What's the deal with Charles Manson? I've heard some people consider him a great leader and visionary

What's the deal with Charles Manson? I've heard some people consider him a great leader and visionary

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Helter Skelter is happening today as we speak. We are all taking part in it as we speak.
I doubt he knew that his vision would have been subverted by the jews to cull the worlds population though.

take the real charles manson redpill if you dare:

He did seem pretty crazy but I guess anyone would be if they knew what was going to happen soon and nobody would listen
Kind of like Sup Forums

I honestly don't think this can be covered in one post. Understanding Manson requires reading the main books (Helter Skelter, Manson by Jeff Guin and Manson File by Nicolas Schreck) followed by watching the documentary Charles Manson Superstar also by Nicolas, and then the documentary made in the 70s which Tarantino was a fan of.

In his own words, Manson was not a leader or a follower. He was anything you wanted him to be. Can't be described as left-right as he lived in the now (reason he never liked books) doing what came to him to survive. Satan/devil/evil to him was simply surviving.

On race - "My race comes out of my dick".
On Nazis - "Hitler found order within himself and when you find order you want to reach out to your kind, he was doing his thing and trip just like I am"

Used to roll play being Jesus....lol






He was a brainlet. A primary psychopath. A child of darkness.

I've heard he had a crazy high IQ

from some dude
>In his book Manson, author and biographer Jeff Guinn writes, "Manson scored 109 on one prison I.Q. test, when he was 16, and 121 on another a few years later. The first result is slightly above average; the second is said to be in the "high normal" range."

>Manson was bestowed with a sufficient degree of innate intelligence and a predisposition for social engagement. That, combined with his cultured 'street smarts' and persuasive charm, allowed him to proficiently hone his sociopathic abilities to manipulate and better identify those most susceptible to his intentions. Effectively applying these skillsets to his many criminal exploits, Manson was able to procure himself numbers of loyal and obedient followers who would willingly do his bidding; the young women selling their bodies to fund his lifestyle of sex and drugs.

He was SIEGE pilled


lots of info/connections here


Pretty interesting

dude was pretty intelligent. really made me wonder when they killed him recently

Watch this


He used second rate philosophy he borrowed from numerous sources and mashed together to control people. Intelligent but not very organized or productive. His only real skill was cultivating religious devotion out of damaged, lost, and naive girls. Glad he's dead.

the only thing interesting about manson was the reaction of normies trying to fit the event and their motivations into their cookie cutter view of the world.

To be fair you need a really high IQ to understand Charles Manson. The ideals are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of nihilist philosophy most of his way of living will go over a typical reader's head.

Pretty much this. Based Chile.

It took me over a year to get Manson. You really have to rewatch his interviews and pay attention to every word. And like I said earlier, I can't really explain it with words. But it has definitely helped me balance myself in this world. The best we had since Hitler, his giant failures only overshadowed by his raw redpillness.

I think you're replying to a Rick and Morty copypasta

Actually the words are accurate except for the nihilist part. Most people don't get Manson, even on here. It's always MK-ultra or some nonsense about baby killer.