Will there ever be another world war?

I've been trying to imagine future scenarios for the next twenty to sixty years, and with nuclear weapons as well as the increasing technological state and modernization of the world, I can't imagine how another world war would happen.
But given human history, it's absurd to think that a large war between first world powers will never happen again. It's just that at this point, everyone seems much more preoccupied with working together and growing their nations economies besides fringe retards like North Korea.

What are your genuine thoughts on this, Sup Forums?
Are we doomed to proxy wars, insurgencies, coups, and other Jewish bullshit forever?

Comment please retards. This is an actual interesting thread unlike the 15 racemixing and 10 "this is degenerate" and infinite other garbage threads we get all day.

Bump, answer.

World Wars aren't as fun as they used 2 B for a certain group of (((gangsters))) due to all the nukes around.
Start another world war and a nuke might go off on Wall Street or Silicon Valley and the (((assholes))) who've been behind all the wars in the 20 & 21 century's wouldn't like that.

>twenty to sixty years

lad shit is hitting the fan long before 60 years

have expected it any day since 2001, it better happen soon. if it doesnt go down by 2048, its gonna be a skynet war. we have to start ww3 to prevent ww3.

I hope something happens very soon, I don't think I can take this stagnation period behavioral sink anymore.

you can fight with biological or chemical not just nuclear, some say the war has already begun with falling fertility in the west

Me either.
I'm starting to think it's all CIA/Jew banker controlled. Trump is the only thing in recent memory that makes me think otherwise.

>implying skynet wont crunch the numbers and figure out its worth keeping a couple europeans & asians alive

Both yes and no. Nuclear armament has made conventional warfare obsolete. There's nothing to fight for anymore these days because of MAD. There's no immediate danger other than the spoon-fed narrative given to you by the media i.e.
>muh terrorism
The state of the world is not necessarily dismal, but it has become "boring" with distractions like vidya and the internet. It has been too quiet for far too long. This is the longest stretch of "peace" for most of human history. There is something boiling right beneath our feet, and I fear the day it erupts. Everything humanity has worked for will automatically be reset. It's scary to know just how primal we become once you take away gasoline, electricity, and basic law & order. We are animals by design, and a new wave is coming. What exactly it is, and whether or not we'll live to see it come to fruition, is yet to be determined.

forgot my bush

"I know not what weapons World War 3 will be fought with, but World War 4 will be fought with sticks and stones."

- Robert Oppenheimer

Lets hope, guessing Sweden will be the start if not already lost by that point but if that is not possible then civil unrest in France, Germany, UK etc will lead to war. Maybe not world war but a fun time for all


Some sort of civil war in the supremely cucked west is a crazy thing to think about. I feel like they're too far gone, though. They'd just leave, the ones with enough money to do so, and the ones that couldn't would just bow down and assimilate to the Muslims and whatever else as their country continued to disintegrate into a shit hole.

>World wars
I don't think there will be a "world war" in the sense we meant it during WWI or WWII, but I do think we might see some large scale conflicts.

First, I'm sure we'll keep seeing some proxy wars, like we do with the Middle East today. This is partly because it's difficult for large nations to engage each other directly (given that they have nukes)

Second, I imagine that we will see more conflicts in the future that are internal conflicts, rather than external ones. I'm thinking in particular of Western nations (US, Europe, Australia, South Africa), and particularly of the consequences we can expect from such rapidly changing demographics in these nations.

If you look at France or Germany, for example, you can only be left with the conclusion that some has got to "give." Over the last several decades, millions upon millions of people have begun entering France and Germany, and they are quickly on pace to push the French/Germans to be minorities in their respective countries. France and Germany do not have "melting pot" or "to each his own" cultures in the way that America supposedly does. I don't see how you could reach the point of having a half-French and half-Muslim country, or a half-German and half-Muslim country, and expect that these conditions could continue in some sort of long-term steady state.Those moving into France/Germany do not look French or German, let alone European in any way. They have demonstrated that they have no desire to assimilate into the culture or traditions of these nations. And they have demonstrated that the most radical among them are gearing up to wage what they consider to be a Holy War within these nations. Again, something has got to "give."

I think that imperialistic aspirations of countries like Russia or China will eventually result in World War, but imo it is the matter of few decades

Doesn't that violate the Geneva conventions?

And while it's true that many French/Germans are cucks ready to commit collective suicide, this is not sustainable. Future generations will inherit the consequences of todays' French/Germans, but not their values. The belief system of future French/Germans must necessarily revert to its most natural state—that of tribalism and survival. It will not be plausible to condition them into thinking so suicidal when the starting conditions (the looming threat of being genocide) are far direr from the starting conditions that faced the boomer generation (safe, homogeneous, wealthy nations) that put many of these policies in place.

I picked on France and Germany only because they are undergoing the demographic change at the quickest rates, but this same analysis should generally be applicable across other European nations, and perhaps even in the US and Australia. The European man will not die so easily. I think it’s possible that a large-scale future conflict in the future could be internal conflicts occurring simultaneously in different nations across the West.

Trump alone is a big example of not only the swing to more nationalist politics, but an acknowledgement to much of this reality that isn't "politically correct."

I think looking at it as a literal genocide is kind of extreme, though. Yes, Islam is a very incompatible religion to western culture, but there's still a spectrum. Most of these refugees or illegal immigrants or whatever will seek to live out their lives, not conforming but also not pushing to change the countries they've come to. Only a minority are active about pushing their own culture on their host nations, but these can mobilize the rest quite easily it seems.

I feel like the younger generations will simply grow up in a more Islam-ized version of their ancestors culture. That's a staple tactic of the progressive agenda-that when the kids grow up knowing nothing else, it just becomes normal to them.

>not genocide