Why are aliens usually portrayed as Aryan?

Why are aliens usually portrayed as Aryan?

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Because the Finns are known Space Elves.



i'm pretty sure the muh aliums people claim there are many different alien species


Of course but those who look like humans are almost always Nordic

They arent. The aryan kind of aliens are very very rare in the ufological mythos.

Its mostly greys and reptilians. The aryans are implied to be the super high ups that only come around every once in a while.

can someone redpill me on the intergalactic relations between nords, grays, reptilians, humans and explain all of our history, religion and science?


probably humans from another planet or something. the whites on that planet were the most advanced race and were able to develop real space travel, so those are the human aliums we see. the rest of their species is probably still on their home planet or extinct

Cuz we wuz dem ancient sumerian alien gods an sheeit, we da vrill in making.




Aliens aren't usually portrayed as 'Aryan', they are usually portrayed with big heads, big eyes and gray skin. In any case, humans are BILLIONS of years old and are NOT NATIVE to Earth.

Idk but it really makes me think because some myths include Aliens creating the human race and if those aliens were Nordic - white, then whites are the most pure descendants of those heavenly beings.

Humans are BILLIONS of years old and are NOT NATIVE to Earth. Here is merely SOME evidence (though DEFINITELY not ALL of the evidence) suggesting not only a human presence on Earth BILLIONS of years ago, but also suggesting complex human civilisations on Earth BILLIONS of years ago:

* A human skull fragment from Hungary dated between 250,000 and 450,000 years ago
* A human footprint with accompanying paleoliths (stones deliberately chipped into a recognisable tool type), bone tools, hearths and shelters, discovered in France and dated 300,000 to 400,000 years
* Paleoliths in Spain, a partial human skeleton and paleoliths in France; two English skeletons, one with associated paleoliths, ALL at least 300,000 years old
* Skull fragments and paleoliths in Kenya and advanced paleoliths, of modern human manufacture, in the Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania, dated between 400,000 and 700,000 years
* Neoliths (the most advanced stone tools and utensils) in China of a type that indicate full human capacity, dated to 600,000 years
* Hearths, charcoal, human femurs and broken animal bones, all denoting modern humanity, in Java, dated to 830,000 years
* An anatomically modern human skull discovered in Argentina and dated between 1 million and 1.5 million years years (eoliths -chipped pebbles, thought to be the earliest known tools- at Monte Hermoso, also in Argentina, are believed to be between 1 and 2.5 million years old).
* A human tooth from Java yielding a date between 1 and 1.9 million years years
* Incised bones, dated between 1.2 and 2.5 million years, have been found in Italy
* Discoveries of paleoliths, cut and charred bones at Xihoudu in China and eoliths from Diring Yurlakh in Siberia dated to 1.8 million years
* Eoliths in India, paleoliths in England, Belgium, Italy and Argentina, flint blades in Italy, hearths in Argentina, a carved shell, pierced teeth and even two human jaws all bearing a minimum date of 2 million years (end of part 1)

(start of part 2) Curiously enough, several of the very earliest artifact discoveries display a truly extraordinary level of sophistication. In Idaho, for example, a 2-million-year-old clay figurine was unearthed in 1912. But even this discovery does not mark an outer limit. Bones, vertebrae and even complete skeletons have been found in Italy, Argentina and Kenya. Their minimum datings range from 3 million to 4 million years. A human skull, a partial human skeleton and a collection of neoliths discovered in California have been dated in excess of 5 million years. A human skeleton discovered at Midi in France, paleoliths found in Portugal, Burma and Argentina, a carved bone and flint flakes from Turkey all have a minimum age of 5 million years.
How far back can human history be pushed with discoveries like these? The answer seems to be a great deal further than orthodox science currently allows. As if the foregoing discoveries were not enough, we need to take account of:
* Paleoliths from France dated between 7 and 9 million years
* An eolith from India with a minimum dating of 9 million years
* Incised bones from France, Argentina and Kenya no less than 12 million years old
* More paleolith discoveries from France, dated at least 20 million years ago
* Neoliths from California in excess of 23 million years
* Three different kinds of paleoliths from Belgium with a minimum dating of 26 million years
* An anatomically modern human skeleton, neoliths and carved stones found at the Table Mountain, California and dated at least 33 million years ago
But even 33 million years is not the upper limit. A human skeleton found in Switzerland is estimated to be between 38 and 45 million years old. France has yielded up eoliths, paleoliths, cut wood and a chalk ball, the minimum ages of which range from 45 to 50 million years.
There's still more. (end of part 2)

(start of part 3) In 1960, H. L. Armstrong announced in Nature magazine the discovery of fossil human footprints near the Paluxy River, in Texas. Dinosaur footprints were found in the same strata. In 1983, the Moscow News reported the discovery of a fossilised human footprint next to the fossil footprint of a three-toed dinosaur in the Turkamen Republic. Dinosaurs have been extinct for approximately 65 million years.
In 1983, Professor W. G. Burroughs of Kentucky reported the discovery of three pairs of fossil tracks dated to 300 million years ago. They showed left and right footprints. Each print had five toes and a distinct arch. The toes were spread apart like those of a human used to walking barefoot. The foot curved back like a human foot to what appeared to be a human heel. There was a pair of prints in the series that showed a left and right foot. The distance between them is just what you'd expect in modern human footprints.
In December 1862, The Geologist carried news of a human skeleton found 27.5 m (90 ft) below the surface in a coal seam in Illinois. The seam was dated between 286 and 320 million years. It's true that a few eoliths, skull fragments and fossil footprints, however old, provide no real backing for the idea of advanced prehistoric human civilisations.
But some other discoveries do.
In 1968, an American fossil collector named William J. Meister found a fossilised human shoe print near Antelope Spring, Utah. There were trilobite fossils in the same stone, which means it was at least 245 million years old. Close examination showed that the sole of this shoe differed little, if at all, from those of shoes manufactured today.
In 1897, a carved stone showing multiple faces of an old man was found at a depth of 40 m (130 ft) in a coal mine in Iowa. The coal there was of similar age. (end of part 3)

(start of part 4) A piece of coal yielded up an encased iron cup in 1912. Frank J. Kenwood, who made the discovery, was so intrigued he traced the origin of the coal and discovered it came from the Wilburton Mine in Oklahoma. The coal there is about 312 million years old.
In 1844, Scottish physicist Sir David Brewster reported the discovery of a metal nail embedded in a sandstone block from a quarry in the north of England. The head was completely encased, ruling out the possibility that it had been driven in at some recent date. The block from which it came is approximately 360 million years old.
On 22 June 1844, The Times reported that a length of gold thread had been found by workmen embedded in stone close to the River Tweed. This stone too was around 360 million years old.
Astonishing though these dates may appear to anyone familiar with the orthodox theory of human origins, they pale in comparison with the dates of two further discoveries.
According to Scientific American, dated 5 June 1852, blasting activities at Meeting House Hill, in Dorchester, Massachusetts, unearthed a metallic, bell-shaped vessel extensively decorated with silver inlays of flowers and vines. The workmanship was described as 'exquisite'. The vessel was blown out of a bed of Roxbury conglomerate dated somewhat earlier than 600 million years.
In 1993, Michael A. Cremo and Richard L. Thompson reported the discovery 'over the past several decades' of hundreds of metallic spheres in a pyrophyllite mine in South Africa. The spheres are grooved and give the appearance of having been manufactured. If so, the strata in which they were found suggest they were manufactured 2.8 BILLION years ago. (end of part 4)

(start of part 5) What are we to make of these perplexing discoveries? They cannot simply be dismissed. If even ONE of these discoveries is TRUE (and I believe that MANY if not ALL of these discoveries are TRUE), then it changes EVERYTHING that modern mainstream anthropologists THOUGHT they knew about the human species. (end of part 5)

Grays are draco helpers. Can be thought of as silicate robots.

(start of part 6) There's a book by Ellis Silver called 'Humans Are Not From Earth: A Scientific Evaluation Of The Evidence'. He says (among other things) that sunburn, our relatively high chance of experiencing back pain and pain during labour are types of evidence that Earth is not an optimal environment for human beings and that we come from elsewhere.
My theory regarding the origin of the human species is that the human species comes from elsewhere in the Milky Way galaxy and, at some point in the distant past, our extremely ancient ancestors colonised vast swathes of the Milky Way galaxy (and are possibly still doing so) and both Mars and Earth were colonised by them along the way. There are pyramidal structures and a Sphinx-like object in various NASA photos of Mars. I also think that a fiercely destructive interplanetary war caused the destruction of a planet that used to exist between Mars and Jupiter, leaving only the asteroid belt that we know today. This war also sterilised Mars, turning what was once a lush, verdant, Earth-like planet into a cold, lifeless desert. (end of part 6)

Even the Japanese believe.

oy vey

Seconded. What's a good source to read more about this stuff? Should I just trust (((Wikipedia)))?

It's all some kind of inter-dimensional/energy being phenomenon of some pseudo-human nature. This place is like a simulation that ((((they)))) can hack into.

They love to role-play as humans/humanoids.

Something to do with Nordics, Jews, Finland, and God.

That's all I got.

i was 'abducted by aliens' while driving my car on an empty road at 3am a few years ago.
it eventually made me believe in aliens even less when i remember how fake and science fiction they looked.
it was probably just a seizure or endogenous DMT release or something.

(start of part 7) I'm interested in the cyclical conception of human history that pre-Abrahamic cultures had. The Ancient Greeks had a cyclical conception of human history that was similar to the cyclical conception of human history that the Hindus had (and STILL have). The Ancient Greeks had a Golden Age (equivalent to Satya Yuga in Hinduism), a Silver Age (equivalent to Treta Yuga in Hinduism), a Bronze Age (equivalent to Dwapara Yuga in Hinduism) and an Iron Age (equivalent to Kali Yuga in Hinduism). I call the model of human history that is currently dominant among historians 'the linear-progressive model of human history'. The linear-progressive model of human history basically says that the further back in human history you go, the more primitive that humans, their cultures and their technology becomes. The linear-progressive model of human history embraced by modern historians and modern anthropologists actually has its roots in Judeo-Christian beliefs, ironically enough. Virtually EVERY pre-Abrahamic culture WORLDWIDE embraced a conception of human history that was CYCLICAL, with civilisations rising and falling one after the other over VAST periods of time and humans being EXTREMELY OLD. Take the Puranas (a collection of ancient Indian writings), for example. The Puranas describe human lineages going back over a BILLION YEARS into the past and we have PHYSICAL EVIDENCE (in the form of fossils and artifacts) that confirms this. (end)

thank you for these.

i was at least, not sure about the rest of the planet

Life (including sapient life) exists ABSOLUTELY EVERYWHERE in the universe. Humans and the general humanoid form (i.e. a head, two arms and two legs) are common throughout the universe. Humans are billions of years old and are not native to Earth. In each galaxy (including the Milky Way galaxy), the closer a star system is to the centre of that galaxy, the more spiritually advanced (and often also more technologically advanced), complex and sophisticated the civilisation or civilisations in that star system tends to be. Conversely, the further a star system is to the centre of that galaxy, the more primitive and nigger-tier the civilisation or civilisations in that star system tends to be. This is because of the electromagnetic radiation emanating from the centre of each galaxy, which has an expansive effect on consciousness the closer one is to it and has a contractive effect on consciousness the further one is from it. So it should come as no surprise that our civilisation, which is about 28,000 light-years away from the centre of our galaxy, is primitive and nigger-tier (including even Western Civilisation) in comparison to other civilisations that exist further afield in our galaxy. (end of part 1)

We wuz space kangz n sheit nigga

If only you knew how hexagonal things are up there

(start of part 2) What we call 'the world' is an infinitely small frequency band. It is not solid as most people think it is, because the atoms that compose 'the world' are made of empty space. Furthermore, 'the world' as we know it does not even exist 'out there' - it exists only 'in here' and is projected by us only when we tune in to it. What we call 'the world' is illusory and therefore malleable. What we call 'ghosts' are beings that are so close to our frequency band that they can 'bleed' through like a form of broadcasting interference. A radio accurately tuned to a radio station frequency will produce a clear, sharp reception with no interference, but when the dial is slightly off-centre, another station or stations can be heard alongside the main one. What we call 'ghosts' are based on the same basic principle and reptilians (for example) are basically beings that we could think of as 'ghosts' in that they inhabit a frequency band that vibrates very closely to the one we inhabit. To us, a 'ghost' would not look solid - but to that 'ghost', we are the ones who would not look solid. There are an infinite number of frequency bands and they all share the same space usually without interfering with each other. (end of part 2)

(start of part 3) Life exists everywhere, even inside every atom. There is no limit to how small something can be, nor is there any limit to have large something can be. Also, Gautama Buddha said that there are worlds inside each grain of sand and those worlds have their own grains of sand in them which in turn have their own worlds inside them ad infinitum. In fact, in the ancient Indian scripture known as 'Yoga Vasishta', it states: "There are vast worlds all placed away within the hollows of each atom, as multifarious as the motes in a sunbeam." (end of part 3)

They aren't, you retard. If anything, they're closer to Asians.

(start of part 4) 'Reality' is NOT a simulation, but it is LIKE a simulation. The simulation theory is a blue pill. The red pill is that 'reality' is LIKE a simulation - that it's not 'reality' that's like a computer, but that a computer is like 'reality'. Technology mirrors 'reality' and technology imitates biology (and this is completely intentional).
The base state of all things is energetic wave-form information, which has been confirmed by quantum physics. This is why everything can be perceived in an infinite number of different ways, because nothing can exist without being perceived and to be perceived, there must be a perceiver. When you see a rose as being red, a bee sees that same rose in shades of ultra-violet and a bat perceives that same rose as vibrations of sound. It all depends on the way that the information is 'read' (so to speak). We not only decode/re-decode information with our senses into what we call 'people', 'places' and 'things', but we can also ENCODE/RE-ENCODE information with our senses into what we call 'people', 'places' and 'things' - this is the basis of meme magic. We're encoding 'people', 'places' and 'things' with different information to what was there before, we're altering its informational substrate. The base state of EVERYTHING in the universe is ENERGETIC WAVE-FORM INFORMATION. EVERYTHING. We are literally information decoding information. Energy flows where attention goes. Things like 'mental illnesses'/depression/anxiety are basically ROGUE INFORMATION. Think of those things as being like a computer virus.

"If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is - infinite." - William Blake (end)

I'm not talking about the Grays, read through the thread m80

also aliens are just a natural built in memory in every human, like dragons (our ancestors were tiny squirrels who were getting eaten by giant pterodactyls for millions of years), so every culture subconsciously remembers 'dragons', just like cats are naturally scared of snakes.

Thanks for the contribution man, appreciate it.

cause it's obvious
>super smart

Literally who?

You're welcome.

Ashtar brother

How do we delete these viruses user?
My brother has schizophrenia

>How do we delete these viruses user?

You have to access the energetic wave-form information level of 'reality' (which is the most fundamental level of 'reality'). There are different ways to do this, one of which is meditation.

Oh my.. I didn't know people here know about it.

Peace, Love and Harmony my brother!


I know about it, but not really into it.
I posted as Half a joke but I actually like this song and listened to it a few times.
I don't want to fool you.

nords made us

or you can't face the fact that you lost your anal virginity :^)

speaking of which, reminds me of that sleep paralysis common hallucination, the old hag.
I always wondered about that one.

Some others are easy to explain, like fear of insect, rodents, snakes and arachnids being linked to poison and disease.
Or the common knowledge that every little kid knows, of hiding under the blankets and trying to be still and not making noise being a memory from more primal stages (think animal cubs instinct to hide from prey)

Are you that guy who plans to meet Alaje?

Marduk dindu nuffin

To the stars, user!

Damn user. Where’d you get all this, and how do you quantify it?

>I wand do beleib :DDD

From what I remember, the head of an Arcturian looks like the head of a horse.

Kek, I'm not into it as well. I just like to larp sometimes. I know about the chant for years now, it's rally something.

This shit can be eerie af tho:

not me

Because people like to portray alien life as superior to terrestrial life in both intelligence and aesthetics. The fact that many alien races are portrayed as Aryan is simply proof of the superiority of the Aryan race.

The nature of reality exposes itself once you purposely try to see it. It is a spinning kaleidoscope of holographic imagery, sound, and memory. There is no universe, no multiverse--only energy, and infinite observers and infinite perspectives.

Just fyi this band has made music around this concept for decades without telling anyone. It's good stuff. Not easy to decipher without the right sources, look up Enki/Anu on weird websites and such. A number of their albums do not follow this concept, but most do.


CIA, they created most of the mythos with people like Adamski etc.

They even started ufo cults in the 60's

Becouse blacks cant even into society.

So you're saying that they did this to purposefully discredit the whitey as delusional?

but whats the deal with reptile-people?

I doubt it. There is an underlying myth of ancient Hyperborreans, Thuleans, Atlantens - a people of unknown origin creating human civilization. These people were always depicted as pure, white, you can say Nordic. The fact that some people claim they came from the stars is beyond the point. The LOGOS is white.

Ashtar is a play on the Jew Demon Ishtar

It was very handy when they were testing stealth bombers in the late 60's

Ishtar means to Irrigate you know.

Shhhhhh... the walls have ears.

Knew the gist of this already but well put user.

There's 4 sides to every story.
If these walls could talk, they'd probably still ignore me.

It's also one of the (((DEMONS))) (((Anton Lavey))) and his church of satan claim to summon

I completely agree with you, other me. Everything is everything else because what we call 'reality' is HOLOGRAPHIC in nature, so we are in fact smaller versions of the whole (which you can call 'God' if you want, but I don't, because the word 'God' has religious connotations that I would rather avoid). Every part of the whole contains the whole and, to be more accurate, IS the whole. And just as a drop of water contains the same qualities as an entire ocean of water, we likewise contain all that exists within us - but merely on a smaller scale. An eternity is in every moment. A forest is in every seed. An ocean is in every drop of water. A brain is in every cell. A desert is in every grain of sand. A harvest is in every crop. A rainbow is in every colour. A dance is in every movement. A song is in every sound.


"That is whole, this is whole.
From that wholeness, this wholeness comes.
Add the whole to the whole and the whole still remains.
Remove the whole from the whole and the whole still remains.
The whole remains the whole." - Isha Upanishad

"To see a world in a grain of sand
And a heaven in a wild flower
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand
And eternity in an hour." - William Blake

"Know the world is a mirror from head to foot,
In every atom a hundred blazing suns.
If you cleave the heart of one drop of water,
A hundred pure oceans emerge from it.
If you examine closely each grain of sand,
A thousand Adams may be seen in it.
In its members a gnat is like an elephant;
In its qualities a drop of rain is like the Nile.
The heart of a barley-corn equals a hundred harvests,
A world dwells in the heart of a millet seed.
In the wing of a gnat is the ocean of life,
In the pupil of the eye a heaven;
What though the grain of the heart be small,
It is a station for the Lord of both worlds to dwell therein." - Mahmoud Shabstari

>not me

Okay, just making sure.


the depictions of aryan beings is thousands of years old user, every sub culture around the world had legends of flying blonde haired people.

the modern ufo phenomenon is probably 99.9% deep state granted but thats not whats being posted here

Is planet x / nirapoo real...?
A mates dad threw away his Empire because he became fixated with shit from those planet x sites and all of the possibly doctored photo's.

Is this guy a tinhat dipshit or a genius for having the foresight ?

>One is the Serpent which has its poison according to two compositions, and One is All and through it is All, and by it is All, and if you have not All, All is Nothing.

Cleopatra the Alchemist

>To see a world in a grain of sand And a heaven in a wild flower

This reminds me of some of my DMT visions

>implying space niggers, beaners, poos or Chinks would ever exist.

lmao god dammit user, you beat me to it.

Indra's net is a metaphor for the holographic nature of 'reality'. And DMT visions are intense as fuck.


Abbooga abooga the Aliens are coming ?

Oh really, were they successful?

Is a seance and smoking of tobacco recommended?




>smoking of tobacco


Why they all look like New Age lunatics?

>i was 'abducted by aliens' while driving my car on an empty road at 3am a few years ago.
>made me believe in aliens even less when i remember how fake and science fiction they looked
pick one




What are you doing wearing that man suit?

What did Ridley Scott mean by this?


We are all fragments of that which we call "God", observing itself subjectively in infinite ways.

Wish I had the Pip Boy.
Imagine how good that would be for a mass shooter, surprised Obamarama's people never thought of that during all those mass shootings they definitely honestly didn't organise.

Because I'm Jangles the Moon Monkey.
Just like you.

>Why are aliens usually portrayed as Aryan?
That's like asking why the Martians had such strong masculine energy or why the Hebrews decided to come to earth. Nobody knows.

A.K.A.: Aryans, Lemurians, Men From Planet X (“Xists”).
Tall, imposing, beautiful, perfectly sculpted . . . the Nordics are an idealized version of humanity. They have been visiting Earth for some time now in their spaceships (p. 26), helping us advance and evolve to the next level, guiding us to discover new things rather than simply handing them to us. New Age “believers” point to the Nordics as proof that aliens are fundamentally benevolent beings, or at least not all bad, and look forward to the day when we can join our fellow races in the harmonious galactic union. It’s all lies, of course. But the Nordics have gone to a lot of trouble to spread them. As a race, they put public relations and reputation above all other concerns, because they know that fighting a war is much harder than simply convincing
others that you’re their greatest allies. The Nordics need only dole out a few trinkets and solve a few basic scientific problems, and the nations of the world happily give them what they want – or just look the other way when they take it. Just ask the Nazis, the Nordics’ most productive partners to date.

It’s no coincidence that the Nordics look like idealized humans. Long ago – no human knows exactly when, but at least two centuries back – the “Nordics” who visited Earth looked nothing like us. They were humanoid (the universe seems to default to that for sapient races) but hideous to our
eye. Undeterred, they began kidnapping and interrogating humans to discover what we like – what our ideal “person” would be. Once they narrowed that down, the genetic engineering of their own kind began. Within two generations, they had achieved an ideal exterior without compromising
their minds.

>meme magick

actually 2/3

Yes, the Nordics here on Earth represent a small fraction of their race who have been specifically optimized to interact with humans. Across the galaxy, other such “planet-optimized” Nordics exist, each bred to appeal to the inhabitants of that world. Should the Nordics ever decide to abandon Earth, all of the human-like Nordics would simply choose not to reproduce, allowing this subrace to die out.

Despite the names “Nordic” and “Aryan,” these terrestrially adapted aliens come in all races. For every country and community on Earth, there are at least a few Nordics who fit right in. However, most human believers erroneously assume that all Nordics are Caucasian with blond hair and blue eyes – simply because the infamous ones who partnered with the Nazis did fit that mold. What do unaltered Nordics look like? Not revealed at this time.

The Nordics have a few overarching goals and plots. First, they want to keep humanity fragmented and desperate, to encourage the leadership to turn to the Nordics for help. The best possible situation is a world war, and the Nordics were instrumental in bringing about WWI and WWII. (To be clear, they didn’t cause those wars – socio-economic issues and political tensions did – but they worked behind the scenes to exacerbate things, get other nations involved, and string things out so the wars lasted longer than they otherwise might have.) Currently, much of their focus is on the Middle East and Eastern Europe, fomenting distrust and stoking the fires within would-be conquerors and fanatics. A large part of this is encouraging intolerance (racial, religious, national, you name it), to keep us at odds with each other.

I won't bother explaining anything because these threads that discuss stolen/covered up history are always moved to /bant/ or outright deleted.

I'll just tell you that the official story of humanity academia tries to peddle is complete and utter bullshit.


Second, they want to slow humanity’s natural progress, preventing any scientific or technological breakthroughs. They were largely responsible for tanking the American and Russian space programs. They assassinate or kidnap obscure scientists, and discredit famous ones, before they
can announce discoveries. If that isn’t possible, they’ll do whatever is necessary; several wildfires and gas explosions were caused by Nordics to destroy someone’s work as collateral damage.

Past these general themes, every group of Nordics has a different short-term plot. Some acquire humans to sell to the Reptoids as breeding stock. Others arrange for ritualized deaths in a building equipped to capture the orgone energy of the departing souls; they then sell these “orgone batteries” to the Greys to power their psychoportive technology. Patient ones may work to drive humans away from an area with precious underground resources; once the area is completely deserted, they can mine it (quickly and destructively) and then cover up their actions with a fire, explosion, etc. Overall, the ones that do come to earth are always the scum of their societies, trying to find a way to increase their standing and status thro exploitation of a primitive world.