>White House aide Kellyanne Conway said late Wednesday President Trump "discovered" there doesn't need to be a "physical wall" along the country's entire southern border.


>this kills the trumpcuck



Seems reasonable.

It would still make the border easier to monitor. Patrol areas that have the fence rather than the wall.
Although, I think the wall idea has one fatal flaw: The cartels have hundreds of tunnels already in place.
Stop funding the cartels, stop supplying the cartels a la fast anf furious and Mexico would improve dramatically. This would halt a shit ton of illegal immigrants and save the government a lot more money and make American cities safer.


> phrasing it like he "just" discovered this.

what kind of fake headline is that, Trump has been saying there are natural barriers since 2015.

literally nothing wrong with those statements are perhaps a jew?

Do you not think there's not going to be some seismic studies on top of this? Building the foundation alone is going to expose a lot of these tunnels depending on how big the wall will be

>building a wall along a mountain or valley

Kellyanne Conway is a RINO, why do people here support her?

She is literally working against Stephen Miller to get amnesty for the DACA recipients, she even brought them in to meet with the President.

Fuck her, and fuck that faggot Sean Spicer who was a RINO operative.

We need the full wall and full deportations, end to chain migration, end to the visa lottery, and end to the 1965 immigration act.

>(((They))) are gonna use a technicality to put an eruv around the United States

Sure, obviously it won't be a shanty wall.
But when I was studying in the USA, I heard some pretty incredible tales of just how sophisticated and deep these fucking tunnels are. Kinda thing like they have in France: ancient mining tunnels later used as catacombs, so more than 50m underground.

Now I don't know how true the stories are but considering the cartels are billionaire organizations, it would not surprise me.

Misquoted fake news. This refers to natural walls that obstruct entry. It doesn't have anything to do with Wall v Fence. OP is obviously a faggot.

im surprised there arent more eruv threads

I like how the only parts of the headline that are in quotes are "discovered" and "physical wall". A sure sign that they're heavily spinning whatever he actually said

>funneling the beaners toward specific choke points which appear easy to penetrate

Real post. Real habbanings.
Get in if your not a goberment brainlet.


They've written this article several times, rewording a few things here or there, and the person quoted, at least 3 times.

In other words:
Trump checked the map on google, and figured out there's a river there. So, you can't build a fence/wall in the Rio Grande.

Wasn't Kellyanne on the Cruz Ruse before joining up with Trump? Never fucking trust a Tea Partier or Cruzlim.

He said this during the campaign you fucking dipshit. He went as far to say that there doesn't need to be a wall at all in some areas due to natural obstructions.

Get a real job.