Is this really meant for kids?

Is this really meant for kids?
One hand is going down towards her crotch and the other is on her boob.

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Children should learn homosexual behavior early.

I think you should be more concerned about the violence going on in the background.

you are reading way too much into this

not everyone is a pervert

>show about a war veteran with PTSD
obviously not for kids

Kids won't understand that subtlety. That bit is for the adult fans.

>3 purple hearts

>Is this really meant for kids?

>Aimed at kids with a 10 seconds attention span.

I recall when a shitload of people thought Azumanga was for girls.

I don't see why you can't have three.
A purple heart is given out if your wounded or killed, right? You could get wounded in three different tours.

It probably aired at like 1 in the morning, so no.

Where does the Renge veteran meme comes from?

you get a fucking leaf, not a new medal

Its a very natural for 2 girls to bond like that,

Healing anime is aimed at jaded 20-somethings who have shitty jobs and no positive human interactions in the real world

When you get multiples of the same medal they just add a little thing to the first one.

Have you ever hugged anyone, OP? That's just a way to hug.

i will erect

Why do you have to remind me of that?

Joke's on you, I don't have a job!