That'll be $39.99 ma'am

>that'll be $39.99 ma'am
>it should be free, my ancestors wuz slaves, white boi

How do you respond?

Other urls found in this thread:

Typically I just hide the thread

Got nothin to say to a stronk black woman eh white boi?

Fuck you nigger

So were mine, as a white British many of my ancestors lost children to kidnappers who sold them off as slaves abroad, some probably to black slave traders, you now owe me $2,252,127 to make things even.


>it should be free, my ancestors wuz slaves, white boi
>How do you respond?

And mine were serfs

>fuck u say to me whiteboi?


Sucker punch then skull stomp.

maybe it should be but if you dont pay up im calling the cops, stop trying to rip off people based on your black privilege and grow up :^)

i will let my boss know afterwards of whos tough customer

That's when you pretend to be a jew and talk about the holocaust.

>that'll be $39.99

shoot her, because American

Beat me to it.

>tell your ancestors to come shop here then, I'll give it to them for free

Do you take checks?

>implying I'm going to accept niggers in my store

I'd stab jamal in the eye with a dull pencil

So were mine, 39.99.

I used to work in customer service.

When I would get a difficult/rude customer I'd say, "Let me find someone who can answer that for you," then I would go find a coworker and say, "Hey, a customer has a question and she says she wants to speak to a different employee."

Worked like a charm. My coworkers would get chewed out, not me.

I didn't get paid enough to take shit from people.

Give her a free kick in the throat

>You're right, I'm so sorry for my racism! Here you go, and take a complementary $100 bill for your trouble too

so were mine, infact they were slaves before your ancestors were slaves. What's your point.

go pick the cotton you fat bitch



Mine were made homeless, then shipped to another land because they were a nuisance to the crown.

>my ancestors wuz slaves,
My ancestors risked their lives to sneak you fucking niggers to the factories up north. That will be double the price cunt.

>The Britlanders brought slavery to what would eventually become the US.
>Colonials took up arms and tossed off the yoke of Britbong oppression
>Amerimutts then took up arms in a Civil War to free the slaves
>You should grateful and respect the Flag and thank the millions of lives lost through the centuries of turmoil to free the slaves

Cows arent slaves. Cows are meat

I thought your ancestors made white people with a big headed Scientist and then blew up all the poor white people with dynamite?
Niggers owe honkies reparations, even the Nation of Islam knows this.

That's probably the last time anyone in your family did an honest day's work.

Your ancestors didn't pick THIS cotton.

As a white person with minor jewish influence my ancestors were used as slaves in Africa some 5k years ago.
Add compound interest at a fair 6% and that equates to
3.4decadacellion U.S.D. that you owe me nigger.
>but but we was kings
Yes and that's exactly why you owe me money, because you was kings and used slave labor.

B-b-ut, I'm gay


American public school teacher here.

I've had this said to me more than once by both black students and black parents. Shit is straight up uncalled for, in my opinion, but we still hear it. And because I go to a white, "progressive" school, sometimes the administration blatantly backs the kids and their families on these issues.

I reprimanded a girl just this week for getting physical with another student. As I sent to her to the disciplinarian, she told she was "untouchable" because her mother was "an angry black woman who won't listen to any man telling her how ot raise her daughter." Sure enough, that girl was back in class later that day and her mom could give two fucks what I said to her about her kid.

Also this year, me and another teacher caught 4 black boys wandering the hallways during class time. We politely asked them to show us passes or get back to class. They told us to "fuck off" and said "no white man can tell us what to do. not anymore." Then, they kept walking down the hall. I was both shocked and laughing my ass off, but the other guy was fucking livid. While the boys did get in trouble, they still do this same shit almost every day.

I hear black kids talk all the time about wanting to "meet a man" or "get that baby daddy money." No joke. I actually heard kids talking about getting welfare checks and waiting with anticipation for the day when they can get their own food stamps. They have no filters. They have no dignity or pride. They talk about drinking and smoking and fucking all the time. Everything is "his fault" or "her fault" and never their own. All the memes are so fucking true.

More stories incoming...

Four years ago, I had a black kid taken out of my Advanced Biology course because he refused to do any of the work and was failing. I was pleasant, gave him his due diligence and spoke to his family several times about my concerns, saying that if he didn't pass I was going to recommend he be moved to a lower level class. He still did nothing and ended up failing. Like I said I would, I had him removed from my class for his own sake. The very next day his mother called me on my phone, during class, to scream at me and tell me I was singling him out for being black. Even after I explained everyting we had already been talking about, for what felt like the millionth time, she continued to imply I was being racist and her son wasn't given enough chances. I ended up hanging up on her and had somebody above my pay grade deal with it.

Last one that comes to mind was a group of black girls getting caught smoking and hanging out in the bathroom. My coworker just so happened to catch them and asked for their names before asking them to leave. The girls told her to "fuck off" and "mind her own fucking business." When she began to reprimand them, they called her a "white bitch" and told her she had no right to speak down to them. Once again, all four girls are still at our school and none of them received a consequence.

It's un-fucking-believable what a young black person could get away with in a liberal, mostly white school.

Have a (You)

Why the fuck do these idiots not even stand up and fight if they see someone walking up to them with the intent to fight? Why would you stay in the desk and let yourself be in a bad position to start?

I'm Jewish and you owe me 10 lampshades and 20 bars of soap. Get working nigger

Leave whatever I was buying on the counter and walk out of the store.

It's the 21st century, we're all slaves now.


>Leave whatever I was buying on the counter and walk out of the store.
Wait, what? Who do you think you are in this scenario, a random customer? Why do you punish the store owner for an uppity nigger customer?

That's why we have sharpened pencils. Proceed to stab 'em in the face/eyes until it breaks.

>talking to niggers

Always read OP carefully, user.

She's the reason I'm not paying for the product and people will know that. I'm punishing both the store for hiring people like her and the maggot infested cunt.

Kill two ravens with one shell of buckshot.

This kind of thing is what convinces me without a doubt that we'll have open racial conflict in the next generation or three. These kids will have children who will be raised on the exact same diet of hating whitey, becoming more and more likely to get violent.

>How do you respond?
Come back with a bale of cotton and it's free.

>hiring people like her
Nigger, can you even into reading comprehension? The clerk (you) tells the customer (the nigger woman) the price of the item.

I covered the other end of the scenario. My reading comprehension is Grade A, I swear! You're not my real father!

>how do you respond?
that'll be $39.99

I hate to say it, but I'm becoming more inclined to agree with you.

This is my 10th year in education and among the myriad of things that have just gotten objectively worse, racial tension is near the top of the heap.

Back when I started kids were overtly racist in the late 00's, sure, but it felt like there was a mutual respect for one another. I will admit kids are today more likely to make friends with peers from different racial groups, that's for sure, but how "woke" they are about race is fucking unreal.

I used to walk into a cafeteria 10 years ago and see kids sitting as cliques. They more or less never acknowledged the other groups of kids, unless they had to.

Nowadays there are no cliques and they just sit with anybody. But then that whole meal time is spent talking about "they light-skinned, they dark-skinned" and all the other dumb assumptions they make about one another from social media.

Like, we got the kids to all hang out together, I guess. But they aren't celebrating diversity. Fuck no. They're becoming complete and total identarians, to extreme levels. Some are fascists about it and just criticize people for not falling to their preconceived groups, some are socialists and overstep boundaries trying to relate, and some are just selfish, always trying to find even more extreme ways to be a "snowflake."

I guess this is what you get when you raise a generation on the internet and Obama without parental supervision.

It's not free. And don't give me that attitude, we do reserve the right t keep people from returning to the store. And fuck your anscestors, they were hung for a good cause.

Got anymore like that?

Keks. You're good.

slave work is no longer legal tender, C.R.E.A.M.

What's up with black women and finger pointing? Why do they do it all the time?

Why would I respond? I don't work a shitty retail job.


Just to toss in a quick reinforcement anecdote: I recently graduated from a rather prominent U.S. college with an unusually high proportion of white males. (Well about average for America, but unusual for a modern college.) The amount of fringe political views that get tossed around and agreed with are ridiculous. Two close friends are explicit 14 words white nationalists, though they don't show it. I have no doubt there are a lot more. And this is on one of the most famous campuses in America.

Depends, am I a wagecuck or store owner?

>Why would I respond? I don't work a shitty retail job.
Correct answer. I'm not a boomer or christcuck, I actually have a good job that doesn't involve paper or plastic bags. No niggers here either.


Heh heh heh

I don't argue with niggers. I call the police.

Thats why you have school shooters cause you teach these kids to do nothing and they build up anger. Youd be all to quick to give the white kid anti depressants. When the black kid needs his nut sacks removed.

They do it all the time, despite what they will tell you.

They do it all the time, despite what they will tell you.

Wow, Aussie user just nailed it, apart from the fact that the culture has turned our citizen blacks into what they are.

Slide thread


Way to bump it, dumb-ass.

>doesnt recognize a joke
Its like none of you had social lives in high school

Are you new?