I'm not sure why people are upset about this question. It's perfectly logical

I'm not sure why people are upset about this question. It's perfectly logical.

Is it just an American thing to get upset constantly when someone says something that makes perfect sense?

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It's a Democrat thing to get upset when a Republican tells the truth

I can't wrap my head around the outrage myself. Zero sense to me.

It's an American liberal thing to have an epic meltdown when anyone questions the current massive demographic replacement scheme that's the West is currently undergoing

Probably because they want it to continue

Seeing other flags make fun of liberals makes me feel so good, because the absolute state of the left in this country is embarasshing

Yeah but why? White people are just fine, but you're replacing yourselves with brown people who will destroy everything you built. Japan looks up to you. This is very disappointing, like discovering your father squandered your inheritance on booze and hookers.

>Is it just an American thing
It's a liberal thing.

CNN is infested with Jews and Niggers.

Try to keep up.

because literally jews

It just sounds severe so liberals really want to use it for propaganda to try and hurt Trump's image. Basically their outrage is entirely faked.

Nobody is actually made Jew media and libshit celebrity retards are just mad their White genocide plan is obvious to Trump. At least half of the non-whites don't want illegals either and will admit Whites built everything.

pic related. same can be applied to CNN.

Liberals live in their own bubble. They are also very connected with their social media and what their favorite celebrities say or do. Just look at Twitter and you would think the world is ending. Unplug from that medium and life would be seemingly normal. I personally got rid of Twitter because it's a cesspool.

>like discovering your father squandered your inheritance
this is exactly what happened over generations in america

I ask the same question every time some fucking retard advocates lax borders here.

This. At the core of "liberalism" or progressivism is the concept that things aren't good enough and they have to be changed for the better. They reject the things that are as not acceptable and intolerable. So, at the most basic level, all things are insufferable as they are.

Take pic related, the idea that mankind has developed personal protection isn't enough. They have to impose new laws on firearms in order to move (((forward))) and establish a more evolved society. This isn't based on any logic or sense, but emotion.

If you disagree with any one point of their theology, you enter into an emotional argument and receive an emotional response.

Only if it runs against your party. Trump is playing everyone like a fiddle again. He knew this would fire up drama and bring attention to Haiti, its just another stone to be thrown at Clinton and crew later. I cant believe the powers that be and the media keep falling for it. But then again they have made their way by going a certain way and cant risk going against that...

Their main target demographic is liberal shit celebrities because they said they can damage their platform, this is information from the employees. After Jack Dorsey took over all the sjw brainwashed bullshit was put as most important.

Only libtards are offended by this. This is also assuming he even said it. I have heard no soundbites of DJT saying this. There was a closed door meeting which was supposed to be private and some Demodonkey leaked this just like all the other fake crap they do to disrupt the president. Democrats have no game other than calling people racists, sexist, islamophobe.blah, blah,blah. I just summed up the who whole Democrap platform in one sentence.

It's so obvious that's Twitter's agenda too. It was funny how Twitter created their moments thing right around the time of the election just so they could show the news they wanted people to see. Same with Snapchat who updated their app to show news articles right around the time of the election.

Tbf the answer is obvious. I hope Trump was not genuinely puzzled by the question, that it was a rhetorical statement because otherwise he's defo a confirmed tard.

Because libcucks feign outrage if something hurts their feelings. Something like the TRUTH. Fuck them and fuck all political correctness and butthurt phenomenon. It weakens men. And creates pussies of them. But then, that is the plan. When foreign troops or terrorists march on our soil and start killing people, snowflakes' will be offended and then they'll be dead. Good riddance.

He should have called them fuckin nigger shitholes.

Public opinion and the shaping of it to one of outrage or victim hood is the leverage of the left.




Everyone except this cuck


Well your country is ethnically very homogeneous. America had a long history of essentially, as liberals will say, welcoming immigrants. Except we didn't actually really give a shit about these immigrants. They were essentially just used to fill shit jobs. We still do the same thing today, except instead of people hating people immigrating from Ireland or Asia, people now hate Hispanics and Muslims. In the end, no matter how much the Dems and Republicans bitch at each other, corporations basically reap the benefits by being able to pay shit wages and maximize their profits. All in all, the free market worked for the shareholders. 10/10

The only reason people are having a meltdown is because it's the truth. If it had been an outlandish statement like "Switzerland is a shit hole" everyone would have just thought the preseident was retarded and forgotten about it immediately. But because he spoke one of the "nono truths" everyone has to shame him.

Common sense is frowned upon in America.

They don't want to accept the truth.

The issue is when America was welcoming immigrants early on the welfare state as it exists today was not in place. Back then if someone immigrated they had to break their back working to better the country in order to have food on the table and a roof over their head. Now any nigger from a shit hole country can go over, shit a kid out and have everything paid for by the taxpayer.

>The original United States Naturalization Law of March 26, 1790 (1 Stat. 103) provided the first rules to be followed by the United States in the granting of national citizenship. This law limited naturalization to immigrants who were free white persons of good character. It thus excluded American Indians, indentured servants, slaves, free blacks and later Asians although free blacks were allowed citizenship at the state level in certain states.

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”

Drump supporters hate America and hate freedom.

A jewish poem tacked on later is not law.

Neither is a law from 1790, retard.

The point was to show a law that President Washington actually signed brainlet.

>It's perfectly logical.

No it isn't.

>why don’t people from Norway emigrate

Because they live in Norway. The man is an idiot.

The point is to show what America currently stands for, retard.

literally Jews. I never wanted it to be that btw. I take no pleasure in noticing.


Obama set race relations back in America about 50 years, so it's not that surprising

Except that America elected that mean racist Trump. So go back to your shithole.

Most Americans didnt vote, and those that did voted for Hilary.

>becoming a minority in your own country because you take in anyone from any shithole country

Boohoo, California isn't America.

Here, real authentic open borders mentality on full display

See, like I said, Trump supporters hate America. Thanks for playing.

good well thought out points.

>reee why won't you let shit people from shithole countries flood in

>America stands for a poem written by a German Jew in 1883
Uh-huh. We were still pushing the Natives back during the 1880s, do we still stand for that too?

It’s a nigger thing. Never let niggers come to Japan. Preserve your culture from the shitskins.

The statue of liberty still stands with that poem on it. And it is considered the symbol of America and its values. Which you unamerican fucks have none.

Because liberals are predisposed to resist generalizations. If there is a single young poor med-student in Rawanda or something that can be profiled on the evening news as a good one, it is enough to justify not excluding in-migration from a country writ large of several million impoverished low-HDI people.

It sickens me because this unfettered pro-immigration stance reinforces the race over class polarization in the United States. So long as we don't have secure borders and control of the flow of labor into this nation we'll never have nordic-style socialism to benefit the 99% of native-born citizens that are exploited by libertarian plutocrats desiring slaves to rent-seek off of until they can replaced completely by 0-payroll machines.

>Is it just an American thing to get upset constantly when someone says something that makes perfect sense?

'Murrican here, in certain populations yes it's normal to flip out at minor things they deem "offensive" and "politically incorrect."

These populations normally live and congregate in large corrupt cities like Los Angeles and New York City.

These people live in a bubble my Japanese friend. They are completely out of touch with reality.

Trump said a thing. There's your answer

No one cares about that jew slut's scrawling outside token gestures people believe are expected of them. Consensus is a bitch, and has a tendency to change direction.

California is talking secession desu

>We should dictate modern policy because the 140 year old French statue with a poem written by a Zionist Jew is a symbol of "what we stand for"
As a symbol the statue is no longer relevant. The Berlin Victory Column stands to this day and it symbolizes German military victory but I'm sure I don't need to explain how outdated that is.

>Implying they had ever improved
A lot of people pretend economics isn't a zero-sum game between the haves and have nots, but in the US it is also synonymous with the Whites and Non-Whites. Southern liberals in the 1930s and ’40s applied a sharp class focus and concluded that wealthy Democrats wanted, in historian Gavin Wright’s words, to keep labor “cheap and divided.” The white liberal writer Lillian E. Smith famously captured this thinking in her short story “Two Men and a Bargain,” which began: “Once upon a time, down South, a rich white man made a bargain with a poor white ... ‘You boss the nigger, and I’ll boss the money.’”

Neo-liberals aren't Americans.

what kind of argument is that? Some plaque that has nothing to do with the statue written by some jew is now the law of the land? The 1965 immigration bill that is recking the country is now an unchangeable holy book?

Don't be too hard on him - it doesn't matter how right you are, he still FEELS like you're a bad hombre and therefore your facts are re-branded "alternative facts" so that he can ignore them.

Just like a woman he has selective hearing and selective reading.

>Trump supporters hate America
California hasn't been American for 40 yrs.

The same argument could be said of the Constitution. Which is fine by me said Originalism is horse-shit anyway.

>the founding document that establishes the government of the country is equivalent to some random fucking poem
Please kill yourself.

Both are just words scribbled on paper a long time ago by dead people.

Except one is actually law and was ratified by the states. I hope you're just an elaborate troll.

I've had many Chinese Uni students say the same thing to me.

I don't get it either. He's being honest and we've created a way of thinking that cannot handle honesty or reality.

I think it's partially due to how comfortable and easy we have it, modern life makes us ill or unable to cope.

>No one cares
Just cause you are unamerican scum with no values doest mean all americans are you cowardly shitstain.

And just because of that process which took place centuries ago we are supposed to give them reverence and respect? No thanks, I'm not going to pay any deference to something that happened before even my Grandparents were born. If I'm going to agree with something it will be because I like it on its own merits, not because "that's how things are" "it's always been this way". The living should not be condemned to a system cooked up by corpses ages ago.

Keep proving me right retards.

This is graph is from the 2010 US census. Imagine what that next bar is going to look like. Something's got to give.

Forgot pic related

Change the law then you unamerican pioece of shit. You deserve to have your citizenship revoked. Throwing out traditions simply because they're "too old" or "outdated" is the thinking of a mental midget. Anyways, I hope all of your brown friends get deported with you.

The short answer is Jews, the long answer deals with control over less smart groups of people that don't question why those in power act in the manner that they do.

Those old dead people were during a time people still had honor.
They fought each other to the death over their ideals.
Do you really fucking trust our government with changing the foundations of our nation?
If you do you are the biggest idiot on the face of the planet.

It's a poem added to statue later on. It's not a law binding contract.

>Change the law then you unamerican pioece of shit.
and that's fine, but I also support court packing to manipulate SCOTUS ruilings to whatever I or anyone else damn well pleases. Because, again, it's just a PIECE OF FUCKING PAPER. It truly means nothing.

What? Are Jefferson and Madison going to crawl out of their graves and stop me or whoever else currently has power? Just push for and get what you want because you want it, and don't pretend any history or tradition makes your policies and politics anymore legitimate than anyone else's. Also don't let such things constrain you either, or else you aren't really free but a prisoner of time and someone else's decisions because they were born first.

They aren't better than you or me. Their bowels evacuated when they left this planet just like everyone else who came before or after them.

Twitter is the worst thing to happen to the internet. I wish the President would quit using it just to watch it crash and burn.

Sheltered 6 figure whites who don't live with diversity while parading around token blacks. It's why a disproportionate amount of r*dditors are from the Northeast. You don't know what you have until it's taken away.

>wretched refuse of your teeming shore
Poem confirms that Haiti and Africa are shitholes.

What are you talking about? Liberals generalize about fly-over country all the fucking time. Liberals aren't against bigotry. They're against bigotry that is not approved by the Party. Likewise, they believe that bigotry that is approved by the Party is mandatory (see, White Guilt).

>shitholes exist, therefore we should only get immigrants from shitholes
great policy position dems, keep going hard with that

You are correct, I should have qualified that as generalizations against minorities. Majority generalizations are okay.

They already wanted to melt down. They live for it. It could have been any comment Trump made. He picked "Shithole".