"African were hunter-gatherer in the stone age"

the people of Kush used Tetracycline. In medieval Mali, as in most other parts of Africa at the time, painkillers and antiseptics were in use. Also in Mali, cataract removal was performed. In the area of present day Uganda, Caesarean sections were performed with a very high level of success. In the 18th C, a slave named Onesimus introduced a small pox inoculation technique to Boston, king Henry VIII died of an infected wound in 1547, so I don't think proper disinfectants were in use in England at the time.

Also :

In central Nigeria, West Africa’s oldest civilisation flourished between 1000 BC and 300 BC. Discovered in 1928, the ancient culture was called the Nok Civilisation, named after the village in which the early artefacts were discovered. Two modern scholars, declare that “[a]fter calibration, the period of Nok art spans from 1000 BC until 300 BC”. The site itself is much older going back as early as 4580 or 4290 BC.

1 March 1979, the New York Times carried an article on its front page also page sixteen that was entitled Nubian Monarchy called Oldest. In this article we were assured that: “Evidence of the oldest recognizable monarchy in human history, preceding the rise of the earliest Egyptian kings by several generations, has been discovered in artifacts from ancient Nubia”

West Africans built in stone by 1100 BC. In the Tichitt-Walata region of Mauritania, archaeologists have found “large stone masonry villages” that date back to 1100 BC. The villages consisted of roughly circular compounds connected by “well-defined streets”.

An English official, estimated in 1904 that there were 170 walled towns still in existence in the whole of just the Kano province of northern Nigeria.

Yoruba metal art of the mediaeval period was of world class. One scholar wrote that Yoruba art “would stand comparison with anything which Ancient Egypt, Classical Greece and Rome, or Renaissance Europe had to offer.”

But Ok, we were in the stone age.

Other urls found in this thread:


Benin art of the Middle Ages was of the highest quality. An official of the Berlin Museum für Völkerkunde once stated that: “These works from Benin are equal to the very finest examples of European casting technique. Benvenuto Cellini could not have cast them better, nor could anyone else before or after him . . . Technically, these bronzes represent the very highest possible achievement.”

In the mid-nineteenth century, William Clarke, an English visitor to Nigeria, remarked that: “As good an article of cloth can be woven by the Yoruba weavers as by any people . . . in durability, their cloths far excel the prints and home-spuns of Manchester.”




>But Ok, we were in the stone age
You still are.

Cool, then you can stop stealing other peoples culture.

I didn't mention Egypt, just Nubia.

Aren't you a bit too late for your villages lion hunt, Momombo?

You shouldn't even have Internet access since niggers have never invented anything. Sage and fuck off

>all these supposed achievements known for thousands of years
>didn't write any of it down

Black Africans were also the original Egyptians as well and created the worlds first civilization


And only the kushites were civilized.
Not even the more civilized tribes in west africa were of any significance.



Aint kushites just dark-skinned semites?

Funny how you don't provide your sources, eh?


Kush-tetracycline : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_science_and_technology_in_Africa#Nile_Valley_5
Uganda cesarean : nlm.nih.gov/exhibition/cesarean/part2.html
Onesimus : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_science_and_technology_in_Africa#West_Africa_2
Nok Civilization : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nok_culture
New York times about Nubian monarchy : nytimes.com/1979/03/01/archives/ancient-nubian-artifacts-yield-evidence-of-earliest-monarchy-clues.html
Building in stone by 1100 BC : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Architecture_of_Africa#Tichitt_Walata_(Ancient_Ghana)
Yoruba metal art : books.google.tg/books?id=ric6OhxbCS0C&pg=PA20#v=onepage&q&f=false

>hes black because the painting says so
so that means all black people's eyebrows were blue too because the painting shows it in that way?


>the people of Kush used Tetracycline

The nigger people of Kush manufactured and produced an antibiotic that immediately starts to degrade and turns into a lethal poison after exposed to moisture and air?
Wow. That sure is a big accomplishment. I'm sure they've got ample documentation of their manufacturing industries and extensive R&D.

Just kidding, OP. We all know you're just some white kid sitting in a basement.

yes, they are. just like the peoples from mali




> wikipedia
now I understand why they weren't in the OP


Pharaohs would paint around their eyes you would know this if you weren't so stupid, this sub cant stand the fact that the world fist civilization was African and it hilarious your denial

we wuz doctors n shiet

Ho ho ho.
>Tetracycline was totally being used guys!
>actually just this bacteria was found in grain jars where beer was fermented
>the niggers had no idea it existed

No matter what blacks do some cuck will lower the bar to make it seem like an accomplishment. Unknowingly drinking beer made with moldy grain is now totally the same as utilizing a refined and cultivated antibiotic.

>world fist civilization was African
Yes, and it was North African, not Sub Saharoid

So, this is the only thing that you can refute on my post ? 1 thing ?

first civ was in Mesopotamia, meaning between 2 rivers, Tigris and Euphrates, which is West Asia, you uncultured faggot

any idiot can cut a baby from the womb the trick is not killing the mother

Its what jumped out at me immediately because I'm intimately aware of Tetracycline's composition and the products it decomposes into.
Nigger lies never stand up to even light scrutiny.

But of course, this is all pointless, because you're white.

You have been visited by a plague doctor. Reply with visit Madagascar to destroy Africa.

Egypt was ruled by all kinds of Africans including what you would call sub Saharan pic related

>Yoruba art

> Egypt
> RULED by sub saharoids


I believe "they" we're the first people to stumble upon a previously built and abandoned civilization , then claim it as their own.
Notice the trend continues
Steals shit then ," That's mine"
Look around the world, precise stone construction was everywhere, then primitive stone/mud huts. Not the way society progresses .
See Puma Puku

sources(without wikipedia)

Kush-tetracycline : news.nationalgeographic.com.au/news/2005/05/0516_050516_ancientbeer.html
Uganda cesarean : nlm.nih.gov/exhibition/cesarean/part2.html
Onesimus : Waldstreicher, David (2004). Runaway America Benjamin Franklin, Slavery, and the American Revolution. Macmillan. p. 40
Nok Civilization : books.google.tg/books/about/The_Nok_culture.html?id=y_3VAAAAMAAJ&redir_esc=y
New York times about Nubian monarchy : nytimes.com/1979/03/01/archives/ancient-nubian-artifacts-yield-evidence-of-earliest-monarchy-clues.html
Building in stone by 1100 BC : sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1631071309000996
Yoruba metal art : books.google.tg/books?id=ric6OhxbCS0C&pg=PA20#v=onepage&q&f=false

But I don't know why wikipedia isn't considered a reliable source, Wikipedia is accurate

look up gobleki tepe

the khoisan were just figuring out agriculture in 2000 BC

the indo-aryans infilled a massive stone megalith to preserve it from *something* in 12000 BC. 7000 years before the nubians got their dicks out of their hands and picked up a chisel. modern archaeology won't touch this site because the old guard doesn't like it when you go proving them wrong.

africans certainly did do everything you claim. but they weren't first by a long shot. look at india. hinduism is so old that it has no known origin. they have sites there that predate the pyramids and are far more intricate. they also have a story about a nuclear war that took place 30,000 years ago and there's physical evidence that they're right in the glass shards found in lybian and saudi arabian deserts. robert oppenheimer believed it. do you know more about nukes than robert oppenheimer?

here's a blackpill for you: the nubians didn't do anything egypt did better. when they eventually conquered egpyt they immediately ran it into the ground and lost it.

and here's a whitepill: the dogon people

1. I'm not white.
2. This was an error
3. you can't refute the rest of my post

you're still in the stone age m8

is it possible that maybe the niggers accidentally discovered tetracycline in a manner similar to how penicillin was discovered and through luck and very limited knowledge of medicine and chemistry based on a spiritual tradition that evolved from trial and error they learned how to culture it and produce some sort of fermented drink that they thought warded off evil spirits?

You still couldn't domesticate any of your own megafauna.

Daily reminder that Black Pussy belongs to the BWC

Then why is Africa a third world bitch boy? Oh yeah, the most violent and niggerish slavers and warlords are your culture heros

>we wuz

you peaked and then gave up
every race peaks, and then gives up
dysgenics takes over because a race that has peaked has created the ideal conditions of the survival of its least fit. and they never really go away on their own. the least fit human for society are still dominant in nature.

we're next.
the chinese endured the cycle and are coming back, but have yet to finish exterminating their genetic filth
jews found a loophole by never actually becoming an accomplished race and just being eternal parasites

>But I don't know why wikipedia isn't considered a reliable source, Wikipedia is accurate

no, it's not

Under rated

Only megafauna that exist in africa are elephants, giraffes, hippos and rhinos

Use the right terms if your going to make a point, the most useful animals for husbandry would be regular fauna or just fauna

Penicillin bacteria was observed and documented, prior to its discovery other molds were being looked at in research as well. It wasn't pure chance that it was discovered.
There is no evidence anywhere that ancient people understood that this compound existed in any capacity. Theres also literally no evidence that the compound was present in their beer in any quantity significant enough to have an antibiotic effect in the body. Its laughable speculation on part of some dishonest scholars trying to give credit where credit isn't due.

The term "megafauna" can be used for any animal weighing more than 100 pounds.


This cunt doesnt realise if what hes saying isnt bullshit his people have effectively bred themselves backwards for the last 2000 years.


Nah, thats whitey's fault.
All us white cavemen invaded and defeated the superior black man, and we stole all his inventions.

Same goes for 'white kang' paintings

>they also have a story about a nuclear war that took place 30,000 years ago

You need to stop watching Ancient Aliens

Accra, Ghana.
While this is true that Africa isn't as rich as the west, it's also stupid to think that they're in the stone age today.

They're trying to. They just haven't finished destroying ALL of the remaining infrastructure yet.

Africans have no indigineous writing system.

"Look at us! we got electric light just like you!"

Not visibile hyeanas scavenging trash bins, child gangs mugging and raping pregnant women etc pp.

So prior to Arabs the arabic using lands had no writing.

> s t o n e a g e


>We got electric lights

So this guy believe that pregnant women are raped every time in Ghana ? Are you dumb ?

>S t o n e a g e


Africans can barely afford rent to their feudal lord and food.

I see your brain has been fucked good
*white power*

So why so many people from ghana come chimping here and doing nothing but stealing and drug dealing? Isn't much simplier for them to just move to accra and leave us alone?

Granted ancient aliens is a dubious source, the ancient text they refer to is quite peculiarer and needs further investigation

And Europeans ? Their writing system comes from mesopotamia, their numeral system comes from India and Arabia, the languages they used originated from Central Asia or Anatolia, and all of what they do in mathematics comes from ancient Egypt, Islamic world, and India.

While this is true that after the middle age, advancement in science in Europe was extreme, those advancement aren't 100% based on Europe. the more humans share technology, the more humans produce new technology.

About as credible as (((Zecharia Sitchin))).


The Romans had a numbering system, roman numerals, the alphabet is greek and there is no evidence it is from mesopotamia, nords had runes.

I'll admit that gobleki tepe is impressive.

>the indo-aryans infilled a massive stone megalith to preserve it from *something* in 12000 BC

Are you sure the people who create this site are "indo-aryans"

>look at india. hinduism is so old that it has no known origin.

I respect Indian culture, but there is African religions too that has no exact known origins(Vodun).

>they also have a story about a nuclear war that took place 30,000 years ago and there's physical evidence that they're right in the glass shards found in lybian and saudi arabian deserts. robert oppenheimer believed it. do you know more about nukes than robert oppenheimer?

Nuclear war ?...


I was wrong, it don't comes from mesopotamia, but it's not 100% based on Europe.

Also nobody was using Romans numbering system after the middle age, so you've to admit that Europeans culture isn't 100% based on Europeans things.

All his sourced here , the only error that I made was about the Tetracycline

Roman numerals are still in use.

You weren't taught roman numerals in school.

> implying its fake

I know your little brain cant fathom a successful african, I understand.... :(

Just for historical datation.

They can be used just like the hindu ones.
And in the past hindu ones weren't widespread.

>New China
So China colonizing Africa is not a meme?

Read the article. This is china ‘s doing, not kenyas.

But good try.

African country work with Asia(especially China) to develop their country, which is a good economical idea, America do it too and have good result.

That is simply and objectively not true. Even Anglo-Saxon metal art is superior in skill and intricacy. When the colonial powers started going to Africa, the African countries hadn't developed their Irn technology at all since being given it 2500 years earlier from the Middle East, which was the same period the British were introduced to Iron age technology.
African art is just human replications in a simple fashion; in artistic terms it is static art. Greece art created dynamic artwork, where the statues and depictions were of people in action or motion, which is a massive leap in the field of art, especially in terms of making dynamic statues. Renaissance art, was another leap forward for humanity: Da Vinci brought the idea of perspective into art which is revolutionary. Have you even been tpo Italy to see the artwork? Look at Brunelleschis dome on the Santa Maria in Florence, it is an artistic AND engineering wonder. There is nothing even close in BongoBongoland. There has never been a nigger on Da Vincis level, or even the other Renaissance artists, not to mention many were artist-engineers that invented stuff.
Even when you compare Egypts statues to Greeks, they are vastly inferior. Dynamic art was a huge leap for human beings, just as 3D perspective paintings Da Vinci introduced. bashing some brass or bronze object into the shape of a human head is childsplay - any 10 year old with enough spare time could do it; but as them to spend 5 years sculpting a marble statue into a human doing an action, then you see the level of artistic genius.
Even Anglo-Saxon gold jewlery is vastly superior to the African art you mentioned. If Anglo-Saxon jewlery was made and sold today, it would still be a skillful form of art. African art is just boring, and simple.
That you think African art is equal to Renaissance art is staggering. You have no idea. Go to Italy and see for yourself.
But you won't, and you'd never appreciate it, as jealousy does that to people.

>Tfw Europe can't compete with Africa

I respect European art, and I know that their art in the Renaissance were very good.

But that's not me who "think African art is equal to Renaissance art", this is an European scholar, I personaly think that art is subjective.

Idc nigger go back

>1930s Sup Forums

France according to one purity spiraling maniac.

>the people of Kush

'European scholar' probably named Goldstein. Yes, of course, art is subjective, but it isn't even close. Making a car out of clay and saying you think it is equal to a real one and saying "It is my subjective opinion" is fair enough, but disingenuous.
Personally, I like West Africans, especially Christians. There was never a problem between blacks and whites before Islam (Moorish slave traders) and jewish Atlantic slave traders, ruined it. There were even courtiers in England prior to slavery. Jews have created tremendous resentment between the two peoples.

>Benin art of the Middle Ages was of the highest quality

White people built all the infrastructure. Now Africans are trying to get the Chinese to do it because they can't do it on their own. They lack the capability and intelligence to build.

You were NOT kings.
You are NOT kings.
You will NOT be kings.

Your culture is just rap music and degeneracy. You will never be proper human beings.
Your history is just colonisation and fake bullshit about space blacks.

Even mongols are more noble than you. Get over it nigger.