The great debate (manga and all adaptations included)

The great debate (manga and all adaptations included)

Well i haven't watched the animes but for the mangas i definitely like HxH more. It pretty much does everything better.

YuYu is better because the majority of HunterXHunter is the most boring arc of all time whereas YuYu is pretty much great until the final arc where it derails in a fun way

YYH is prototype HxH

Manga: HxH > YYH
Anime: Yorkshin OVA>HxH99=YYH>HxH11>GI OVA

even Last Mission was better than that poorly executed Yorkshin OVA

blinded by nostalgia I see

Even Togashi admits HxH is a superior version of YYH

YuYu Hakusho is filled with asspulls, deus ex and just about any plot device you can think of. It's good for teens if you're willing to ignore how cliche and full of tropes it is but HxH is undeniably better.

Is Togashi literally gay? What's with the extreme lack of relevant female characters in his works?

He prefers writing male characters.
I don't really think HxH lacks relevant female characters Yorkshin and onward though.

To prevent shipperfags, look at DB it works

Then you have One piece and SnK, tons of shipperfags

They're both mediocre

>not full of asspulls



Turning Yusuke into a shin megami tensei was retarded.

Hunter x Hunter is filled with asspulls, deus ex and just about any plot device you can think of. It's good for teens if you're willing to ignore how cliche and full of tropes it is but Akame ga Kill is undeniably better.

What are the chances Dark Continent is really the Demon Realm from YuYuHakusho, would it break Sup Forums?

But there is tonnes of shipping of both DB and HxH.

This is correct

I can only think of Gon and Palm.

>what is Gon x Killua
>what is Leorio x Kurapika
>what is Hisoka x Gon
>what is Hisoka x Chrollo
>what is Hisoka x Machi
>what is Hisoka x Kurapika
>what is Hisoka x Hisoka
Come on.

>going back to YYH
Do you want to kill him?

Killua is best girl, so its no contest

HxH easily

I did like the core cast of yyh more though

Actually, YYH and Level E are prototype HxH

Are you that same kid that pops up in every HxH thread posting that same collage as if it means anything? That's a little sad, honestly.
Nice one, bro

You sure got him

HxH doesn't have nearly as many asspulls as YYH. Also funny that you all just focused on the asspulls but ignored the tropes and cliches that I mentioned, it really is clear YYH rides on nostalgia. It has some great characters but the storytelling is bland as fuck.

I tried to watch YYH. It started pretty dece, but soon it was just boring fight after boring fight without anything interesting happening. Gave up about 20 eps in.

HxH started weaker and was a bit slow at times, but the dialogue and character interactions were much more entertaining, as were the fights.

Fuck YYH for kicking Kuwabara out of there.

Dude was the star of the series. No wonder three kings is shit.

Why are these two always compared?

Pretty much.

Togashi takes cues from his old work and moves away from the conventional style he gave to YYH and does them with alot more "freedom". Everything from the criminal underworld like the Black Black Club was touched upon again in Yorknew. Regarding the characters, Gon is more developed than Yusuke. Killua is Hiei minus the typical shonen rivalry schtick and alot more fun. The themes and tone of Chapter Black showed up again in the superior Chimera Ant arc.

YuYu Hakusho is certainly the better animation all around. I can't say which is the better manga.

didn't YYH almost caused Togashi to havef a complete mental break down

Yu yu hakusho stopped being good after the tournament arc and had a shitty rushed ending

HxH inherited Berserk's curse and is now stuck on a boat in hiatus limbo and will never get an ending

Wew, that's a nice scan. I haven't read DB in ages, last time I did the only scans available were hilariously bad.

Yu Yu Hakusho for sure, Yusuke's cast was just much more interesting and fun

Yu Yu Hakusho had an actual ending so I'll go with that thanks.

Also the Chimera Ant arc is the most overrated arc in history.

Chimera Ant was just filler anyways, they could have killed Netero offscreen and save us 587135813 chapters of nothing.

Are people really that invested in HxH's loose narrative to look at any deviation from it as a waste of time?

That is fucking dumb.

the whole arc felt like a massive fucking cop out, what was even the point of the million chapters of Meruem and Komugi playing shogi, it was boring as shit.

>You sure take your time
I love how nonchalant Bulma's dad is

I usually write those type of complainers off as mere children. They wanted thier big epic shonen brawl, god forbid any nuance or interesting character development. They should have just migrated back to the series they had prior.

What character development? Any possible character development was nullified by "lol no worries, let me resu you bro" and the fact that all the faults Gon made that led to his resentment against himself were ignored because "lol gon, you screwed up again B U T D O N T D O I T A G A I N teehee~", and how could I forget, the needle in the eye. This was filler because all the character development was removed at the end, they even followed the traditional filler course.
>let me add x villain out of nowhere
>let me add y companions to fight x
>characters struggle to fight x and learn new things
>at the end x disappear and characters forget they ever learned said things
>y stay for occasional references if not totally disappear because reasons
They could have simply skip so much nothing by killing Netero by poison or some shit like that, since it seems being killed by poison is fatal in HxH, or simply make a new series with much more interesting characters instead of adding it as an arc in the middle of nowhere.