What's your opinion on mentally ill people aka lgbt?

what's your opinion on mentally ill people aka lgbt?

Other urls found in this thread:

news.gallup.com/poll/183383/americans-greatly-overestimate-percent-gay-lesbian.aspx?utm_source=Social Issues&utm_medium=newsfeed&utm_campaign=tiles

gas them

Kill them all

They are a real blight on western society. We should round them up and drop them off in Somalia.


There were lgbt people gang bullying people with actual mental illnesses in my area (Brunswick).

Fuck those hypocrites.

discord gg/cf35FBG

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They should all be sent to Israel

im gay myself so i support some of the shit they do. but this whole thing where they try to shove this lgbt shit down peoples throats, no pun intended, does more harm than good. a lot of the lgbt community I hate, as most normal people arent going to assault gays or trannys or even think of them differently. granted, transgender do have some issues that continue to exist, but gays and lesbians are pretty much excepted. most teenagers arent even straight now, or atleast dont identify as it.

as fot my stance on trannys, i think that aslong as your passable, you get treated as what you identify as. if youre a dude wearing a dress, youre exactly that. go to the mens restroom. but if your a tranny who shaves their body, alters their voice, and makes an obvious attempt to look like a female, then they should be considered as such, if not just a transgender person. as for the rest of the thousands of fakeass genders, they dont exist, its all bullshit, its mental illness and a cry for attention.

pic related, these fuckers are faggots that probably shove their gay down peoples throats and dry hump and air thrust n shit.

If they are mentally ill then it isn't a choice. Religion on the other hand is a choice. Unless you are in a Muslim country.

Throw them on a nice little island like Bali then mine the harbors and let them all fuck each other to death unlimited mai tais and cocaine

Israel has no gay marriage

i father worked in mental health for about 15 years.

he says that they are mentally ill and don't realise it. He dealt with a few in his time and they are so far gone that they deny everything.

>person who works in mental health encounters mentally ill people


>But this time when marchers take to the streets in cities from Lansing to Las Vegas, there could be fewer pink pussyhats in the crowds.

>The reason: The sentiment that the pink pussyhat excludes and is offensive to transgender women and gender non-binary people who don't have typical female genitalia and to women of color because their genitals are more likely to be brown than pink.

Why do people for and against this so obsessed with it?

probably goin to stick my penis in my boyfriends ass this upcoming weekend eh

why haven't you gotten yourself a sexy Ashkenazi boyfriend yet Sup Forums?

I'm a strong supporter of the LGBTQIA+ community as a transgender woman myself. Don't forget the T.





nice proxy

You wish it was cucknadian little faggot

You can't change chromosomes.

You also can't change from a penis to a vagina and vice versa. By that I mean a fully functioning one with all the features it should have, rather than chopping a dick off and using inverted dick and ball bag skin for a fuckhole that can't lubricate, whilst sticking a medical dildo (dilator) in said fuckhole a few times every day to stop it from closing up.

They can't even give FtMs a real dick either, they take skin from the arm or leg and make up a frankendick with it.

I can't even find uragay on a map

i ahve read many pol threads on homosexuality and have not learned anything

i think you guys need to get the best author on the subject and push his teaching to abscond the jewish tricks on the subjects, or endlessly go nowhere

Your answer is in the question.

That's just because you are retarded and your dad's cum is all over your eyelids

you and your faggot friends, group and all should be castrated.

I like to watch NDEs on Youtube. Ive seen two separate people say that they saw gays in hell chained together in a river of fire, burning alive for all of eternity. My opinion of them is that they should repent before it's too late.

annoying people. always whinging for more "rights" and influence. gay males are std factories.


savage Urugay

Why do you all care so much about who other adults fuck, it's really weird. Just fuck who you want to and let me do the same


Gas them.

Sounds like the average trump supporter





Whether fetish or an actual medical condition there are treatment programs and behavior modification strategies available.Try and think of anorexia nervosa.

to me LGBTQ is picture related.
pure and simple

Whoa this was a pretty good read and explains my plunge into degeneracy. I'm gonna quit porn for awhile

i am one of them and i definitely consider myself mentally ill. theres hope for other queer tards to be reasonable. its these fucking vocal unicorns that are ruining it for everyone else. i just want to be left alone - i dont care about dumb labels and pronouns and 'muh equality'.

>L - Lesbians are gay women
>G- Gay Men. Both men and women are gay but I guess you can only call the dudes gay
>B- Bisexual because there are only two genders
>T- Trans... when you’re gay but your dad hates your guts so you cut your dick off to not be a homo and because you hate faggots too.

not all biologically male transfolk cut their cocks off, and some of them like girls. that being said - the ones who cut off their cocks are fucking insane

They’re better off dead or at least quarantined

What's the most common, average, median car to buy?
I just don't want anyone to notice me in any way shape or form when everyone starts gassing each other.

pink convertible for sure

So a big black truck with a confederate flag?
I better grow a beard then to.

a honda civic?

A real answer, and probably correct.
What is the most average hair style?
Don't want to get tossed off a roof when mudslimes become the majority.

>Don't want to get tossed off a roof when mudslimes become the majority.
Like this, lol



Yeah, like that.
Gawd know, ain't no one going to stand up to the caliphate, 6 billion sand niggers in a cohesive wave of explosive kamikaze attackers with nuclear missiles and they think it's their divine job to kill everyone else. Yeah once they show up, I'll just stary quoting verse because why not stab everyone in the back I just wanted to suck my BF's cock, so I'll just get a harem of ugly inbreds from my Imam and pretend it's a guy. But you know, I'm sure no one cares, I helped them kill the kaufer, Insallah!
After all they were just gonna gas me.
What's the most average hair color globally?

>a honda civic?
>Oriental nip car
Nope, that's asking for the gassing

Back to square 1...

They get the rope if they do not renounce their impulses.

im not even obnoxious about my faggotry but ok.

>im not even obnoxious about my faggotry
>gay flag

>not even obnoxious about my faggotry but ok.
Just buy a big truck and fit in then, as long as you keep your ass fucking indoors then I don't care, you're probably going to hell though

>what's your opinion on mentally ill people

that one of them is probably the best American president we've had in many decades.

Dr. leftypol bot
And Mr. Shill
>im gay myself
That's why I should not even attempt to read what you just typed, but Im going to anyway.
>normal people aren't going to assault gays or trannies
It did happen for a long time before the last 300 years, still happens in a lot of countries
>as long as trannies are passable they are good
Looking """""good""""" doesn't make up for good character. Rather it shows how deep their mental illness goes.
>thousands of fake genders are bullshit
You just said every loony that shaves his legs and dressses like a girl, possibly cutting off his dick can be considered a girl since it is possible, and yet their Y chromosome is still there. What will stop and prevent me to identify as what I am not, if some """passable"" people can?
>and then the classic not all sodomites
Just because you don't do it in public doesn't give you any moral highground compared to them
Verdict: you either stop fapping to traps and renounce your ways or you get the fucking bullet.

I wish for all LGBTQ creeps to die slow painful deaths.

>die slow painful deaths
It's called AIDS


I'm so happy to know that LGBTQ members have the highest rate of suicide.
Fuck you degenerate sex creeps, evil pedo turds.


Give em' buckshot mouthwash

if that is what you use to advertise your server i hope you and everyone on there will burn on a stake

I wouldn't hate faggots nearly as much if they weren't constantly pushing for ever more degeneracy and the vast majority of them promoting marxist ideology. They have already gained acceptance, but they still try to force their lifestyle down people's throats. Can't watch a movie or TV show without some forced gay couple making an appearance.
It is so forced that according to gallup polls most Americans believe that gay people make up 25% or more of the population despite only making up at most 3.8%.
news.gallup.com/poll/183383/americans-greatly-overestimate-percent-gay-lesbian.aspx?utm_source=Social Issues&utm_medium=newsfeed&utm_campaign=tiles

They can all go to hell.

Forgot to add: According to this poll only 9% of the US population accurately believes that gays make up less than 5% of the population. This perfectly illustrates how much pro-gay propaganda is fucking with people's perceptions.

Must not be able to coalesce.

>They can all go to hell
>when Saint Peter turns the peal gates to gold
The fun part is most of the atheists won't even know what they are walking into

Disgusting racists. Look at that flag. No black or brown stripes. Fucking bigots.
All they know is asshole stuff and HATE.

>peal gates to gold
*pearly gates

Make heterosexual training camps. Euthanize the HIV positive ones.

Med. what are a fucking faggot?

Lesbian here.

Just a reminder that we are taking over. The fact is women have NEVER been attracted to men: we needed them for protection, economic support and procreation, and sex is what we traded for those things (or they just raped us).

But now? First-world men have been totally domesticated, so no need to worry about violence. We're taking over the work force too, so we can provide for ourselves. And medical science has made procreative sex totally unnecessary; we can just buy the sperm (with our superior earnings) and have it cleanly injected without getting within ten feet of a penis.

Women are naturally more attracted to other women. Who wouldn't be? We're beautiful, soft and smooth and curvy, basically the opposite of hairy oafish ape-like men. And we know how to please each other like no man ever could. Lesbian sex can last for hours.

Every day more and more "straight" girls are being turned. The world of the future is where a small number of strong men act as our designated studs and the rest of you losers are eunuchs designated for manual labor exclusively. Deal with it.

do this you filthy useless dyke

>Euthanize the HIV positive ones.

>Euthanize the HIV positive ones.
Nah just send them to the most pozzed and jewed place on earth so they can spread AIDS to everyone there freely, hopeful the jews get turbo-AIDS
>Knowingly exposing others to HIV will no longer be a felony in California

>>Knowingly exposing others to HIV will no longer be a felony in California
And now degenerate California is getting fucked on a nonstop basis.
Big earthquake should be coming next.

Mentally ill. I've never met one who wasn't abused, physically, mentally or sexually, as a child.

>what is 'lesbian bed death?'

>tfw I wanna be a designated stud who’s only job is to have sex with women all day

I’m sorry was this supposed to scare me?

>what is 'lesbian bed death?
pic related


I have gender dysphoria, but I live like straight male and I recognise it is mental illness. I want to get rid of it.

They don't reproduce. So why do you care, again?

I used to get unbelievably enraged about SJWs, gays, transhumanism, and the Millennials in general, in their various manifestations; but then I realised that most of them are not having children. Gen Z can also be completely sane, normal kids. So at this point I'm viewing the Millennials as an anomaly, and am predicting that things will eventually get back to normal.

I'm also actually glad that the Millennials have been as fucked up as they are, because we've already seen here how it is going to predictably cause a backlash where people will go back the other way. So it's fine.

give them an inch they'll take a mile.

they are mentally ill.
electroshock therapy may help
/case closed

>day of the rope or forced labor
>breeding farms