I don't get it, why does this have 160,000 likes? If it's not a shithole why did she leave...

I don't get it, why does this have 160,000 likes? If it's not a shithole why did she leave? Why is there a bunch of twitter posts talking proudly about how they came from shithole nations?

Other urls found in this thread:


She forgot "I have to go back."

>"you can tell, you've got it on your skin"

>I'm cherrypicked.

I love my shithole country, I will never go back though because it's a shithole

>I'm a future doctor
I'm atheist... but God help us!

I came to get paid nigga. Fuck all dem shithole niggas back home

She's a student in psychology? Great not a real science and not a real doctor.

>Live in shithole country
>Move to United States
>Call it a shithole
>Pride in the country you left

>call haiti a "shithole"
>3rd worlders tripping over themselves to show their worth
>gibmedats pushed aside

bell curve proof

>That nose ring
If her IQ is >100 I'll eat my hat
Clearly got by on race and muh woman card

I just looked up what exactly psych-oncology is and it’s fucking retarded (of corse)

From Wiki: Psycho-oncology is a field of interdisciplinary study and practice at the intersection of lifestyle, psychology and oncology. It is concerned with aspects of cancer that go beyond medical treatment and include lifestyle, psychological and social aspects of cancer.

Sad how she is starving their people of her greatness. There are babies dying because the smarter niggers came to America.

Course* phone posting for the win.


Good health starts at home

Haha even dumb than I thought. I knew she wasn't an oncologist, but I didn't think it would be this retarded.

It's literally how cancer affects our society. Negatively is the answer and I didn't have to get uppity on social media.

Affirmative action

Do we need a fat out of shape nigger to tell us that?

>saying a country is a shithole is the same as saying the people are shit
Are people really this autistic? He never said the people are all shit, he said the countries are shit. When you import people from poor, dangerous, and shitty countries, you are taking a higher chance than you would if you were importing from japan or norway. That's just the fucking truth.

>Why is there a bunch of twitter posts talking proudly about how they came from shithole nations?

Because twitter is also a shithole. Next.

Because they are interested in using what they know is an exception in an attempt to prove a rule. They are not interested in the truth, only the narrative.

hahaha she got all those degrees with reparation money/adjusted bellcurve for low iq blacks

if she was in her shithole country she would have zero degrees. obvs she had to live

Also, seems like the kind of person Haiti could really use...

So it's literally just holding a person's hand and telling them it's gonna be okay, you're gonna make it through. Paging Dr. Sh'boon, we got us someone in need of some serious psych-oncology!

At least she admits shes from a shithole country.

>3 degrees
>still a fucking student

holy fuck, liberals love giving gibs to fucking we wuz dindu bimbos to prove that women are just as capable at adult daycare than white males

People just like apes, just look at how many likes Harambe got.

how the fuck is being a student and speaking 3 languages an accomplishment?

you can say sheeeeeeit in 3 languages

Proud to be from a shithole country...

p please dont send me back mr president

She said she is from a shithole country.
I guess she agrees with trump.

Oh, And I bet she got lots of gibs for college.

i would bleach her tbqh familia

This. They would literally vote for Harambe

>tfw she's accomplished more than anyone on Sup Forums ever will.

I see why you're all so filled with working-class rage.

This has finally made me realize how much of a meme civic nationalism is. These are the types of people I wanted to come to this country before. People who become well educated and contribute and have success, but all these people who came from these shithole countries and got so many benefits from us are still trashing our leader for what he said. Would have expected them to know the truth but they'd rather rip apart America and cause even more division. They don't belong here.

I want to fuck her.

You have to go back nigger. Improve your own country if you so great.

Bull shit


>liberals hand out gibs for their pet niggers
>iz smart

>educating yourself is considered an accomplishment

>future doctor
>Medical student

I apologize, there is no way in fucking fuck I am having an nigger operator on my body.

Thier brains aren't fully developed, this they are incapbale of learning correctly.

Not only that but the reason she be da doc is cuz much affirmative actionz... Not because of good grades.

Would you let a monkey* operator on you?

Nope. Wouldn't let a nigger either.

First of all just because you're studying medicine (which I doubt she's actually in med school for the first part) it doesn't mean you're going to become a doctor, I'm in med school and we have many dropouts, especially niggers
Second of all being published in "psych-oncology" doesn't mean anything because psychology doesn't have anything to do with the treatment of cancer and it's basically the sociology of medicine
Third of all, you're a filthy fucking nigger, so no one cares what you think.

you must be new here

>I am a medical student
You're an affirmative action welfare queen

Where was she given all those oportunities i wonder?

Oh my fucking god it's true.


>Many cancer patients remain out of sight of the health services due to societal stigma and lack of resources to diagnose, treat and support.

>Regardless of the prognosis, cancer is a cause of anxiety and depression in more than one-third of the cancer patients.

>Across our globe there are inequality and differences in all aspects of cancer. Cancer incidence and survival are related to socio-economic status...

This isn't a science. This is a Marxist infection. The only solution is to amputate.

she should be gassed in Auschwitz

I side with the people, my people. Hope you get hit by a car.

>affirmative action college student

I had to look it up too. It's a "literally who" journal in a literally bullshit field

so she got three useless degrees so that she can be a perpetual student and keep milking financial aid. eventually she got into med school due to affirmative action, and got published in some rag journal most likely as a second, or later author. she also can speak english and two types of click and grunt languages.

wow, so fucking impressive.

Pajeets do this all the time. They'll claim that India is the greatest country on the planet...while living in Britain, the US, Canada, Australia, Europe, the Middle-East etc. Its truly bizarre, but I guess it's easy to be proud of a piece of shit, if you don't have to step in it everyday.

>proud of my shithole country
>Packs bags and fucks off never to return or try and help it

youre a nigger that got a free ride through school as all niggers do. no intelligent person would use a nigger doctor.

>cherry pick one good example
>definitive of whole
>cherry pick one hoodrat nigga
>das racist

Yes, she is from a shithole country. Now go back and fix it! Your degrees are really helping your shithole country now!

It sounds like you may be speaking only for yourself sir. I believe "projection" would be the correct term.