What's the best kind of socialism?


On the left you have a guy who gave people jobs.
The other two gave people free stuff.
I don't think OP understands how "National Socialism" differs from the two commies.

He took from joos to give gibs to germs



Why are there retards who use the cyrillic alphabet like that.

Capitol punishment.

really hate faux Cyrillic

The German "CHANGE" has the best aesthetic.

Favoring your own population over foreigners is a government's primary job.

>jews worked in factories and laying road


Daily reminder that authoritarians are almost as bad as commies.

Daily reminder that libertines are just as corrosive as commies.

G isn't even a letter in cyrllic

A board like this wouldn’t exist in your own utopia. And you most likely would be killed for degeneracy.

I probably wouldn't, considering I'm not a degenerate. More over, a board like this wouldn't NEED to exist in my utopia. Regardless, you are just as corrosive to morality, the nation, and basic decency as the original Bolsheviks were.

this board can exist in user's utopia if he wants it to

Pretty racist tbqh


i've always been racist against cyrillics

It's cultural appropriation, so it's a microagression at the very least
You are using my culture as a decoration, so check your privilege

eh none

National Socialism


This has to be the first time I have agreed with a leaf on this fucking board.

Whichever ends up killing the most socialists


>a board that runs opposing to the ideals that I defend would exist cuz I sed so

The one where I am able to throw commies off of a helicopter.

Whoever made the lenin poster is a true retard.

>faux cyrillic

You mongrels are just commies without the money. You’d take it up the ass from anyone so long as it’s a big white dick and not a commie Jew one

The problem with all types of socialism is that it uses Labor Value Theory, which is demonstrably false and tends to entirely destroy a society's concept of value.

I mean if you want to spout absurdities, by all means continue. That doesn't change the fact that you people are the ones enabling dicks being put into asses in the first place. You're just as pro-sex, anti-family, anti-nation as Communists are. The only difference is that they believe these are oppressive constructs of the rich, and you're just throwing a childish tantrum because other people are telling you to knock the dumb shit off.

>takes all three competing modern ideologies
>claim theyre all the same thing because theyre not ancaps
>win over everyone with your superior arguments and reasoning
Well played libertarians

Sup Forums is a libertarian board, hang the commie scum

No, niether nazis nor socdem believe in the labor theory of value. And even to the communists the LTV is simply an acedemic argument by Marx but has very little practical application for the ussr.

Pls refer to this

>being this much of a dumb nigger who doesn’t understand analogy
Because you clearly aren’t very bright I’ll break it down for you
“Taking the dick” is analogous with relinquishing control of the government. Natsoc are perfectly fine and willing to relinquish their rights, stay complicit, and never question their govt so long as it’s a white face who “fucks them in the ass”

>Brainlets who have no idea what propaganda pictures are
This is not a Russian grammar test, they wrote "change" with cryllic letters that appear similiar to the latin letters of the same word.
If it were to say "измeнить!" then it wouldn't be as effective as a piece of propaganda as it would have.

>you’re just as pro-sex, anti-family, anti-nation as Communist
None of these things are true. The left idealizes this degeneracy because of you, because you work so hard to oppose them. You act under the false assumption I suppport degeneracy merely because I support its right to exist. I believe in nature’s own ability to weed out degeneracy, and that decent wholesomeness will rise to the top. If you’re so confident that your way is superior, then why must you establish such a powerful force to keep it alive, rather than let it live on its own merits.

None. All are forms international faggotry.

Change is spelt wrong in both German and Russian.

typical cyrillic, always the victim

what's the point of a utopia if it doesn't realize all of your desires

>democratic socialism
its called (((social democracy)))

I have seen at least two images on this very board specifically listing LVT as part of the NatSoc doctrine. SocDems are a meme, so I'd bet they are at least 50-50 divided on the LVT because they're all retards.

I’m saying your idea of a utopia would actually not meet all of your desires, because they are inherently contradictory

Or he could have changed the text font to have a more soviet feel instead of bunching up letters that dont fit together and dont mean anything when pronounced.

This is more bait than propaganda.

it's true, you'd think if the family was really that important it could survive the limp-wristed onslaught of the eternal faggot (at the very least)

not true! in my utopia contradictions are no problemo. they're just a tool of white supremacy anyways

I understand the analogy perfectly well, it's just a dumb analogy that reeks of horseshoe theory. You're right though, I am perfectly fine to relinquish my right to fuck other men, divorce my wife, visit prostitutes, do hard drugs, etc. I have no interest in doing these things so I'm not exactly "taking a dick in the ass." Other people might be, but if they're interested in these things, they deserve it.

The left doesn't idealize degeneracy because of I "work so hard to oppose them." It's the logical conclusion of their core philosophical beliefs, you utter moron.

You have a childish level of understanding "superiority." Things that rise to the top aren't inherently superior to things that don't, just as animals that survive aren't inherently superior to things that don't. In evolution, natural disasters, and other environmental factors can result in the extinction of a species that could be classed, in a vacuum, as superior to another species that survived by chance. When it comes to lifestyle, political philosophy, etc. people simply choose the path of least resistance. That's what degeneracy is. And looking at what "live and let life" has done to the west, degeneracy needs to be mercilessly stamped out.

what's the point of rigid discipline to continue a civilization where everyone is perpetually miserable?

I would relinquish those rights as well if I thought it would be effective. But what about the right to speak against the government that exercise here? What about having your home searched, your mail read, or your right to bear arms? What rights are you willing to relinquish to stamp out degeneracy? And who decides what degeneracy is? Sure maybe faggots, and trans, and druggies. But who else? At what point are you being cucked by your own government?

Oh yes, people are going to be miserable just because they can't go around fucking people they're not married to, undermining families, parading through the streets in rainbow flags and assless chaps, doing hard drugs, etc.

That's ridiculous and you know it. The people who will be miserable deserve to be miserable. The average, normal person, will be able to live a decent life with dignity, purpose and meaning. Which is a massive improvement from the libertine quagmire of subjectivity, nihilism and short-sighted dopamine chasing.

I agree here actually

>Obama represents democratic SOCIALISM, oh vey
>what Americans really think...


Do we currently have any of those freedoms? Sure the government won't stop me from speaking out against them, Twitter will though. Google will go a step further and completely astroturf the world I'm interacting with. The government already collects (and abuses) data gathered on private citizens, and already is working to further limit what weapons we can own.

Regardless, if it were up to me, everything up to and including having sex outside of marriage, and divorce would be deemed degenerate and criminalized. So it really doesn't matter much to me how far things go.

Read more about the NSDAP and PNF though. Mussolini and Hitler both tolerated certain critics. They'd occasionally be chided, but the persecuted critics were typically hardline Leftist partisans. Our country could have benefitted enormously from such attitudes, especially during the 60s.

>complaining about lack of free speech on one of the largest free speech boards in existence
Even if these rights were being infringed, or are (and they are in many cases) that doesn’t mean you should roll over and accept them
>it doesn’t matter much to me how far they go
So when your labeled degenerate for your physical characteristics such as hair color and eye color, and put in a camp you won’t care? The things you listed might be degenerate but that doesn’t mean they’ll just stop there. Authoritarians aren’t known for restraint.

>criminalizing sex outside of marriage and divorce
These are communist levels of utopian. Im quite curious to know how you’ll go about enforcing this. What about abusive relationships?


fine as long as they don't get divorced

People like you turn the right-wing into a joke. Good luck winning the normies over when your platform is sharia law.

>Even if these rights were being infringed, or are (and they are in many cases) that doesn’t mean you should roll over and accept them
Typically, rights are exchanged for a clean, and orderly society. I'd rather just cash in on said society than get to say "fug trannies" in Weimerika.
>So when your labeled degenerate for your physical characteristics such as hair color and eye color, and put in a camp you won’t care? The things you listed might be degenerate but that doesn’t mean they’ll just stop there. Authoritarians aren’t known for restraint.
Nice slippery slope there. Last I checked, the evil Nazis weren't throwing brunettes and people with hazel eyes into camps.

>how you'll go about enforcing this.
The same way early America enforced them, considering they used to be criminalized at the State-level in much of the country. Alternatively, the Catholic Church back in its time.
>abusive relationships
Perhaps just end no-fault divorce, criminalize adultery, etc. Really though, nobody just "turns abusive." Typically abusive partners and spouses have more red flags than Moscow last century DURING the dating process. We really shouldn't be tolerating divorce and the shredding of families just because some moron chose to ignore the writing on the wall.

You don't explicitly advertise this, you work towards it. Do you unironically think the left, outside of obscure academic circles, were saying during the 1960s that they wanted kids to be able to make the decision to change genders? Of course not. No ideology is ever pitched to braindead normies with the most extreme elements highlighted.

>Shariah law
>Not literally preferable to the postmodernist neo-Marxism we have now.

Trick question

So der fuhrer was just shilling for a welfare state
You could say he was a proto Bernie sanders then

butthurt larper kind.
where they have to live under oprahs matriarchy

>What's the best kind of socialism?


>last I checked the evil nazis weren’t throwing brunettes and people with hazel eyes into camps
No they weren’t but other authoritarian regimes did similar acts. The North Korean govt for example would actively “weed out” individuals they found to be too short.
>rights are exchanged for a clean orderly society
You’re naive if you think that it’s just some 1 for 1 exchange. Those with power will always abuse those without it. The purpose of rights is to prevent that
>same way the church and state-level did back in its time
Yeah by just outing women whose hymen weren’t in tact and hanging them. You know this was just a social weapon people used, and not NEARLY an effective way of ienforcing it. You’re an absolute retard if you think there was ever a state in history that even marginally effectively prevented sex outside of marriage.

no one
it is all shit

I hope whomever that road hating libertarian is, that made this image, dies.
How the fuck do you put hitler on the same line up as Obongo and Lenin?

I may be a road hating fuck, but even I know this is boomer tier retardation.


Obama was not a fucking Democratic Socialist. If he was the US would probably be in a slightly better place right now.

Neolibs and Neocons were a mistake. Capitalism was a mistake.

>other authoritarian regimes did similar acts.
North Korea has no cultural or intellectual relevance to any Western country though. Are you honestly under the impression that we should be looking at a totalitarian Asiatic state for an accurate depiction of an authoritarian Western one? Especially when there were plenty of authoritarian Western states which were NOTHING like what you describe.

>Those with power abuse those without it.
Yes, the Habsburg and Hohenzollern Monarchies are riddled with abuse! It's not like the Habsburgs had a record of siding with the populace over landed nobility in disputes, or the Hohenzollerns effectively purging a lot of corruption following their Calvinist reforms. With regard to transactional nature of rights, "rights" are typically what results in disorderly societies. Why were Communists allowed to subvert academia in the Cold War? They had "Free speech," after all. Why can't we deport anchor babies? They have rights! etc.
>there wasn't ever a state in history that even effectively prevented premarital sex
It's blatantly obvious that you haven't read a thing about sexual activity throughout history, considering you've fallen for Leftist gaslighting. People weren't "always" having sex outside of marriage. Oxford-educated Anthropologist J.D. Unwin studied the subject extensively, and found that during certain periods of history, such behavior was effectively prevented by laws and social norms. Beyond that, even looking at modern times, we've become more loose sexually (inb4 the study which claims millenials are having less sex than ever). You can claim people lied in earlier studies. The problem is that while 40s-early 70s era sexology data is skewed, it's actually skewed in the opposite direction. The studies we have for the period are taken from groups far more likely to be promiscuous than average. Alfred C. Kinsey's work in particular has so many methodological flaws, it's a wonder he was ever taken seriously.

>In time where a leader is needed, people are drawn to those who exhibit the qualities of a leader

wow very deep

Ice cream socialism

There's no ice cream under socialism

Sweden is democratic socialist country.
Now it's third word shithole

Democratic socialism, duh. The other two have killed a lot of people.

Favoring your own population is one thing, trying to take over and kill millions of people is another

>Democratic Socialist

>best kind of socialism?

The socialism bit is nowhere near as important as the national bit
Nation means kin. You give to your own family, nothing to outsiders

Pick one

One that works. Too bad that doesn't exist.

Boomer tier retard

Mine. Specifically mine. It hasn't been tried yet. Yes we read the Communist Manifesto, but in my version, the correct words are written in bold.

But Still The Same Words huh


fuck off cunt