Am I white Sup Forums?

So...Am I white? Try not to be too took a lot of courage to post this.

Other urls found in this thread:

Do you feel white?

What's your last name?

Yes. You are white.

What about me Sup Forums?

Yes but something's not white with your eyes


Ayy lmao my nigger, what is wrong with your eye?

>So...Am I white?

Well....where are you on the spectrum?

looks white to me

You look like a POW Anthony Fantano.

lol whose facebook page did you take this from

Ayy lmao

How white am i?

Uh, are you even human?

I wound your twin sister, fag.

You look like review brahs long lost cousin from Norf London

The fuck??!

You look like Anthony Fantano's downy step brother

who would still smash

Yes. Now have kids with a white woman with very narrow eyes to balance things out and we'll all be proud of you.

what fucking eye am i supposed to look at?

You look inbred.

Sage this dumb shit

I'd let you in. You could pass for a light-skinned almost anything. Half japanese, mestizo, greek, lebanese. Not enough information to be certain.

Her channel with 170 k subs.
She is also a jew shill and is paid by GEZ (tax) to tell young disabled and ugly girls in Germany to be pro kebab.
She made a video against "hatespeech" on the internet kek. And people didn't like the video if you read the comments.

I mean she still has better genes than any niggers on this planet tho.

hey look it's Jerry jone's long lost retarded son.


You look like a gay Turk. You're clearly Mexican.

You look like a young Peter Lorre. So, no. You're a jew.

More to the point, are you even a mammal ?

>Reconstructive surgery when?
Seriously, dark ages like this, in Western Europe, in 2018

courage? more like stupidity

It's not the heat; it's the humidity
It's not the ignorance it's the stupidity

Work smarter not harder

Yeah but she uses her ugly face to make shekels.
And also she is even uglier on the inside.

Her cunt is rosé pinkish flowerish for sure, but her soul is black like a shithole inhabitant.

el hombre de oscuridad

La creatura...



you look like a slav/nigger hybrid, so no

You're white, but you look like you're on the left side of the bell curve there buddy

Sir, we will be successful in implementing your plan, my Lord.

Be American
>huge mudslide
>shower down white survivors
>still brown

fuck off

How about you fuck off instead cunt

You’re a cunt for posting your friends pic. Just so you know.
>guy in pic has a funky eye but is white
Your not though Mutty

Nice tits
>Shame about that face

ok, Jamal Goldstein

One's lookin at ya one's lookin for ya!

Yeah you're white but you also have fetal alcoholism.

You look like a gay fish desu

You’re some kind of insect breed with shockimg levels of homosexuality. Saged faggot


am i white real question bros


your mother drank when she was pregnant but you could probably pass as white. as long as you dont ask people if you're white

Drank what, fucking bleach ?

idk ask your mother

She doesn't even know your mother so it'd be pointless.

Yes you white

If I fucked her, I’d just cover the right side (my left) of her face.

If I had to guess I would say half white.. half donkey.. your eyes are trying to migrate to the sides of your head

Holy fuck, shlomo. Go get me a bagel.

What is it like having eyes this far apart?

Is it like fisheye camera lens 24/7?

wtf are up with your eyes. How many chromosomes do you have?