Whatever happened to the "It's Okay to be White" thing? Apparently, it worked

Whatever happened to the "It's Okay to be White" thing? Apparently, it worked.

r/asianmasculinity got BTFO
not sure if anything else happened

But it's not okay to be white. White people are responsible for more deaths, slavery, lynching, discrimination, prejudice, and wars than any other race in history. Even today, whites are racist as hell. Why do you think it's okay to be white? It's not.

White people need to know what it's like being persecuted for your color or nationality. They absolutely deserve to suffer just to know what kind of suffering all others had to go through throughout history.

Stop baiting.

Bait? Name one thing that I mentioned that isn't true? Just look at this board. It's full of nigger/chinks hate threads as we speak. What more proof do you need?


whites have a historical responsibility to prevent racial hatred and discrimination. there is much to do until the guilt is payed off.

Literally less than 5,000 over the course of 150 years.

nuuh bcuz rahcuzz dun exist

I dunno, but I saw them around my campus for a few weeks. Not sure who was putting them up.

races exist for racists so racism exists :^)

we're a board of peace, we look at objective facts.

while the populations of white countries increased dramitically because of technological and scientific breakthroughs created by white people, the percentile rate at which wars and murder are carried out have always been higher in black countries. only now with the advances in medecine that white people invented are niggers catching up with us in terms of population. but just because a group of people are violent, that dosnt mean they know how to inflict violence in a efficent manner, this is again where white superiority has an advantage. white people may commit an act of violence at a rate of 1 to 100 commited by blacks, but the white mans intelligence lets him commit it better and with more effect.

all you have done is to point out the superiority of white people. we arent more violent, we're just better at it. so dont push you luck cunt.


It is a fact that white people are racist. There's no need to debate this. Just look at this board. Even right now, it's full of "Kill niggers" and "Chinks having birthright vacations" etc...

But if they had kept that racism to themselves throughout history, then it would be okay. But they didn't. They genocided 3 entire continents (NA, SA, Aus). They colonized and raped the resources from all of Africa and most of Asia (most notably, India).

Blacks and gooks in the US, until the 70's, literally would fear for their lives if any white person took a disliking to them or felt they'd been slighted. Now, gooks I understand whites behaving that way towards them because they were immigrants who chose to come to the US. But blacks? For fuck's sake, (You) brought them here. They are here because your greed for free labor outweighed morals.

Now you turn around and say "It's okay to be white"? No. No it isn't. Not until you've paid for your past sins.

Then fuck off to a non white country and leave us to prosper you pathetic bitch.

You're talking about now. And yes, niggers are violent and not capable of civilized existence. But I'm talking about whites and their past behavior.

I'm talking about killing a 14 year old black boy because some woman said "He had the nerve to say hello good looking to me". Yes, this shit happened just 60 years ago. Think about that. 60 years.

You say you look at objective facts, but what about history? What about the misery white people have caused for the past 500 years? Do you look at that objectively? Or is that in the past so doesn't matter?

Blacks are inferior, violent... bla bla bla. Combine all killings by blacks over the past 500 years and compare it to the number of people killed by whites. Not even 1%.

It is also a fact that niggers are racist. No need to debate that either.

I can't wait to kill everyone single of you faggots who thinks this way. It's gonna be amazing.

Nope. Just like white people didn't fuck off to a white country and instead chose to colonize all nations throughout the world. Fuck you.

I hope your nation goes to shit. You deserve it only because you need to know what it's like having your country be taken over by another race. It's nothing that you haven't done before so stop being a bitch and stop complaining.

You think you can kill everyone like me? You really think that's a possibility? Just how moronic are you?

I love being white and I love being racist. I plan on keeping things this way for as long as possible.

Hopefully, niggers will take the hint and either shut the fuck up or fuck off. Whites were destined to be the dominant species. Nature has not stopped us for a reason. Niggers need to be recategorised into the animals kingdom and accept the reality of their situation - they have been the white mans play thing for centuries.

Who the fuck gives a shit about the past? We live in the now.

ottomans were responsible for more slavery than whole atlantic slave trade. not to mention deaths,lynching(still existing in most of the world, except for white countries) and those 2 last reasons are just retarded as you can't measure it anyhow...

We conquered - with only a handful of men too. We came, we saw, we took, we raped, we killed. It was easy. It was a simple as that. Niggers, to this day, only have what the white man gave them. The H&M monkey kid case proved to the world that niggers know deep inside their ancestry - and they resent who they are and what they look like.

We don't care and don't owe you shit you dumb fucking nigger. Should've stepped up your game. Now enjoy your wonderful box created by the white man that lets you talk to people around the world.

>White people need to know what it's like being persecuted for your color
>Why do you think it's okay to be white? It's not.

Do you proof read your own posts?

The nigger is using gibbon-logic. All that makes sense is free stuff and rape.

Oh yeah i colonized shitloads of countries last weekend. Oh wait i didn't, and the people who did are long gone. You don't make any fucking sense, i owe nothing to black people or any other race, and neither do other white people alive now. Go be a fucking idiot somewhere else you pathetic soyboy.

You realize that any race that becomes a superpower will do the same evil shit right? White people didn't invent geopolitics. Every nation fights to explore, expand, exploit, and exterminate. You're just asspained because whites kicked ass at it for a few thousands of years. Every race has the potential to be ruthlessly violent. White people also happened to invent most of your modern day niceties, which you conveniently ignore.

Nice try nigger.

Share Blue at its worse. We know you try to trigger us and it only leads you to a darker future for you.
God Sees all and he delivers justice on his time and terms. Your time is coming soon!
Still Winning!

Go Away Share Blue. We have no


Talking to us about Sins?

Do you know who started the slave trade? Di you know who has slaves and sells slaves today? Better look in the nigger mirror! You started the fight. Like always, we have to finish it because your too fucking stupid to figure it out
Share Blue troll!

>children should pay for the sins of the father
Yeah, go fuck yourself nigger. Get raped and burn in hell.

Liber college student detected. Dude you realize you came to the one environment where you will be hunted down for pulling this faggotry here. So I suggest you fuck out and go back to smoking pot with antifa you fucking normie. Go birch about it on Tumblr you sjw fuck. You smell like a nigger too.

Ayyyyyy. And thats where your wrong kiddo. Niggers started their own enslavement. And back then it was common that if you were a POW and you were a nigger then you were destined to be sold off BY THE OTHER NIGGER TRIBE IF YOU WERE FROM THE OTHER FUCKING TRIBE. So in fact it was the niggers that started the slave trade. And the other race that kept niggers as slaves (that you fucks are too ignorant and fucking retarded too realize) were your precious Arab Muslims who enslaved niggers from A.D.650-1900 with over 20,000,000 niggers auctioned off. Oh. Also the muslims also cut off the nigger docks as a common practice. Also 6/10 niggers died because of this. So go to your nearest mosque and bitch about slavery to them you college sjw nigger fuck. So learn the facts before you bitch about it to the wrong people faggot.