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get off the proxy, Attila

Wallachia will become the seat of a thousand year European Empire

România este cea mai puternică țară vreodată


K gypsy.

that's Orban's Hungary though

tu vorbesti buh mu-e, te ascunzi sub un steag de meme

literally all the same, like chinks and negros

post under your location bitch since you're not a shitposter


suck a gypsy's dick you filthy commie

*tigan buh tigane


says the snownigger

Hungry has 6% gypsy population
Romanian has 3%

He is that one loser hungarian from Canada that ALWAYS comes to romanian threads.


Mfw the "Russian hackers" were Romanians :)

Who is that abomination?

Excellent. The more animosity the better. I want blood. I want death.

Serious talk: how much animosity is there between Hungarians and Romanians in real life? Sup Forums loves historical revisionism so much that you'd think this board is about an ongoing EU4 game, but usually few ordinary people care about most of this shit. How is it in this case, can Romania and Hungary cooperate, for example in a project like the Three Seas Initiative?

>gypsy shit saying Aryans must hang

Politics is so much more fun in other places

We should hang your brown spawn instead, including your whore brood-mother.

>you'd think this board is about an ongoing EU4 game

It isn't?

And we still have a higher national iq average hahah


I dont trust them, they are backstabbing type, abandoning you when its more profitable for them.

Both of you must hang. Get out of my country if you don't like our laws.


we are bros, historical differences are memed up

we know we are in this together

If you want to understand the relationship of Romania and Hungary, my dear greatest ally, just know that it is accepted in Budapest to openly call Romanians a slave race.

The youth, of course, rarely does give a shit. You have silly subverted libtard qt's who think the whole hate thing is just "totally evil people forcing it". Some others aren't even aware of history and outright claim that any hungarians born outside present-day Hungary aren't actually hungarians. As you may already suspect, only Budapest garbage really acts this way. In respectable cities like Békéscsaba, Debrecen, Visegrád and Zirc, the old tradition of roma(nian)-hating are still practiced.

Fucking Romania go and suck Putin's dick or some gipsy slave.

> Picture of prime minster Tudose

Tudose who's said in a interview on Realitatea Tv(tv new channel in Gipsy land) that Romania can't construct new roads because the investors are not willing to pay extra money ilegal money (in romanian language "spaga") for the commies. Fuck your country.

Here is the link:

"Pentru ca nu poti sa iei spaga la baietii aia."

Fucking piece of shit Romanian.

e o pula


Adevarul pur.

Romania e o tara a politrucilor comunisti, o natiune de hoti mincinosi. O tara in care prostia, coruptia, furtul si tiganismul e in floare.

I'm a polyglot, I can speak 12 languages easily so that's why I know Romania.

This, I hate those divide and conquer shillniggers who say Transylvanian Hungarians are Romanians. Like STFU they always cry muh Trianon but they don't give a shit about people who live in post Trianon countries .

Serious answer: communist raised individuals still believe in the eternal stories that we should be hating each other, but the new generations see through the propaganda or don't care enough. What you get here on pol are either memes or pic related kind of individuals.

Unfortunately, politicians buy into this state of things and profit from the animosity, finding excuses in it when larger projects such as what you mentioned don't work, when in reality it's a case of corruption in both states.

Tldr: retards hate, politicians milk votes out of the retards and continues stealing.

>bazdmeg why are people doing the logical thing that would profit them the most ?

"My dear greatest Ally"
Don't remember your nation offering help when Poland was invaded in ww2, as Romania politely did.

Usually romanians and hungarians don't have a problem with each other. There are many villages where romanians and hungarians live togheter and even have mixt families. All this hate is just on a political level. The average person doesn't really gives a shit.

No and die i hell


fuck off bozgor


Let's be real, Romanians are the worst that our race has to offer.

If you are Hungarian you must hate Romaniana. If you a Romanian you must hate Hungarians. Part of the natianol identity. Simple.

Hungarians in hungary are happy fucking, partying living the good life together with their "bros" austria they used to hate Romania for stealing clay, there is still hate but not as much, pretty much many people are chill without especially with EU and people travling freely to and from

The Isolated Hungarian population in Romania, HATES ROMANIANS like there is no tomorow, mayors, school decans, everybody is the admistration are like "goys we need to work together with this faggots, we want to cooporate with you the gov, the people and everybody"
Yet the famillies refuse to teach their children Romanian history, refuse to teach their childrne Romanian language, and even breed into them the idea of Hate towards Romanian people being passive aggresive.

What some hungz that hate don't understand three things, hungz didn't seattle any cities in Trasilvania, Saxons and Teutons did and there were pre-roman cities that are still around.

We have alot of shared history, we can work together as a transcarphatian people, in unity there is strenght

And they never fucking came to our help when we were under threat of annexation by the ottomans, it was only Tranilsvanians themselfs no hungz that came to aid rarely. Hungz were too fucking busy getting slowly fucked by Austrians over time.

All in all, Hunz and Romas just historical bantz yet many live, fuck together with ease. Hungz in Romania hate Romanians like there is no tomorow, as they are indotrinated to do so

>22-25 % rular population
>43-45% rular population

I really like when you take shit out of context, If we had your urbanization(why don't you because were we cucked by ottomans for shitloads of years and then communism to keep shit mostly rular)

IQ goes up with education most romanians in rular areas don't even have acess to proper education

Nationa average you say? ah wait half of us are dumb as fuck, and the rest are smart as fuck that brings our average close to yours.

Fucking hell you make me blush...
Our race? AWWWWWWWW KAWAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII so you admit we are the same race
Where is that hungarian superiority complex HUNGzed bro?