ITT: We trigger soyboys with one image


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What? "Soyboys"(fucking hell, this is a stupid buuzzword) are the biggest smokers. Smoking has always been a habit of fags and poor scum

Hey, my preferred brand. Originals are always the best ones.

Soyboys like the mellow yellows though

oh nonononono, Soyboy is triggered

If you choose an American Spirit to smoke and it's not the black kind, you're a faggot hipster

Dude the blacks are harsh.
And I've smoked resin.

>the tabacco jew

honestly you're a massive faggot if you smoke the perique blend. Smoke the brown pack or lucky strikes if you aren't a pleb and actually enjoy the taste of tobacco

Thats a pipe/cigar strain of tobacco, you shouldn't even be inhaling, the injuns never did.


>posts the soy boys favorite cigarette
>"it's all natural so it can't be bad for you"

When I smoked I’d buy these on occasion. They made smoke breaks last longer because they have more tobacco in them.


why would I smoke more than one kind of America Spirits? You fucking faggot, I can't believe you're the autist in the thread we're making this thread about and you haven't realized it yet

There's nothing wrong with soy

Cigarette smokers are inferior human garbage.

Cigarettes are for ghetto trash and trailer park scum

Those are pretty good.

I smoke AS blacks on occasion when I'm too lazy to take my pipe with me.

Better than most cigarettes to me, which isn't saying much.

because the kind you're currently smoking is actually for faggots and soyboys

Best Tobacco. Taste is wonderful

But the true redpill of tobacco companies is this

turquoise masterrace reporting in

No difference between turquoise and blue

except turquoise tastes better


Soyboys only vape

And doesn't have pesticide sprayed onto it, and turquoise is only grown in the USA never imported


if you haven't tried these, do yourself a favor. nothing beats a fresh pack


that's my favorite show and I had no idea that was a real marketing strategy


fucking moron.

I literally smoke these. So much better than soyboy marlboros.

>not smoking soft pack unfiltered camels
U are but babies

It's called Tabacco here

>not tasting like shit
You only think that because smoking so much has dulled your senses.
Smoking in general is for fags.

where can you even get those anymore. i've always wanted to try them

>meme flags
>not for faggots
you only think that because newfaggotry has killed your brain cells

I know lots of soyboys that smoke this brand because "it's an all natural cigarette"
It astounds me how people on this board can talk about fighting degeneracy and then fall for the tobacco jew


But that's the brand that all the hipsters and trendiest smoke because muh all natural.

Old war rations

My grandpa smoked these. Even though it's irritating getting bits of loose tobacco in your lips, they are very good. Expensive as fuck though.

Amerishit spirit are fucking disgusting. Lucky Strikes are the best American cigarette. Don't fucking @ me

right leaning libertarians have a proud tradition of smoking, long hours into the night, while uncovering authoritarian government plots

just gotta look around at your local liquor stores. I haven't found any gas stations around here that carry them, but I have a sweet liquor store down the street where the guy is willing to make special orders and whatnot, but he just carries a bunch of good shit anyways and always has luckies.

Ranting about sexualized female characters in fiction seems to be very soyboy. I've witnessed it even in real life.

Why is it? Does considering even fictional women desireable make them feel uncomfortable and guilty? Or is it just "I support feminism in video popular culture!"-tier virtue signaling?

Lol. Triggered.

Turquoise is stronger and has more flavor

right leaning libertarians have a proud tradition of smoking, long hours into the night, while screaming taxation is theft over and over again

better than left leaning libertarians who are getting plowed by their boyfriends or right leaning authoritarians who are getting whipped by their dommy mommies

The last one.

i usually go to gas stations so thats probably my problem. ill have to venture out more

Fuck off cigarette company shill... anybody who smokes cigs after knowing how bad they are for your lungs is a weak minded peasant,

Nat Sherman's or Kamel Reds or on an absolute broke bitch level Pyramids.

>tfw you will never have a dommy mommy

Head shops often have weird brands. Only place I could ever find Kamels

>attacking authoritative parenting with psychoanalytic retardation

Imagine how kiked libertarians are to even consider using this line of argumentation

you just have to do what every other right leaning authoritarian does, try to get rich

you'll be another small souled materialist in the end, but I guess that's what makes you people happy

this is a good idea, too. they have e v e r y t h i n g


how do i stop smoking at work?
At home or during vacation i dont even think of it. yet when im at work i just keep smoking

I was referring to actual dominatrixes authoritarians are all either sadists or masochists

I frequently find myself wishing for unfiltered Luckies too. Once I got some roll your own lucky tobacco and it was the fucking tits.

>not smoking glenn

Its not about beimg bad or good for you.

Smoke a Marlboro red, and smoke an AS black. If yoy like that nicotine buzz youll know which pack to buy next time

I have to agree with this.

Cause you dont want to work and use smoking as an excuse to have a break. Get a work you can bear with without having to inhale this filth just to get away from it.

>still getting a nicotine buzz
The only time i get nicotine buzz i get is smoking the first one of the day. the others are just smoking because i feel like it


its easy money. i just sit on my ass browsing Sup Forums and lift some boxes. work on a website. and i get money.
The only reason i got hired because my boomerfag boss doesnt know how computers work

try an American Spirit brown if you want a nicotine buzz

if they even sell them over in Neder

you aren't smoking hard enough

Oh I've never heard that terminology. Regardless, it's still a psychoanalytical ad hom.

>he doesn't smoke Perique tobacco
Those are the black packs fyi.


you say psychoanalytical ad hom, I say bants

they do. but only blue and yellow.
I heard they contain almost no chemicals so i will try them out.

>only smoked when I was 12
>didn't even inhale just puffed them
>smoked grand total of about 5 cigarettes
>13 years later, crave the fuck out of it
>so much so I dream about smoking

I've been exposed to some second hand smoking but does nicotine really stay so deeply in the system?

This, smoking is the most degenerate hipster thing you can do

Got'em, OP.

i sometimes rip off the filter but i get tobacco in my mouth. but if they made filterless camels i would totally buy them

>I'm so brave and manly that I risk getting lung cancer.

Why not smoke cigars or chew tobacco instead?

>meme flag
>not a soyboy

it's a shame because yellow and blue are nothing special, I like turquoise, but black and brown are the strongest tasting and will have your head swimming if you aren't careful


They're vaping now.

If you have low willpower (like me) do not dip. It is so fucking hard to quit. I was on a can a day for like three years. When I quit I was sick for over a week. Hardest thing I ever did.

Goddam I love dip


they do make unfiltered camels but I have no clue if you can get those where you live. They're fucking excellent, 2nd best cig I've had. Actual unfiltered cigs aren't as bad with the tobacco bits getting on your lips/in your mouth because they're packed better than what you get if you just rip the filter off a regular.

>soul matters


why not both. puffin on cigarellos is the best desu. but it makes you smell like cigars for the rest of the day.
Cigarellos are cheaper than ciggs too. pack of cigarellos is like 3-5 euros. ciggs are about 6-7 euros

Perique nigger. I just quit like a week ago though so do that instead.

By the way I heard American Spirits are super popular in Japan, like 2nd most smoked brand after Seven Stars

God damn that’s a nice picture.

men need to feel a connection with their forefather's and the culture their father's built

materialism is a replacement offered by the jews after they try to rob us of our heritage and pride in our people

a proud white man has no need for Jewish materialism

Do they still have cope black? Used to dip a long time ago and I used to get some every few tins.

Shit's delicious but they're so damn expensive now. I'd buy it by the can and roll my own if I could find the Black label anywhere.

smoking addict newfags

what state?