I've seen Evola's Wikipedia page like this for a while...

I've seen Evola's Wikipedia page like this for a while, and it is filled to the brim with literal disinformation and misleading stuff to make anyone that reads about him hate him.

Even the picture was changed to make him look evil and like a bad guy.

Please look at his old Wikipedia page and compare it to his current one. Some of the stuff in the old one outright refutes the garbage spouted on his current one.

For example, in his current page it says "Historian Aaron Gillette described Evola as "one of the most influential fascist racists in Italian history."[3] Evola was admired by the Italian Fascist leader Benito Mussolini.[4] He idolized the Nazi Schutzstaffel ("SS"). He admired SS head Heinrich Himmler, whom he knew personally."

All of that is nonsense, he did not idolize the Nazi's whatsoever and disagreed with them on many of their policies, and he also did not consider himself a Fascist. They quote Aaron Gillette who is some random historian no one has ever heard of.

Current page:

Old page not filled with disinfo:

No idea how we can fix this, but Evola is a very interesting author with a lot to say, and it annoys me that this has happened to his page.

Yes and notice how he is supposedly so fond of rape according to the article.

Wikipedia is litterally the newspeak dictionary.

The sooner it is destroyed the better.

I barely bother with wiki anyway. But one would just need to look at his French interview, can't someone just use that as a primary source in the discussion section and btfo all these second hand """info"""?

The Italian page is much better luckily.

Notice how this occured just after some MSM articles linking Bannon with Evola. It's pure character assassination, with a perverted twist.

Wasnt he dragged to court and imprisoned after the war because the new Italian government was afraid he was going to reestablish fascism (hierarchy, anti-egalitarian values ,etc)?

I know it is hard to accept, but pol is the bad guys.
we are all god's creation and politics is toxic poison. stop fighting each other.

I'll fight you for that you gobby cunt.

I would hope that someone knows how to do that on here.

You can pretty much just see the difference between the two pages with this small example:

Archived: "In the post-war years, Evola's writings were held in high esteem by members of the neo-fascist movement in Italy, and because of this, he was put on trial from June through November 1951 on the charge of attempting to revive Fascism in Italy. He was acquitted because he could prove that he was never a member of the Fascist party, and that all accusations were made without evidence to prove that his writings glorified Fascism."

Current: "In May, 1951, Evola was arrested and charged with promoting the revival of the Fascist Party, and of glorifying Fascism. Defending himself at trial, Evola stated that his work belonged to a long tradition of anti-democratic writers who certainly could be linked to fascism—at least fascism interpreted according to certain Evolian criteria—but who certainly could not be identified with the Fascist regime under Mussolini. Evola then declared that he was not a Fascist but a ‘superfascist’. He was acquitted."

Who cares, Evola is an idiot

thanks for bringing this to light user. evola is underrated.

Why? I always see people give reasons why they like him, but whenever someone says he's shit, they never back it up with their reasoning.

Good catch, this is. Good eye, you have. After Bannon, this was, when spotted with one of his books.

Google is just as bad

This. Only blind pro-DACA kike-lovers don't see this

He was a nigger from Sicily (sand nigger by proxy)

>Evola believed that a race of "Nordic" people, anciently emanating from Golden Age Arctic Hyperborea, originally semi-immaterial and "soft-boned", had played a crucial founding role in Atlantis and the high cultures both of the East and West. In Evola's eyes, half-remembered, cryptic memories of a "more-than-human race" once existing in a "northern paradise" constitute the patrimony of the traditions of many diverse peoples. In this occult belief, Evola was additionally influenced by Arctic Home in the Vedas by Bal Gangadhar Tilak, which posited the polar North as the original home of the white Ur-Aryan tribes before their later separation into Western (Hellenic, Roman, Celtic, Germanic) and Eastern (Iranian, Indo-Aryan) divisions.

What a quack

When did this fake news meme even start? No normal faggots even knew who Evola was 2 years ago. Now anytime I hear his name it's something about rape.

You're just salty that his autism was purer than yours will ever be.

>reduces Evola down to a "nigger from Sicily"
>meme flag

Honestly every user with that flag needs outright banning. Nothing ever said by a Nazi flag poster has ever been intelligent.

Typical intellectual bashing.

It's influential for that whole movement tough.

Maybe Evola needs to stay in the shadows for now. At least in burger land. No one seems to be trying to counter that nu-neoconservatism that is embodied in the likes of Shapiro and others who unironically use muh values and muh free market as an intellectual basis. It's so dishonest. No one who is considered "alt-right" is even really talking to them. So maybe this is where the schism should really start, and where Americans/Commonwealth join our European contemporaries and tie ourselves to the same meta-political basis.

Evola's interpretation of Nietzsche, his ideas about traditionalism, his various esoteric concepts are better left out of that mainstream loop. Young men who question the perverse order of modernity will find Evola enveloped most anywhere outside of that zog matrix, because that's where we will be. We are political outsiders, regardless of social status. Modern political parties and establishments most anywhere would not be a fan of Evola in my estimation.

>brim with literal disinformation and misleading stuff to make anyone that reads about him hate him.
I noticed this too. It either scares people away or attracts people who just want to confirm prejudices before they actually read him. People on both the left AND right have misconceptions about him.

>esoteric concepts are better left out of that mainstream loop
Has it ever been different? We have to endure through this age

Well not in that regard, but I meant, I see so much change in some spheres of the internet. In all honesty, this is one of the things I worried about with Bannon, because he knows Evola and was in charge of a publication. But mainstream conservatism (that was very anti-establishment in 2016) is getting lumped in with Shapiro's neoconservative bullshit, it's who people go to for their news and rhetoric and these assholes make a living off of exploiting and manipulating them. Much of the public is going to continue to be deceived by many of whom are considered right wing now. This wouldn't be so bad if not for the huge uphill battles it's going to create in the future for us. Every day people who aren't even civic nationalists go unchallenged, every day they are considered to be the traditional faction is another day that creates more problems for us. Worse than the deceit and manipulation, it's going to allow conservative people to get comfortable politically, which is murderous and the reason why we are 56% right now and edging closer to becoming a 3rd world country by the day. Political comfort is the cause of all of our problems, all of the manipulation and subversion in the world would mean nothing if we weren't politically comfortable.

I wish we could have at least on firebrand out there, taking it to the neocons and the cucks and challenging the modern order constantly. But I realize that this is near impossible for us specifically to pull off at this point.

Yeah no shit wikipedia is full of false bullshit.
>Never read his tantric works

The kingdom of heaven must be seized with force. Yeah but really they can't into symbolism.