/SWEG/- Swedish Election General

On the 9th September, Sweden is going to have a general election. This may be the last chance Sweden has to stop itself from falling over the edge before it’s too late.
The Sweden Democrats are the third largest party in the Riksdag. They aren’t perfect, but they’re anti-migrant, anti-handout and pro-justice for rapefugee victims.
If we can get them into office, it’s not going to fix all of Sweden’s problems overnight- but the only other option is the NMR, a street movement set to get about 2% of the vote.
That’s not enough for this time around, and anyway, NMR is more effective on the streets. But if we can get enough Svens Redpilled enough to vote for SD, that’s going to have a knock-on effect after the election.
We need the SD to start putting Sweden right and push the overton window. And we have just under 9 months to make this possible.

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=polish king 15 century&tbm=isch&tbs=simg:CAQSmwEJ9A4oX-PUHpEajwELEKjU2AQaCAg9CEIIFQgCDAsQsIynCBpiCmAIAxIosBGqEZYZqBGrEaAZ9BijHawRxA_1kJN4kvzqALr46jC75LaIxiCmCLhowRZYRfSzzWbs9FVIjKXC5xhjh6ZHxqQTasXtCj3s_1QK7U4fK0G83DwdfxgbT1LrIQIAQMCxCOrv4IGgoKCAgBEgSAKoGODA&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi__oP5u9DYAhUMx2MKHQImCEAQ2A4IJygB&biw=1920&bih=925#imgrc=nyLZtWBjKDsPzM:
google.com/search?q=queen anne of england&tbm=isch&tbs=simg:CAQSmwEJmwx6lgnxj8YajwELEKjU2AQaCAg9CBUIAAgCDAsQsIynCBpiCmAIAxIomA7tD5IOih_12GOcYgBqUDocf4gS8OoAxnTGlMZ4xvTr9Lbg6oDGJLhow8SbiwgCCiMb27ukm_1LZEqYL-sIhISonukK_1pZPn40HGZ8Ejs2Egh4hcxvEWueNaYIAQMCxCOrv4IGgoKCAgBEgRmfqeQDA&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiauNOIv9DYAhVE8mMKHWf6D1QQ2A4IJygB&biw=1920&bih=925#imgrc=2EVTqfVTy1-04M:

.SvenAnons, print out the posters we’re on these threads. On the 31st January, we need you to start putting them up in the streets. We do this every week, or the night after another terrorist incident, for two months. Best case scenario, it’ll trigger the left into giving us media coverage- international anons, stay tuned for that. If that doesn’t happen, it still keeps these issues on people’s until we’re closer to the election.
.See pic related. Dark red areas are high-migrant, high-population areas- just living here is a redpill, so people in these areas are going to be more receptive to posters with stronger messages. Red is mid-tier, and pink are leftist strongholds with little immigration and no previous SD mandates. They’re going to be important when we start exposing the main parties, don’t worry. We just don’t need to focus on them so much at the moment.
.Cross link this thread in any slide threads & euro-related threads you can find. Remember to post an image so it catches peoples eye.
.Start sending links to this thread to patriotic European Facebook groups, twitter/gab.ai profiles, & right-wing personalities. We need to get people talking about this, we need to get recruiting.
.Make more posters like the ones posted in this thread. If you don’t speak Swedish, we have svens on the discord who do, so don’t worry.
The silent Majority of Swedes are with us, but they are kept in check by a culture of peer pressure & virtue signalling. If they can see how many people stand with them, and against their establishment, we can break the stigma.

IGNORE THE SHILLS!- We are here to plan, not get into the same debates and slide topics that have been plaguing this board for the last year. If you see a shill, click the downward arrow by their post number and select hide. Focus on the campaign.
NO MORE BROTHER WARS- Nobody cares about your personal opinions on Sweden or how useless you think fighting back is. Even if you think there’s no hope left, if you’re not willing to go down fighting then get off this thread. Anyone on here blackpilling should be treated like a shill.

With that out of the way… It’s time to get the Meme War moving on the European Front.
Get creative.

>The Sweden Democrats
Zionist party.

You're not even going to wait ten minutes to make it look like you just happened across the thread? Your game's slipping.














Hit me' stålarna!


Dags att vakna grabbar!

Bäst att inte rösta eller rösta på NMR menar du då? Ungefär som om det skulle förändra Sjuklöver-läget. Nej fy fan det finns nödvändiga steg vi måste ta. Sluta med barnsligheterna.


SWEDEN Fuck yes

That's right, Swedes. Don't even try to vote, it's irrelevant. You won't achieve anything by *trying*. There's a good goy...






SD will win.


holy fuck this is cringe

anyway - good luck having civic-tier race-denialist pro-jew traitors voted in for office and changing absolutely jack-shit.
im off.


Thanks for the bumps! Have fun feeling proud about doing nothing.


>Parliament is irrelevant
Faggot please.

I imagine you guys have cultural Motto's that invoke a feeling of historical pride. I think things that make the viewer feel proud about their heritage and culture are far more powerful motivationally than the fear of loss.

Remember how well "Make America Great Again" worked as a slogan, to argue against it is unpatriotic.


Try sans serif fonts
Also, Svens , think about the slogan dammit. It may be an excerpt from a song or a poem, or anything really.
>Thread theme


Turns out your Motto's are on Wikapedia and are linked to individual Monarchs. I don't think the religious ones will be a good sell as I have heard you folks are not very Zealous overall

Got a link, Burgerbro?


google.com/search?q=polish king 15 century&tbm=isch&tbs=simg:CAQSmwEJ9A4oX-PUHpEajwELEKjU2AQaCAg9CEIIFQgCDAsQsIynCBpiCmAIAxIosBGqEZYZqBGrEaAZ9BijHawRxA_1kJN4kvzqALr46jC75LaIxiCmCLhowRZYRfSzzWbs9FVIjKXC5xhjh6ZHxqQTasXtCj3s_1QK7U4fK0G83DwdfxgbT1LrIQIAQMCxCOrv4IGgoKCAgBEgSAKoGODA&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi__oP5u9DYAhUMx2MKHQImCEAQ2A4IJygB&biw=1920&bih=925#imgrc=nyLZtWBjKDsPzM:



Jag röstade SD 2010 för "lulz", motvilligt SD 2014 då det redan långt innan det valet var uppenbart vad det var för skitparti och det finns inte en chans att de får min röst idag.

Vurma för Israel över Sverige, prioritera egna löner före svenskars välmående, förneka etniska svenskars existens, utesluta sitt egna ungdomsparti och som ett desperat mobboffer söka acceptans och likes av alliansen, Expo och Bonnier samtidigt som man patetiskt och ryggradslöst inte står upp för några som helst jävla principer.

Röstar du SD 2018 med hopp om förändring så är du fanimig precis lika naivt korkad som moderaterna 2010.

Mattias Karlsson är lika mycket folkförrädare som Reinfeldt.

Efter åtta år så kan man inte skylla sin oförmåga och feghet kring att tala klarspråk på något annat än att man faktiskt är oförmögen och feg. Egenskaper som Sverige sedan länge har förbrukat sitt behov av

google.com/search?q=queen anne of england&tbm=isch&tbs=simg:CAQSmwEJmwx6lgnxj8YajwELEKjU2AQaCAg9CBUIAAgCDAsQsIynCBpiCmAIAxIomA7tD5IOih_12GOcYgBqUDocf4gS8OoAxnTGlMZ4xvTr9Lbg6oDGJLhow8SbiwgCCiMb27ukm_1LZEqYL-sIhISonukK_1pZPn40HGZ8Ejs2Egh4hcxvEWueNaYIAQMCxCOrv4IGgoKCAgBEgRmfqeQDA&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiauNOIv9DYAhVE8mMKHWf6D1QQ2A4IJygB&biw=1920&bih=925#imgrc=2EVTqfVTy1-04M:

You didn't vote shit, shill.
We've deciphered this, repeptitive tactic as well.
>Muh I voted for SD.
>Muh I am disappointed.
We are comming after your pathetic online gathering soon enough.

mattias *motpol är neofascister* karlsson
tobias *gay marriage' andersson

och så petar man kasselstrand, ehn och hane...... oooch istället kommer Gholam nima ali pour och DVS balkanblattar.



Reminder that /SWEG/ is a shill general.

Cucking for zionist cuckservative SD is like saying
>Fellow whites, Trump does not have a chance, let's support Cruz or Bernie, atleast they're not Clinton"
back in 2015
There is a reason only foreigners push this filth. They are not ordinary citizens.

Do not let it crumble to dust

I think the Queen is good because she has a wonderful slogan for a secular voter. She is also a woman so it is more difficult to attack her.

Good ideas and sources, burgerbro.
w8 a while, wel'll invite you to the dicord group.
There we could polish and refine the images.

There i literally no one that voted SD 2010 that isnt disappointed. Not one thing they claimed to stand for have they worked for.

They took our votes to fatten themself and to support the very same government alternative ruling between 2006-2014, the same government that through its mismanagement created the 5% willing to vote SD at that point in time.

Jumping on the ship now when its obvious for years that they do not have swedes interest at heart (they still deny swedes even existing as more than cultural expressions) just proves what a fucking idiot you are

Sweden is more exciting when it's multicultural, much more than plain old boring white Christian Sweden.

Why are bongs so concerned about so concerned about söta bror's election? I'll be voting though. I don't care who wins I should wanna slide S into perpetual terror.


jag skiter fullständigt i om det är ett skitparti, alla partier är skitpartier
med det här partiet kan man i alla fall ge establemanget ett mittenfinger

Posting an unrelated fashy image isn't going to convince people you're speaking to their interest.
>they haven't done anything in a riksdag that refuses to work with them, clearly they've given up on us

Both of you, posting the same shit in every thread doesn't count as reaching a consensus you know. You may be getting paid, but you aren't working.

c'mon sweden
polite bump

Sweden can actually be saved?

Aye, should prolly go to work. Including all the blanks so you can use whatever words are best. Some of these people are a few hundred years old so the syntax in Swedish could've changed like it did in English. Karl Xiii's motto is also very similar to the state motto of Missouri.

"Let the welfare of the people be the supreme law". Originally from Cicero also good. I am sure there are PLENTY of murals of Cicero he was rich as FUCK.

Have you seen Britain recently? If the SD wins the Riksdag in September, we're oficially going to be the most cucked Euro country.
I want to prove that it's possible to pull your nation back from the brink with a population that doesn't even see the problem. I want to deal a blow to the narrative of the leftists by taking away their "humanitarian superpower" through the will of it's people.
And I want to give the euro-right power & build up good will so they won't forget us when we're in the same situation.

A reminder to ignore shills and shameless gaslighters.
Never give them (You)s.

“Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.”

Om året är 2010, ja. 2018 är SD närmare etablissemangent än V. Åttaklöver är ett uttryck som idag har använts i åratal.

Can you foreign SD-supporters name ONE thing that SD has done to deserve loyal support from swedes? Just one?

Being "anti-establishment" simply isnt enough in 2018. Europe and Sweden is quite literally in flames and SDs most pressing concern seems to be seeking acceptance from the establishment

In other news, local councillors switching from communists to SD:
And from greens to SD:
Both having gotten tired of this circus. These may seem like exceptional jumps, but local politicians are usually more pragmatic than the national ones. On a local level V and SD have cooperated in tit-for-tat electing each others for different municipal commitees. In one case the lone V councillor in a municipality got an earful from HQ, even if he had 5-6 SDers help him to a commitee seat in exchange for his single vote.

>Christian thread
Pewds would be proud.
I like old english thou and thy versions tho.
And as always, ignore the shills and shameless gasslighters !

Hey, I like you already. Well count me in, I'm a Swedish citizen I'll gladly vote SD.

However you're the most disarmed nation in Europe, Swedes don't care for the most part because the narrative on the right is so blown out of proportion. No matter who wins your still the cuck nation.

Thanks britbro

They're not trying to seek acceptance from the establishment, brainlet.
They're trying to seek acceptance from the voters. We know they have flaws; if you want to voice your criticisms, by all means do, they need to hear them. But they also need to know they have support. They're trying to look acceptable in the overton window.

WOAH. Fucking juicy thread flag. I'm just checking as always, hope you're doing well Britbro

fuck off reddit
there are more important elections this year

You're the same blackpilled cuck from yesterday huh? Get the FOOK out of this thread you absolute DISGRACE

you welcome Svenanon
Never give them (You)s tho.
Official rule from now on.

i'm going to post in this thread everyday and remind you
are you one of the swedecucks i argeud with?

>kartelian churka subhuman

Ad hom shills, have a taste of my blade.

Thanks, bro. And thanks for the links as well.
We could use you over on the discord, if you're interested in helping. we've got some images of Swedish Historical figures, but if we can match those mottoes to the royal pictures, it'd make a great poster series.

>posts martin luther
>doesn't know that our empire was the most lutheran of them all
>is a huge fucking blackpilled faggot
So not only is it enough for you to disapprove of our efforts, you must come and fuck up our thread every day because of it? "there are other more important elections" is the worst fucking shill excuse I've ever heard. Go focus on the other elections then, make a thread about them. We do our work here, you don't like it you get your boipussy out of here you little dickface paki dog

go to bed you fucking nerd

No (you)s. Especially not for Shariahcucks. Click the arrow next to the post ID, select hide, make sure you don't create a stub. It's the only way to deal with people like this embarrasment to my nation.

ah yeah, that's the last (du) he will get from me

It's not even late, don't you have work right now?

I dont go in to work until 11am

I just came home from wagecucking. The thread yesterday was pretty comfy and productive, I'm hoping to get a few friends of mine back on Sup Forums in time for the election, mostly because of this thread.

cool, the problem for me is that im a Hawaiifaggot so the timezone is weird, also its so expensive..ive only left the islands once and that was to go to fucking Cheyenne of all places for my brothers wedding

Are you a Haole or a Polynesian? Isn't Hawaii comfy as fuck? If white, how are you treated over there? Also thank you for participating in the thread and supporting our struggle bro

Gotta agree. Last nights thread ended on pretty good grounds

>assuming he's bong at all
I actually do need a strategic retreat.
To make more posters.

The invasion problem Europe has cannot be solved at the polls. Maybe in the 80's it could, but not now.

>gick på bio för några veckor sedan i huvudstaden
>innan det börjar ropar en kille i ett gäng av unga män högt som fan
är uppvaknandet på väg? hur som helst, jag tyckte det var ett jävligt roligt sammanträffande

Comfy thread(s) even with the anti SD shills. Want to give more input myself but, need to clean things up in my apartment first. Think clearer and besides, things start with you first many times.

We're not claiming that the problem's going to be *solved* by getting the SD into power. But getting the majority of Swedes to vote in favour of their own interests and electing a party that's there for the sole reason of tackling the problem? It's a good start, and it'll give Sweden breathing space that they won't have if any other party wins. Not only that, but it'll shift the overton window and make solving the problem easier to do.
We can't do everything at once, user. But we also can't do nothing at all.

var bor du? kan ha varit en av mina kompisar

are there any propaganda i can print out and spread in my local town? swefag here

Go post some visuals about your reasons.

huvudstaden cuckholm. Det var därför jag blev så förvånad, var där med en ganska rödpillrad kompis också så vi var båda ganska roade.

>are there any propaganda i can print out and spread in my local town? swefag here
Show flag brother. Also print out "GÖR SVERIGE LAGOM IGEN" on a simple a4, black and white. We agreed yesterday in the thread that we should start doing this as soon as possible, similar to the "it's okay to be white" operation.


hahaha, kan garantera att det var en av mina grabbar

We need to print these out and put them in SWEDISH neighbourhoods. Every single postbox need to have at least one. Why?
To make the normies wake up, also it will be hilarious to see the medias reaction, which would only bring it more publication.
Is prolly one of my favourites, Lucia hits home with ALL ethnic swedish people.

Make it simple, facts don´t bite on people that effectivly anymore.
>points up
Yes look at least these up.

Maybe not that slogan exactly. We've got a list of some more Swedish mottoes here, courtesy of Burgerbro.
Is this an example of Kraut Humour? I honestly cant tell.

skönt att man inte är ensam vettig person i den här skitstaden då