedy strikes two) lovers in your life.

Plenty of people only have one lover. Late bloomers who start dating seriously to find a spouse in college (me), high school sweethearts that get married, etc.

The most pernicious lie in love and relationships is that it is somehow good or necessary to have many lovers before settling down.

Yes it is beneficial to be very selective, get to know someone before marrying, and not get too attached to someone you just met, but it doesn't follow that marrying your first love is wrong. I think it's ideal.

Their fathers should marry them off when they hit puberty (sexual maturity).

>You saying that the average man who reproduces impregnates two different women

I'm surprised it's only that bad so far. Soon it will be only 10% of men passing on genes and we'll be back in the stone age.

I kind of doubt this. It seems like women typically give a couple children to their beta providers even if one of the kids is laughably obviously not his.

>I kind of doubt this. It seems like women typically give a couple children to their beta providers

Women always get more and more benefits from the state. Will they even need beta providers in the future?

You Mormon? We're having the same problem but from a multitude of reasons. The latest trend is divorce because the guy wants to leave the church and his family to run away with a young mistress; woman is left single with kids.

The average LDS Ward has a surplus of eligible women and not enough men. Even if the low test/low tier guys married, there'd still be a surplus of single women.

They like having the husbands though, both for image reasons and because it's a form of companionship. A lot of women seem to like hanging around beta men, they just dont like fucking them very much.

But I see what you're getting at. And yeah I guess I can envision some sort of state-supported harem situation emerging at some point.

How can I get in contact with them? I want a housewife and American citizenship

I'm ready to leave tomorrow

But only the best men will pass on their genes. Losers like you were never meant to reproduce.

I dated one of these christian "old maids" who wont fuck. She was a mental case I suspect may have been molested in her youth due to her sexual hang ups, Nice girl and all but not good enough to spend forever with. And yeah, shes ruined now.

being this new

>Most men are not interested in girls that dont put out for marriage so my church has a surplus of these girls 25+ and still waiting for a man
If she is able and willing to work and provide for the family, I'm happy to play white husband in exchange for an American passport.
Or is it just hags entering to church in search for a walking wallet?
Sorry, that's over, MGTOW happened.

>slutshaming meme
now's the part where you consider hating sluts the same as hating a girl that's been with one guy

>chimp out about middle eastern and african migrants
>aspires to become an economic migrant
stay poor


Estonia doesn't have any African or Middle Eastern immigrants, you retard.

From my experience in church activities most of the church girls do experiment a lot with alcohol and premarital sex in their teens and early 20s, they just don't swear as much as regular young thots do and usually dress more modestly.

Why would you want an American passport you cuck?

>Why would you want an American passport you cuck?
For electing Trump in 2020.
Dual citizenship is a nice thing, it doubles your vote.

>If she is able and willing to work and provide for the family
A lot of them are
I know a girl that fell for the career meme but still lives with her parents and never goes out
Dont know how much he has saved up but its it probably a shit load

These women are not virgins

Tell these girls to settle for the men that want them instead of wait for the men they want.

All of those church girls have suitors, they just don't want the kind of men they attract because they think they deserve better. The think this because people kiss women's asses constantly and never give them a reality check.

>But only the best men will pass on their genes. Losers like you were never meant to reproduce

I have offspring, moron.


upboat withdraw?

At least I'm white, unlike (you) nigger

Honestly humans extend their lives too long these days and it's unnatural. What's the point of living beyond 65+ in a failing frail body? It creates an unnecessary financial and logistical strain on the society. This incidentally tricked millennial women into believing they have a lot of time to ride the cock carousel before settling down.

The irony with them waiting is that the longer they do the lower quality the men who want them become

Young girls are ruined by the promise of not needing to find a husband until they're 35 so that's a problem.

>I know a girl that fell for the career meme but still lives with her parents and never goes out
>Dont know how much he has saved up but its it probably a shit load
Question is: Why doesn't she take a poor artist from America as her husband?
I mean this is how spinsters got their mate in the past.

>Most men inherently want a sexually conservative female
It's so easy to spot the virgin high school kids acting like they know what's up. As someone who has deflowered multiple girls, and slept with plenty of more experienced women, I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that the ones who retain their virginity to an older age do so due to repression issues. They fucking suck in the sack (not literally), and I feel bad for any guy that winds up spending a lifetime with one of these weirdos.

>Why doesn't she take a poor artist from America as her husband?
Probably because most artists are liberal faggots

Single moms outnumber married women in several European countries now.

It's because they're more likely to cheat on you, and therefore trick you into raising someone else's kids.

This is elementary logic here, it has nothing to do with your preferences for girls in the bedroom.

>All I have is something I didn't work hard for
Typical nigger mentality

Imagine yourself on a cruise and the ship you are on is sinking. As lifeboats are put into the water, it is discovered that half of them are not seaworthy due to lax maintenance. One out of two sink as they are put into the water and its occupants swim back to the sinking cruise ship, desperately climbing back on board as everyone still on the cruise ship is panicking. You find yourself sitting on one of the lifeboats that actually works. However, a man wearing the uniform of a crew member points at you and yells at you. He is demanding that you get up out of your seat.

He says, "There aren't enough seats for everyone. Women and children first!"

You look over his shoulder and see a woman waiting for you to get up. You tell him to go fuck himself, and refuse to give up your seat. You assert that your life is just as valuable as hers and since you got to the seat first, the seat is rightfully yours. The man waves some of his fellow crew mates over to you and they forcefully remove you from the lifeboat. As soon as your seat becomes available, the woman sits in it without hesitation.

The notion that she has priority to that seat has been ingrained into her since childhood. She feels entitled to that seat and whether or not your life is more valuable never even crosses her mind. The fact that you are a professor at an Ivy League university and one of the most renowned physicists currently living and she is just a house wife is irrelevant. She is a woman.

Where feminism is primarily focused on female supremacy, traditionalism is focused on female superiority. Traditionalism is the other feminism. It's the gynocentric, white knight voice on the conservative side of politics and it’s the reason the ship's crew pulled you from the lifeboat. Traditionalism is the assertion that your life is less valuable than a woman and that it is your duty to consider yourself disposable. It is the pedestalization of women.

From a woman's perspective, some, if not most prefer men who are economically stable and willing to let us pursue other careers besides the traditional wife and mother role.

And of course we hate men who cheat.

>Probably because most artists are liberal faggots
So there is a market then for poor Christian artists with a redpilled mindset?


>She's going to school
kek. Man you're deluded as fuck. Women parrot whatever you want them to. You should be old enough to know that. If she wants to be a homemaker, why not start right now? The answer is because she's full of shit and taking you for a ride.

My GF is one that actually hates college and modern women. Guess what she does? She lives with her parents and does housework. It's amazing what people with actual convictions will do.

>inb4 some bs sob story about how she can't do that
sounds like her background is shit too then desu

>From a woman's perspective, some, if not most prefer men who are economically stable and willing to let us pursue other careers besides the traditional wife and mother role.
So you want to have both the cake and eat it.
It's over, MGTOW happened.

>hates college and modern women
>lives with parents and does housework

So the difference between me and your GF is the fact that she has a vagina, and this makes her worth so much?

>she has a vagina, and this makes her worth so much?

>So the difference between me and your GF is the fact that she has a vagina, and this makes her worth so much?
Considering she's that way because of religious convictions and your that way because you're a sperg loser? Definitely.

>it takes conviction to lay around the house all day taking it easy
>compared to working and living in the real world
Epic, simply epic

You'd be suprised, I deflowered 2 while attending church in my quest to find a "good" woman, they exist, they're just not advertising.

It doesn't have to be, i'm just stating the obvious. Of course most women are not some fat, radical liberal who hate men.

You just have to see it from our perspective.

>And of course we hate men who cheat.
Not really true in my experience. They get upset but then act more feminine and warm toward you after

You just got done saying the only difference between you and her was a vagina. So my assumption that you were a sperg was right then or did you forget Sup Forums has ids?

House work and cooking takes all day if you don't live in a dump eating fast food btw.

>it doesn't follow that marrying your first love is wrong. I think it's ideal.

It's ideal in a different society, but not this one. Unless you are Mormon and don't allow your wife to associate with anyone but Mormons, she'll start to resent her lack of experience. I've got a buddy who got with his wife when they were in middle school. They dated all that time, and they waited until they were married to have sex. Four years later, she realizes she's approaching 30, and her looks are fading. She's still very attractive, but she's constantly hounding him about "exploring" and "experiencing" her "sexuality." She flirts HEAVILY with every man she meets. Last party we all went to, she got drunk as fuck, rolled her shorts (already very short) up to her ass, and sat on two different guys' laps...all while her sober husband watched from the corner, looking like he wanted to cry. She considers herself a feminist, and she really resents her husband for locking her sexuality down now that she realizes she's losing her magical sexual power over men.

They aren't the only couple I know with this problem. In my experience, it's the women who've been around the block who really appreciate love when they find it. Not saying you want a body count of 30 dudes, but once she experiences the difference between fucking and making love for herself, she becomes insanely loyal.

Too late for them, they aint of proper child bearing age.

>letting your wife be the breadwinner


they aren't waiting for anything
they're getting used up and disqualified for a good relationship

Virgins only, remember boys you weren't born with a golden ticket between your legs you only had to keep your mouth shut to exploit fully

Not this stupid shit again. Fruit flies are not humans. I've never seen any evidence that a woman carries another man's sperm in her vagina for years and years. Last dumbass who brought this up posted the same fruit fly study 6 times from 6 different sources and thought he was proving something. Believing this trash is more embarrassing than flat earth. The only even slightly related studies looked at the bond between mothers and children. Everyone knows that mothers share fluids with their children. This proves nothing.

also laughing my sides into orbit at the idea that sperm in a woman's mouth "digs in" behind her eyes. Good god.

Part of the problem is Christianity literally encourages men to behave and treat women in a way that makes them appear to be of low quality (weak, too nice).

How naive can you get?

You just need to hang around less shit tier women

who cares abt this shit country

>Most men are not interested in girls that dont put out for marriage so my church has a surplus of these girls 25+ and still waiting for a man

That's fishy, user. I live in a town notorious for "hardline evangelism," and the Churches I've attended have been filled with women who are absolute whores. I've been a member of a couple of YA groups, where I've become a social pariah after dumping a girl when I found out she wasn't a virgin.
>muh God forgives
>let he who is without sin
>I'm not my virginity, user!

What kind of Church are you attending? What are these women like? And what are their standards?

>letting your wife be the breadwinner
It's okay to marry an older woman (25+, not 45+), as long as she is the breadwinner.

>implying your wife's son is genetically yours

>when I found out she wasn't a virgin.
You should have pointed out that fornication is the only acceptable reason for divorce

Underrated post

Good news for me, just rediscovered my faith, and been looking for a good Christian wife.

Doesn't matter to these people. They're the "cool Christians" who do nothing but go on and on about Jesus' love, the fact that "man has no right to judge," divine forgiveness, and faith in Christ, not works, being the key to heaven.

Apparently the occasional white lie on my end is the same as some whore losing her virginity, because after all, she's "really sorry" about it.

If Secularism wasn't so awful, I'd be outright anti-theistic at this point.

>These girls are virgins


You need to let go of childish fantasies


I'll take one...

>gets "deflowered" before marriage
>one of the good ones
There are no good women. Least of all in church. There are however virgins before they have been deflowered. Find a pretty one and wife her.

Yes they should be forgiven for their sins but you are under no obligation to marry them
You need to stop believing everything r/atheism tells you

Not necessarily. But the point still stands. They can wait or they can settle. You don't get what you want, you get what you need. If a girl can't make a low quality man happy she has no chance at satisfying a high quality male either.