Why did it suck so fucking much Sup Forums?

Why did it suck so fucking much Sup Forums?

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Tried to be more than just Daily Life With Robit Waifu.

I enjoyed the first half but after the haunted house two parter it went downhill

The op was good and the robot was cute. It didn't stick to that was the issue.

Easter Island was the biggest clusterfuck of an 'arc' i've ever seen.

too confusing
too many attempts at worldbuilding for what appeared to be a fairly conventional world
ended kind of nowhere

Pretty much this. It had a good thing going but wasn't satisfied with that. Also, the production values went downhill fucking hard.

Male MC

Pretty much what the other anons said. Started off strong then fell apart in the end.
Ponkotsu a cute though.


Not enough rom-com slice of life with robot cutie. It was the only remotely interesting thing about the entire show.

>generic pee gag
>instead of "UWAAAA HENTAI *slap*" the robot tries to explain WHY she has to pee in the first place, the MC just stares dead faced and leaves
I appreciated that

Still better than flip floppers.

Started off really strong with potential for either a larger universe style writing or a specific approach to details in characters but ended up being hogwash middle-way and completely boring utter garbage at the end.

I really did hope it went this route. MC a jaded adult who doesn't care about moe/fanservice shit while robutt doesn't even have it in her database/doesn't understand these type of events.

Felt like it was going to be a lot bigger in scope with more of a criminal/detective element but went with spooky dimensional ghosts instead.

Enjoyed it for what it was, the pacing could have been better but I understand they were stuck with the episode count. The Robo waifu was super cute holy shit

Pacing was fucked to all hell. They were cramming like 5-10 chapters of 30-50ish pages each into every episode. It completly destroyed the pacing and caused them to skip over a lot.

I wonder why when I watch an anime I often think that the writers had no idea why anyone would watch their show and instead just try to shove everything from the source material in like a checklist.

You'd think they get Tensai Okamura to direct it and be like a Darker than Black staff reunion, but NOPE they got that Boring Girlfriend director instead who had so little experience in action shows

I just stayed for the OP and Robutt.

>robo waifu
waifu =/= girl

Dancing in the opening.

Do tell.

It's been years since the true definition died, it's time for us to let go

Not enough robutt.

Because the last time Okamura tried to do DtB, it worked out so well?

Because they tried to cram 10 volumes of a monthly manga into 12 episodes.
They skipped a lot of characterization and development and fast pacing doesnt really fit the manga.

The arc that was about Kyouma (and robutt) past took like half the season and was great. Idiots bawww about muh dimensional ghosts but that arc was only two episodes long. 3hz knew which stuff was important and adapted accordingly.

the world building was fantastic, the issue was the anime skipped most of it.

the math in the op was retarded. So retarded it hurt

It wasn't bad. It was just too short.